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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\title[White Rabbit \hspace{18em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]{White Rabbit}
\subtitle{A short introduction and update}
% \author[CERN\hspace{17em} Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski}
% \author[European Organization for Nuclear Research $\mid$  Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski}
% \author[Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski $\mid$ European Organization for Nuclear Research]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski}
\author[Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski, Javier Serrano $\mid$ CERN]{Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski,
  Javier Serrano}
\institute{European Organisation for Nuclear Research\\(CERN)}
\date[30 September 2020]{Virtual workshop on White Rabbit for time and frequency
  transfer\vspace{0.5cm}\\30 September 2020}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Your Document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%





\begin{frame}{What is White Rabbit [1]?}
% \textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
		\item<1-> Initiated to renovate CERN's and GSI's accelerator
                  timing system
		\item<2-> \textbf{Based on well-established standards}
		  \item <3->Ethernet \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 802.3)}
		  \item <3->Bridged Local Area Network \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 802.1Q)}
		  \item <4->Precision Time Protocol \textcolor{gray}{(IEEE 1588)}
		\item<6->Extends standards to meet new requirements and provides
		\item \color{blue!90}{\textbf{Sub-ns synchronisation}}
		\item \color{red}{Deterministic data transfer} [2]
                \item<7-> Initial specs: links $\leq$10~km \& $\leq$2000 nodes
%     \item<7-> Initial network specification:  
% 		\begin{itemize}\scriptsize
% 		\item Fiber links length: $\leq$10~km
% 		\item Number of nodes: $\leq$2000 
% 		\end{itemize}

    \item<8-> \textbf{Open Source and commercially available}
%     \item<9-> Many users worldwide, inc. metrology labs...

% \textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
% \textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
\textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
% 		\includegraphics<3>[width=0.85\textwidth]{misc/LAN.jpg}
% 		\includegraphics<4>[width=0.8\textwidth]{misc/ieee-1588-ptp-example.jpg}
% 		\includegraphics<5>[width=1.0\textwidth]{network/WR_network-ethernet.pdf}
% 		\includegraphics<6->[width=1.0\textwidth]{network/wr_network-enhanced_pro-v2.pdf}

% 	     \url{}
\begin{frame}{Open \textbf{and} commercially available off-the-shelf}
 \textbf{Companies selling White Rabbit [3]:} \url{}

% \begin{frame}{White Rabbit application examples}
%   \begin{columns}[c]
%     \column{0.7\textwidth}
%   \begin{itemize}
%       \item<1-> \color<2->{black!50}{CERN and GSI}
%       \item<2-> \color<3->{black!50}{HiSCORE: Gamma\&Cosmic-Ray experiment}
%       \item<3-> \color<4->{black!50}{The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory}
%       \item<4-> \color<5->{black!50}{MIKES: Centre for metrology and accreditation}
%       \item<5-> {KM3NET: European deep-sea neutrino telescope}
%     \end{itemize}
%     \column{0.45\textwidth}    
%     \begin{center}
%       \includegraphics<1>[width=0.80\textwidth]{applications/gsiANDcern.pdf}
%       \pause
%       \includegraphics<2>[width=1\textwidth]{applications/tunka.pdf}
%       \pause
%       \includegraphics<3>[width=1\textwidth]{applications/lhaaso.pdf}
%       \pause
%       \includegraphics<4>[width=.7\textwidth]{applications/mikes.pdf}
%       \pause
%       \includegraphics<5->[width=1\textwidth]{applications/KM3NeT.pdf}
%     \end{center}
%   \end{columns}
%   \pause
%     {\small More WR collaborators: \url{}}
% \end{frame}

\begin{frame}{Many users worldwide, including metrology labs...}
% \small
      \item<1-> \color<2->{black!50}{CERN and GSI}
      \item<2-> \color<3->{black!50}{The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory}
      \item<3-> \color<4->{black!50}{KM3NET: Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope}
      \item<4-> \color<5->{black!50}{German Stock Exchange}
      \item<5-> \color<7->{black!50}{Mikes: Finish Metrology Institute}  
      \item<6-> \color<7->{black!50}{Metrology Institutes in Netherlands (VSL), \\France (LNE-SYRTE), USA (NIST), UK (NPL) and\\Italy (INRIM)} %and Belgium (SMD)
      \item<7-> ESA: European Space Agency for Galileo


%       \includegraphics<2>[width=1\textwidth]{applications/lhaaso.pdf}
%       \includegraphics<3>[width=1\textwidth]{applications/KM3NeT.pdf}
%       \includegraphics<4>[width=1\textwidth]{applications/GermanStockExchange.jpg}

