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Meeting with Statnett

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Rabbit \hspace{18em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]{White Rabbit}
% \subtitle{And some notes on GMT and BST}
% \author[CERN\hspace{17em} Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski}
% \author[European Organization for Nuclear Research $\mid$ Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski}
% \author[Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski $\mid$ European Organization for Nuclear Research]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski}
\author[Javier Serrano on behalf of the CERN WR Team]{Javier Serrano on behalf of the CERN WR Team}
\institute{European Organisation for Nuclear Research\\(CERN)}
\date[22 February 2024]{Meeting with Statnett\vspace{0.5cm}\\22 February 2024}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Your Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{What is White Rabbit?}
% \textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
\item Initially meant for Big Physics facilities/projects: CERN,
GSI, Nikhef\ldots
\item \textbf{Based on well-established standards}
\item Ethernet \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 802.3)}
\item Bridged Local Area Network \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 802.1Q)}
\item Precision Time Protocol \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 1588)}
\item \textbf{Extends standards} to meet new requirements and provides
\item \color{blue}{Sub-ns synchronisation}
\item \color{blue}{Deterministic data transfer}
\item Initial specs: links $\leq$10~km \& $\leq$2000 nodes
% \item<7-> Initial network specification:
% \begin{itemize}\scriptsize
% \item Fiber links length: $\leq$10~km
% \item Number of nodes: $\leq$2000
% \end{itemize}
\item \textbf{Open Source and commercially available}
% \item<9-> Many users worldwide, inc. metrology labs...
% \textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
% \textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
\textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
% \includegraphics<3>[width=0.85\textwidth]{misc/LAN.jpg}
% \includegraphics<4>[width=0.8\textwidth]{misc/ieee-1588-ptp-example.jpg}
% \includegraphics<5>[width=1.0\textwidth]{network/WR_network-ethernet.pdf}
% \includegraphics<6->[width=1.0\textwidth]{network/wr_network-enhanced_pro-v2.pdf}
% \url{}
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{frame}{Open \textbf{and} commercially available off-the-shelf}
\textbf{Companies selling White Rabbit:} \url{}
%% \Section{Technology}
%% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit technology - sub-ns synchronisation}
\begin{block}{Based on}
\item IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol on Gigabit Ethernet over fibre
\begin{block}{Enhanced with}
\item Layer 1 syntonisation
\item Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)
\item Link delay model
\begin{frame}{Short history of WR}
\item 2008: first meeting at CERN
\item 2009: first switch prototype
\item 2012: first COTS switch available (open-source hardware, gateware,
firmware, software)
\item 2012: first operational deployment of WR (Gran Sasso National Lab)
\item 2013-2018: WR concepts standardised within IEEE 1588
\item 2024: creation of the WR Collaboration
\begin{frame}{WR post-standardisation}
A technology supported by a friendly community working on a fully open-source
implementation of IEEE 1588-2019 High-Accuracy (HA) profile, with a guaranteed
sub-nanosecond accuracy.
\section{Status and Plans}
\begin{block}{Fundamental building blocks}
\item Recent release of WR PTP Core v5.
\item Upcoming software/gateware release (v7) for WR switch v3 hardware.
\begin{block}{WR Switch v4}
\item GbE and 10GbE support
\item Redundant and serviceable fans and power supplies
\item Based on Xilinx/AMD Zynq UltraScale+ System-on-Chip (SoC)
\item Expansion board slot for enhancements (low phase noise, hold-over\ldots)
for more details.
\begin{frame}{WR Switch v4}
Prototypes next month, v3 functionality before the end of the year.
Courtesy Henk Peek and Peter Jansweijer
\begin{frame}{Standardisation++ (P. Jansweijer, M. Lipi\'{n}ski)}
\begin{block}{Amendments to IEEE 1588-2019}
\item Absolute calibration
\item In-situ calibration of asymmetry
\begin{block}{Within the SNIA SFF working group}
Storage of calibration parameters in SFP EEPROM
\begin{frame}{Future developments}
\begin{block}{My guess at a WR user wishlist}
\item Monitoring: switch front panel and programming interface
\item Robustness of hardware
\item Seamless system redundancy (clock ensemble)
\item More automation in calibration
\item Evolution of link delay model
\item Standardisation/profiles
\item Set of best practices for long-distance WR
\item Lower barrier to entry: training, starting kit, documentation\ldots
Join the newly-created White Rabbit Collaboration to help us shape the future
of WR!
\section[WR Collaboration]{The White Rabbit Collaboration}
\begin{frame}{Entering a new phase}
\begin{block}{Post-standardisation issues}
\item How to maintain good support after the increase in uptake of the
technology, both in industry and academia?
