Commit 0e2172f0 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

when oob.valid, ep_tx_pcs_16bit should (just as ep_tx_psc_8bit) wait for the…

when oob.valid, ep_tx_pcs_16bit should (just as ep_tx_psc_8bit) wait for the U_TX_FIFO to empty in order to catch the proper timestamp for the oob signalled packet.
parent 196934e8
......@@ -520,22 +520,19 @@ begin
end if;
end process;
gen_tx_busy : process(tx_state)
case (tx_state) is
when TX_CR12 =>
tx_busy <= '0';
when TX_CR34 =>
tx_busy <= '0';
tx_busy <= '0';
when others =>
if rising_edge(phy_tx_clk_i) then
if fifo_empty = '0' or (tx_state /= TX_CR12 and tx_state /= TX_CR34 and tx_state /= TX_COMMA_IDLE) then
tx_busy <= '1';
end case;
tx_busy <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- tx_busy <= '1' when (fifo_empty = '0') or (tx_state /= TX_COMMA_IDLE) else '0';
pcs_dreq_o <= not fifo_almost_full;
end behavioral;
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