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Commit f76e9692 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski
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[bare_top] many changes which should be in different commits: added MUX to...

[bare_top] many changes which should be in different commits: added MUX to chipscope, added out_blk_states to HWDU, changed MPM parameters - was too slow
parent 16001e42
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......@@ -139,14 +139,15 @@ end scb_top_bare;
architecture rtl of scb_top_bare is
constant c_GW_VERSION : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"08_11_13_00"; --DD_MM_YY_VV
constant c_GW_VERSION : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12_11_13_01"; --DD_MM_YY_VV
constant c_NUM_WB_SLAVES : integer := 16;
constant c_NUM_PORTS : integer := g_num_ports;
constant c_MAX_PORTS : integer := 18;
constant c_NUM_GL_PAUSE : integer := 2; -- number of output global PAUSE sources for SWcore
constant c_RTU_EVENTS : integer := 9; -- number of RMON events per port
constant c_DBG_V_SWCORE : integer := (3*10) + 2 + -- 3 resources, each has with of CNT of 10 bits +2 to make it 32
(g_num_ports+1)*16; -- states of input blocks (including NIC)
constant c_DBG_V_SWCORE : integer := (3*10) + 2 + -- 3 resources, each has with of CNT of 10 bits +2 to make it 32
(g_num_ports+1)*16 + -- states of input blocks (including NIC)
(g_num_ports+1)*8; -- states of output blocks (including NIC)
constant c_DBG_N_REGS : integer := 1 + integer(ceil(real(c_DBG_V_SWCORE)/real(32))); -- 32-bits debug registers which go to HWDU
constant c_TRU_EVENTS : integer := 1;
constant c_ALL_EVENTS : integer := c_TRU_EVENTS + c_RTU_EVENTS + c_epevents_sz;
......@@ -297,12 +298,18 @@ architecture rtl of scb_top_bare is
signal vic_irqs : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
type t_trig is array(integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal control0 : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
signal trig0, trig1, trig2, trig3 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal trig0, trig1, trig2, trig3 : t_trig(7 downto 0);--std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal t0, t1, t2, t3 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal rst_n_periph : std_logic;
signal link_kill : std_logic_vector(c_NUM_PORTS-1 downto 0);
function f_fabric_2_slv (
in_i : t_wrf_sink_in;
in_o : t_wrf_sink_out) return std_logic_vector is
......@@ -390,6 +397,8 @@ architecture rtl of scb_top_bare is
signal ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array : t_ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal ep_dbg_tx_pcs_wr_array : t_ep_dbg_tx_pcs_array(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal ep_dbg_tx_pcs_rd_array : t_ep_dbg_tx_pcs_array(g_num_ports-1 downto 0);
signal dbg_chps_id : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
......@@ -400,6 +409,7 @@ begin
--CS_ILA : chipscope_ila
-- port map (
-- CLK => clk_sys,
-- TRIG0 => TRIG0,
-- TRIG1 => TRIG1,
......@@ -708,9 +718,9 @@ begin
g_wb_addr_width => 2,
g_wb_sel_width => 2,
g_wb_ob_ignore_ack => false,
g_mpm_mem_size => 67584,
g_mpm_page_size => 66,
g_mpm_ratio => 6, --f_swc_ratio, --2
g_mpm_mem_size => 65536, --test: 61440,--old: 65536,
g_mpm_page_size => 64, --test: 60,--old: 64,
g_mpm_ratio => 8, --test: 10,--old: 8, --f_swc_ratio, --2
g_mpm_fifo_size => 8,
g_mpm_fetch_next_pg_in_advance => false,
g_drop_outqueue_head_on_full => true,
......@@ -1001,7 +1011,7 @@ begin
clk_i => clk_sys,
dbg_regs_i => dbg_n_regs,
dbg_chps_id_o => dbg_chps_id,
wb_i => cnx_master_out(c_SLAVE_HWDU),
wb_o => cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_HWDU));
......@@ -1014,6 +1024,7 @@ begin
cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_HWDU).err <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_HWDU).stall <= '0';
cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_HWDU).rty <= '0';
dbg_chps_id <= (others =>'0');
end generate;
......@@ -1084,11 +1095,16 @@ begin
CS_ILA : chipscope_ila
port map (
CLK => phys_i(0).rx_clk,
TRIG3 => TRIG3);
CLK => clk_sys, --phys_i(0).rx_clk,
TRIG0 => T0,
TRIG1 => T1,
TRIG2 => T2,
TRIG3 => T3);
T0 <= TRIG0(to_integer(unsigned(dbg_chps_id)));
T1 <= TRIG1(to_integer(unsigned(dbg_chps_id)));
T2 <= TRIG2(to_integer(unsigned(dbg_chps_id)));
T3 <= TRIG3(to_integer(unsigned(dbg_chps_id)));
--------------------------- dbg_epj
-- TRIG0(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
......@@ -1115,23 +1131,23 @@ begin
-- TRIG3( 19) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
-- TRIG3(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
----------------------------- dbg_epj.v2
TRIG0(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
TRIG0(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
TRIG0( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
TRIG0(23 downto 19) <= phys_i(0).rx_bitslide;
TRIG0(31 downto 24) <= ep_dbg_rx_buf_array(0);
-- ----------------------------- dbg_epj.v2
TRIG0(1)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
TRIG0(1)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
TRIG0(1)( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
TRIG0(1)(23 downto 19) <= phys_i(0).rx_bitslide;
TRIG0(1)(31 downto 24) <= ep_dbg_rx_buf_array(0);
TRIG1(29 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(0)(29 downto 0); -- rx_path
TRIG1(1)(29 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(0)(29 downto 0); -- rx_path
TRIG2(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
TRIG2(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG2(1)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
TRIG2(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG3(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(7);
TRIG3(17 downto 16) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