    {\scriptsize See user page [4]: \url{}}
    {\scriptsize See also article [5] and newsletter [6]}



\begin{frame}{White Rabbit technology - sub-ns synchronisation}
  \begin{block}{Based on}
      \item IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol \\ on Gigabit Ethernet over fibre
  \begin{block}{Enhanced with}
      \item Layer 1 syntonisation
      \item Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)
      \item Link delay model

\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)}
	  \item Frame-based synchronisation protocol
    \item Simple calculations:
      \item link delay: $\delta_{ms} = \frac{(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})}{2}$
      \item offset from master: $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms})$
    \item<2-> Hierarchical network
    \item<3-> Shortcomings:
      \item devices have free-running oscillators
      \item frequency drift compensation vs. message exchange traffic
      \item assumes symmetry of medium
      \item timestamps resolution

\begin{frame}{Layer 1 Syntonisation}
 %\begin{block}{Common clock for the entire network}
    \item Clock is encoded in the Ethernet carrier and recovered by the receiver chip
    \item All network devices use the same physical layer clock
    \item Clock loopback allows phase detection to enhance precision of timestamps
%     \item Phase detection allows sub-ns delay measurement
%   \includegraphics[height=4.5cm]<2>{p1588/1588-ha-L1vsPTP-simplified.jpg}

\begin{frame}{Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)}

    \item Precise phase measurements in FPGA
    \item WR parameters:
      \item $clk_{in}~~~~~~~~=62.5$~MHz 
      \item $clk_{DDMTD}=62.496185$~MHz (N=14)
      \item $clk_{out}~~~~~~=~~3.814$~kHz
    \item Theoretical resolution of 0.977~ps


% \begin{frame}{SoftPLL}
%   \begin{center}
%     \includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{protocol/dmpll_diagram-slides.pdf}
%   \end{center}
% \end{frame}


\begin{frame}{Link delay model}
      \item <1->Correction of RTT for asymmetries
        \item <2->Asymmetry sources: FPGA, PCB, SFP electrics/optics, chromatic dispersion [7,8]
        \item <3->Link delay model:
          \item \textbf{Fixed delays} -- calibrated/measured
          \item \textbf{Variable delays} -- evaluated online with:\vspace{0.1cm} $\alpha = \frac{\nu_g(\lambda_s)}{\nu_g(\lambda_m)} -1  = \frac{\delta_{ms} - \delta_{sm}}{\delta_{sm}}$
        \item <4-> Accurate offset from master (OFM):\scriptsize \\\vspace{0.2cm}
%          $RTT=(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})$\\
         $\delta_{ms}~ = \frac{1 + \alpha}{2 + \alpha} \, (RTT - \sum \Delta - \sum \epsilon)$\vspace{0.2cm}
         $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms} + \Delta_{txm} + \Delta_{rxs} + \epsilon_S)$
     \tiny See: \textit{WR Calibration} [9]
%   \pause\pause\pause\pause
%   \scriptsize See: \textit{WR Calibration}, version 1.1, G.Daniluk
% \section{Equipment}
% \subsection{}
% \begin{frame}{Typical WR network}
%   \begin{center}
% 		\includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{network/wr_network-enhanced_pro.pdf}
%   \end{center}
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}[t,fragile]{White Rabbit Switch [10]}
% 	\begin{center}
% 		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{switch/wrSwitch_v3_3.jpg}
% 		\begin{itemize}\small
% 			\item Central element of WR network
% 			\item 18 port gigabit Ethernet switch with WR features
% 			\item Default Optical transceivers: up to 10km, single-mode fiber
%       \item Fully open, commercially available from 4 companies
% 		\end{itemize}
% 	\end{center}
% 	\begin{center}\scriptsize
% 	 NOTE: Work started on a new WR switch with 10 Gigabit Ethernet 
% 	 \end{center}
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{Simplified block diagram of the hardware}
% 	\vspace{-0.3cm}
%   \begin{center}
%     \includegraphics[width=.85\textwidth]{switch/switch3_4_simple_diagram_h.pdf}
%   \end{center} 
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{Open \textbf{and} commercially available off-the-shelf}
% 		\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{misc/WR-zoo.jpg}
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{WR Node [11]: carrier board + FMC}
% \vspace{-0.5cm}
% \begin{center}
%     \includegraphics[width=9.5cm]{node/shw_kit2.png}
%     \end{center}
%   \begin{columns}[c]
%     \column{.01\textwidth}
%     \column{.98\textwidth}
% \vspace{-0.5cm}
% 	\begin{block}{FMC-based Hardware Kit}
% 	  \begin{itemize}\small
% %	  \item Carrier boards in PCI-Express, VME, PXIe
% 	  \item All carrier cards are equipped with a White Rabbit port
% 	  \item All carrier cards instantite WR PTP Core [12]
% 	  \item Mezzanines can use the accurate clock signal and ``TAI''
% 		\\ (synchronous sampling clock, trigger time tag, ...)
% 	  \end{itemize}
% 	\end{block}
%     \column{.01\textwidth}
%   \end{columns}
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{White Rabbit PTP Core [11]}
%  \begin{center}
%    \includegraphics[width=\textheight]{node/wrNode.jpg}
%    \end{center}
% \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Time transfer: out-of-the-box}