\item How to ensure a high level of quality in the foundations of WR
(switch and WR PTP core)?
\begin{frame}{The White Rabbit Collaboration in a nutshell}
\begin{block}{Ensuring sustainability}
\item Members pay a yearly fee and shape the future of the technology.
\item Fees are used to pay the WR Collaboration Bureau, which offers
support (including training) and ensures WRS and WRPC are always in good health.
\begin{frame}{The White Rabbit Collaboration in a nutshell}
\begin{block}{Letting information flow}
\item Collaboration with vendors ensures coherent growth of the WR
\item Keeping members well informed: online presentations, forum, regular
\item Connecting people, institutes, companies (e.g. connecting NRENs with
\begin{frame}{The White Rabbit Collaboration in a nutshell}
\begin{block}{Ensuring high-quality}
\item Making the evolution of WRS and WRPC the main task of the Bureau
\item Teaming up with laboratories to establish a set of tests and
qualification criteria
\item Connecting the use of the WRC logo to the successful passing of those
\begin{frame}{The White Rabbit Collaboration in a nutshell}
\item Mobile (e.g. TDD on 5G)
\item Quantum: see e.g. CERN's Quantum Tech Initiative at \href{}{}
\item Smart grids
\item $<$your project here$>$
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Collaboration}
More information at
\href{}{}\\Join us
for the 13th WR Workshop and WR Collaboration Launch event (21-22 March 2024 at CERN). See details at
%% \section{Summary}
%% \subsection{}
%% \begin{frame}{Summary}
%% \begin{itemize}
%% \item A versatile, standards-based solution for sub-nanosecond
%% synchronisation.
%% \item Used in Physics and beyond, standardised under IEEE Std 1588-2019.
%% \item Fully open source (hardware, gateware, firmware, software): solid basis
%% for evolution and customisation.
%% \item Now entering a new phase through the creation of the WR Collaboration.
%% \end{itemize}
%% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Backup slides}
Backup slides
\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)}
\item Frame-based synchronisation protocol
\item Simple calculations:
\item link delay: $\delta_{ms} = \frac{(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})}{2}$
\item offset from master: $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms})$
\item<2-> Hierarchical network
\item<3-> Shortcomings of traditional PTP:
\item devices have free-running oscillators
\item frequency drift compensation traffic can compromise determinism of
other messages
\item assumes symmetry of medium
\item resolution of timestamps
\begin{frame}{Layer 1 Syntonisation}
%\begin{block}{Common clock for the entire network}
\item Clock is encoded in the Ethernet carrier and recovered by the receiver chip
\item All network devices use the same physical layer clock
\item Clock loopback allows phase detection to enhance precision of timestamps
% \item Phase detection allows sub-ns delay measurement
% \includegraphics[height=4.5cm]<2>{p1588/1588-ha-L1vsPTP-simplified.jpg}
\begin{frame}{Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)}
\item Precise phase measurements in FPGA
\item WR parameters:
\item $clk_{in}~~~~~~~~=62.5$~MHz
\item $clk_{DDMTD}=62.496185$~MHz (N=14)
\item $clk_{out}~~~~~~=~~3.814$~kHz
\item Theoretical resolution of 0.977~ps
% \begin{frame}{SoftPLL}
% \begin{center}
% \includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{protocol/dmpll_diagram-slides.pdf}
% \end{center}
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Link delay model}
\item <1->Correction of Round Trip Time (RTT) for asymmetries
\item <2->Asymmetry sources: FPGA, PCB, electrical/optical conversion,
chromatic dispersion
\item <3->Link delay model:
\item \textbf{Fixed delays} -- calibrated/measured
\item \textbf{Variable delays} -- evaluated online with:\vspace{0.1cm} $\alpha = \frac{\nu_g(\lambda_s)}{\nu_g(\lambda_m)} -1 = \frac{\delta_{ms} - \delta_{sm}}{\delta_{sm}}$
\item <4-> Accurate offset from master (OFM):\scriptsize \\\vspace{0.2cm}
% $RTT=(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})$\\
$\delta_{ms}~ = \frac{1 + \alpha}{2 + \alpha} \, (RTT - \sum \Delta - \sum \epsilon)$\vspace{0.2cm}
$OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms} + \Delta_{txm} + \Delta_{rxs} + \epsilon_S)$
%\tiny See: \textit{WR Calibration} [9]
% \pause\pause\pause\pause
% \scriptsize See: \textit{WR Calibration}, version 1.1, G.Daniluk
\begin{frame}{High Accuracy in IEEE 1588}
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