TRIG3( 18) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
TRIG3( 19) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
TRIG3(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
TRIG3(1)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(7);
TRIG3(1)(17 downto 16) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
TRIG3(1)( 18) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
TRIG3(1)( 19) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
TRIG3(1)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
-- ----------------------------- dbg_epj.v3
-- TRIG0(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data;
......@@ -1230,4 +1246,106 @@ begin
-- TRIG3( 19) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
-- TRIG3(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(61 downto 52) ; -- normal resources
----------------------------- dbg_epj new-v7
TRIG0(0)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data ;
TRIG0(0)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
TRIG0(0)( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
TRIG0(0)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
TRIG0(0)( 24) <= endpoint_src_out(0).cyc;
TRIG0(0)( 25) <= endpoint_src_out(0).stb;
TRIG0(0)( 26) <= endpoint_src_in(0).stall;
TRIG0(0)( 27) <= endpoint_src_in(0).err;
TRIG0(0)( 28) <= endpoint_src_in(0).ack;
TRIG0(0)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).cyc;
TRIG0(0)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).stb;
TRIG0(0)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).stall;
TRIG1(0)(29 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(0)(29 downto 0); -- rx_path
TRIG1(0)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).ack;
TRIG1(0)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).err;
TRIG2(0)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
TRIG2(0)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
TRIG2(0)( 30) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
TRIG2(0)( 31) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
TRIG3(0)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(7);
TRIG3(0)(23 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).dat(7 downto 0);
gen_18P_out_blk_states: if(g_num_ports = 18 ) generate
TRIG3(0)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(431 downto 424); -- for 18 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
end generate gen_18P_out_blk_states;
gen_8P_out_blk_states: if(g_num_ports = 8 ) generate
TRIG3(0)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(271 downto 264); -- for 8 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
end generate gen_8P_out_blk_states;
----------------------------- dbg_epj new - v8
-- TRIG0(2)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data ;
-- TRIG0(2)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
-- TRIG0(2)( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
-- TRIG0(2)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
-- TRIG0(2)( 24) <= endpoint_src_out(0).cyc;
-- TRIG0(2)( 25) <= endpoint_src_out(0).stb;
-- TRIG0(2)( 26) <= endpoint_src_in(0).stall;
-- TRIG0(2)( 27) <= endpoint_src_in(0).err;
-- TRIG0(2)( 28) <= endpoint_src_in(0).ack;
-- TRIG0(2)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).cyc;
-- TRIG0(2)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).stb;
-- TRIG0(2)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).stall;
-- TRIG1(2)(29 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(0)(29 downto 0); -- rx_path
-- TRIG1(2)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).ack;
-- TRIG1(2)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(7).err;
-- TRIG2(2)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(7)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
-- TRIG2(2)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
-- TRIG2(2)( 30) <= phys_i(7).tx_enc_err;
-- TRIG2(2)( 31) <= phys_i(7).tx_disparity;
-- TRIG3(2)(7 downto 0) <= dbg_n_regs(239 downto 232);
-- TRIG3(2)(21 downto 12) <= ep_dbg_tx_pcs_wr_array(0);
-- TRIG3(2)(31 downto 22) <= ep_dbg_tx_pcs_rd_array(7);
-- ----------------------------- dbg_epj new-v7
-- TRIG0(3)(15 downto 0) <= phys_i(0).rx_data ;
-- TRIG0(3)(17 downto 16) <= phys_i(0).rx_k;
-- TRIG0(3)( 18) <= phys_i(0).rx_enc_err;
-- TRIG0(3)(20 downto 19) <= ep_dbg_k_array(7);
-- TRIG0(3)( 24) <= endpoint_src_out(0).cyc;
-- TRIG0(3)( 25) <= endpoint_src_out(0).stb;
-- TRIG0(3)( 26) <= endpoint_src_in(0).stall;
-- TRIG0(3)( 27) <= endpoint_src_in(0).err;
-- TRIG0(3)( 28) <= endpoint_src_in(0).ack;
-- TRIG0(3)( 29) <= endpoint_snk_in(1).cyc;
-- TRIG0(3)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_in(1).stb;
-- TRIG0(3)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(1).stall;
-- TRIG1(3)(29 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(0)(29 downto 0); -- rx_path
-- TRIG1(3)( 30) <= endpoint_snk_out(1).ack;
-- TRIG1(3)( 31) <= endpoint_snk_out(1).err;
-- TRIG2(3)(11 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_fab_pipes_array(1)(43 downto 32); -- tx_path
-- TRIG2(3)(29 downto 20) <= dbg_n_regs(41 downto 32) ; -- unknow resources
-- TRIG2(3)( 30) <= phys_i(1).tx_enc_err;
-- TRIG2(3)( 31) <= phys_i(1).tx_disparity;
-- TRIG3(3)(15 downto 0) <= ep_dbg_data_array(1);
-- TRIG3(3)(23 downto 16) <= endpoint_snk_in(7).dat(7 downto 0);
-- gen_18P_out_blk_states: if(g_num_ports = 18 ) generate
-- TRIG3(3)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(431 downto 424); -- for 18 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
-- end generate gen_18P_out_blk_states;
-- gen_8P_out_blk_states: if(g_num_ports = 8 ) generate
-- TRIG3(3)(31 downto 24) <= dbg_n_regs(271 downto 264); -- for 8 ports: should be states of output block i SWcore
-- end generate gen_8P_out_blk_states;
end rtl;
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