\begin{frame}{Time transfer: out-of-the-box}

    Reported in 2011 in [13]

\begin{frame}{Frequency transfer: out-of-the-box and improved}

    Measurement device: Microsemi/Microchip 3120A Phase Noise Test Probe\\


\begin{frame}{Frequency transfer: out-of-the-box and improved}
%     \includegraphics[width=.57\textwidth]{measurements/WRSlowJitter/GM+BC_pn.jpg}
%     \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{measurements/WRSlowJitter/GM+BC_pn+MDEC.jpg}
  \item<1-> Out-of-the-box performance:
    \item \textbf{GM-in to GM-out}: jitter of \textbf{9~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of \textbf{2E-12} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
    \item \textbf{GM-in to Slave-out}: jitter of \textbf{11~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of \textbf{4E-12}  $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
  \item<2-> WR Switches improved with Low Jitter Daughterboard (LJD [14, 16]):
    \item \textbf{GM-in to GM-out}: jitter of \textbf{1~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of $<$\textbf{5E-13} $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
    \item \textbf{GM-in to Slave-out}: jitter of $<$\textbf{2~ps} RMS 1~Hz--100~kHz and MDEV of $<$\textbf{7E-13}  $\tau$=1~s ENBW 50~Hz
%   \item<3-> Enhanced end-node (Morion MV207 OCXO):
%   \begin{itemize}\tiny
%     \item \textbf{GM-out to BC-out}: jitter of $<$\textbf{100fs} RMS 10Hz-10MHz 
%   \end{itemize}
% \pause\pause
% \begin{center}\scriptsize
%   See more in t [14, 16]
% \end{center}


\begin{frame}{WR time \& frequency tranfser: state of the art}

    \item \textbf{GM-out to end-node-out}: accuracy of $<$\textbf{10~ps} 
    \item \textbf{GM-out to end-node-out}: jitter of $<$\textbf{100~fs} RMS 10~Hz--10~MHz 

\section[WR and Open Source]{White Rabbit and Open Source}

\begin{frame}{The White Rabbit ecosystem 1/2}
  \begin{block}{Individuals, companies and public institutions}
      \item Open Source provides level playing field.
      \item ``Open Core'' business model with ever-expanding core.
      \item If you are paid with public money, please publish all your
        contributions under an open-source licence. See \textcolor{cyan}{

\begin{frame}{The White Rabbit ecosystem 1/2}
  \begin{block}{Challenges ahead}
      \item How to maintain a healthy ever-expanding open core? The issue with
      \item How to manage the evolution of WR in a fair, transparent way?
      \item How to make WR more sustainable, providing a template other FOSS and
        OSHW projects can use?
  Should we create a White Rabbit Foundation?

\begin{frame}{WR applications in science and beyond}

      \item Time \& frequency transfer
      \item Time-based control
      \item Precise timestamping
      \item Trigger distribution
      \item Fixed-latency data transfer
      \item Radio-frequency transfer
    \begin{block}{\centering New paradigm}
    Precise time \& frequency transfer\\ revolutionises \\the way science is made !


\begin{frame}{Time \& frequency transfer}
    \item Widely used/evaluated by Time Laboratories\\
    \textcolor{white}{Evaluated by Deutsche Telecom}
  |      c         |         c        |       c           |   r      |       r             l        | } \hline
  \textbf{Time Lab}& \textbf{Country} & \textbf{When}& \textbf{Length} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Time Error}}\\ \hline
  VTT              & Finland          & 2016              & 950~km   & $\pm$2~ns     &                          \\   \cline{3-6}
  MIKES            &                  & 2018              & 50~km    & $<$1~ns       &                          \\   \hline
                   &                  & 2016              & 2x137~km & $\approx$8~ns &(2 sigma, normal dist.)   \\ \cline{3-6}%
  VSL              & Netherlands      & 2018              & 2x100~km & $<$1~ns       & (rectangular dist.)            \\   \cline{3-6}
                   &                  & 2019              & 2x100~km & $<$100~ps     & (rectangular dist.)            \\     \hline
  LNE-             &                  & 2016              & 25~km    & 150~ps        &                          \\   \cline{3-6}
  SYRTE            & France           & 2017              & 125~km   & 2.5~ns        &                          \\   \cline{4-6}
                   &                  &                   & 4x125~km & 2.5~ns        &                          \\   \hline
  NIST             & USA              & 2018              & $<$10~km & $<$200~ps      &                          \\   \hline
  NPL              & UK               & 2017               & 2x80~km  & $<$1~ns       &                          \\   \hline
  INRIM            & Italy            & 2014              & 50~km    & 800~ps        & $\pm$56~ps               \\   \cline{4-6}
                   &                  &               & 70~km    & 610~ps        & $\pm$47~ps               \\   \hline
  SMD \&           & Belgium to       & 2019              & 260~km   & $\pm$200~ps   & (2 sigma, normal dist.)  \\  
   ESTEC           & Netherlands      &                   &                   &               &                          \\     \hline
  %                 & 400~km           &                &                     \\   \hline

\scriptsize See more in [5] and [6]
\begin{frame}{Time \& frequency transfer}
    \item Widely used/evaluated by Time Laboratories
    \item Evaluated by Deutsche Telecom
ISPCS keynote \textit{Highly Accurate Time Dissemination \& Network Synchronisation}, Helmut Imlau, Deutsche Telekom


% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{Time \& frequency transfer}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{columns}[c]
%   \column{.4\textwidth}
%   \begin{itemize}\small
%     \item<1-> Not very useful in scientific installations
%     \item<2-> Widely used/evaluated by National Time Laboratories\\
%     \textcolor{white}{bleblebleblebleblebleblebleblebleblebleblebleblebleblebleblebleblebleble}
%   \end{itemize} 
%     \column{.7\textwidth}
%     \pause
% \begin{table}
% \scriptsize
% \begin{tabular}{
% |      c         |         c        |       c          |       c        | } \hline
% \textbf{Time Lab}& \textbf{Country} & \textbf{Link Length}& \textbf{Time Error}\\ \hline
% VTT              & Finland     & 950~km           & $\pm$2ns       \\   \cline{3-4}
% MIKES            &             & 50~km            & $<$1ns         \\   \hline
% VSL              & Netherlands & 2x137~km         & $\approx$8ns         \\   \hline
% %                  &             & 25~km            & 150ps          & 1-2ps@1000s         \\   \cline{3-5}
% LNE-             &             & 25~km            & 150ps          \\   \cline{3-4}
% SYRTE            & France      & 125~km           & 2.5ns          \\   \cline{3-4}
%                  &             & 4x125~km         & 2.5ns          \\   \hline
% NIST             & USA         & $<$10~km         & $<$200ps    \\   \hline
% NLP              & UK          & 2x80~km          & $<$1ns         \\   \hline
%                  &             & 50~km            & 800ps $\pm$56ps\\   \cline{3-4}
% INRIM            & Italy       & 70~km            & 610ps $\pm$47ps\\   \hline
% %                 & 400~km           &                &                     \\   \hline
% \end{tabular}
% \end{table}
% \end{columns}
% \end{frame}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{Time \& frequency transfer}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{columns}[c]
%   \column{.4\textwidth}
%   \begin{itemize}\small
%     \item Not very useful in scientific installations
%     \item Widely used/evaluated by National Time Laboratories
%     \item Evaluated by Deutche Telecom
%   \end{itemize} 
%     \column{.7\textwidth}
% \includegraphics<1>[width=1.0\textwidth]{applications/DT.png}\\\tiny
% From ISPCS keynote "Highly Accurate Time Dissemintation and Network Synchronization" by Helmut Imlau, 
% \end{columns}
% \end{frame}
% \subsection{Time-based control}
\begin{frame}{Time-based control}

\begin{frame}{Time-based control - example application}
  \begin{itemize} \small
  \item<1-> GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Germany
  \item<2-> 1-5 ns accuracy and 10 ps precision
  \item<3-> WR network at GSI:
    \item Current: 134 nodes \& 32 switches (operational since June 2018)
    \item Final: 2000 WR nodes \& 300 switches in 5 layers


% \subsection{Precise timestamping}
\begin{frame}{Precise timestamping}
\textcolor{white}{dddd dsaf asd fasd fdsa fads f dsa fdsa f dsaf dsa fdsa f dsaf dsaf fds}
  \begin{itemize} \small
  \item<1-> Association of time with
    \item an event
    \item a sample (measured value)
  \item<2-> The most widely used WR application
    \item<3-> Time-of-flight measurement
      \item<4-> Speed of neutrinos - CNGS
      \item<5-> Types of particles - ProtoDUNE
    \item<6-> Cosmic ray and neutrino detection
      \item<7-> Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory
      \item<8-> Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope
      \item<9-> Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy
    \item<10-> German Stock Exchange




% \subsection{Trigger distribution}
\begin{frame}{Trigger distribution}


\begin{frame}{Trigger distribution - example applications}
    LHC trigger distribution to measure beam instabilities - since 2016\\
     WRXI - White Rabbit eXtensions for Instrumentation - to replace CERN’s Open Analog Signals Information System (OASIS)

% \subsection{Fixed-latency data transfer}
\begin{frame}{Fixed-latency data transfer}



\begin{frame}{Fixed-latency data transfer- example application}
Distribution of magnetic field in CERN accelerators


% \subsection{Radio-frequency transfer}
\begin{frame}{Radio-frequency transfer}
\begin{frame}{Radio-frequency transfer - example application}
  \item RF over WR at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
    \item A prototype tested in operation: $<$10 ps jitter
 \item RF over WR at CERN
    \item A prototype: $<$100 fs jitter and $<$10 ps accuracy
Maciej Lipinski's avatar
Maciej Lipinski committed
\section{WR Switch}
Maciej Lipinski's avatar
Maciej Lipinski committed
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Switch firmware v6.0}
    \item Latest firwmare release for WRS-v3 on 12 June 2020 (\textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{see}})
    \item Highlights:
        \item Low phase drift calibration (ports 1-10 only) - improved phase stability between link restarts $<$10ps 
        \item WRS Low Jitter Daugherboard support
        \item Preamble shrinkage support
        \item Port mirroring to include CPU-originated traffic
        \item Leap-second file handling and updating
        \item Kerberos for authentication
        \item Reorganized dot-config, more PTP parameters exposed
        \item PPSi reorganization to prepare for IEEE1588 HA profile
        \item PPSi compatibility with standard PTP improved (BMCA fixed)
     \item NOTE: 
      \item dot-config is re-organized, use \textbf{wrs\_menuconfig} to generate configuration
      \item it takes much longer to start the WR switch due to calibration, be patient
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Switch version 4 (WRS-4)}
    \item Project: \textcolor{cyan}{\url{}}
    \item Study phase (2019-2020):
        \item Inputs from WR community
        \item Study on the features and mainboard of the WRS-4\\
              \textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{CERN IT consultation}},
              \textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{FPGA resource evaluation}},
              \textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{features}} and
              \textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{mainboard}} specifications
        \item Negotiation of a (very good) price for the recommended FPGA
        \item \textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{New WRS-4 Workshop}}, to gather 
              \textcolor{cyan}{\href{\&utf8=\%E2\%9C\%93&state=all}{feedback}} from the WR community
        \item Final HW specification of the WRS-4
    \item Development (2020-2024) - two phases:
        \item \textbf{WRS-4 with 1 Gbps (2022)} - 18-20 ports with 1 Gbps\vspace{0.1cm}
        \item \textbf{WRS-4 with 1 \& 10 Gbps (2024)} - 18-24 ports with 1 and/or 10 Gbps
\begin{frame}{WRS-4 HW specification}

    \item Drop-in replacement for the WRS-3
    \item HW prototype with 24 ports 1 \& 10 Gbps (\textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{see}})\\
          v4.1: 18-20@1Gb\\
          v4.2: 20-24@1\&10 Gbps or\\\vspace{-0.1cm}
          \textcolor{white}{v4.2: 20-}20@1Gbps \& 2-4 @10Gbps
    \item Interfaces aligned with industry trends \& users’ needs\\
          USB C, mgmt RJ45 \& SFP, reset, 10MHz/1PPS/AUX in/out+Abscal, LCD
    \item Redundant and hot-swappable fans, as well as industry-standard power supply
    \item Fanless-ready
    \item FPGA Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC ZU17 \\
          GTH to front panel, GTY to expansion board
    \item Extension board (holdover, 25Gbps)
    \item Price-optimized for commercialisation
%     \begin{itemize}\scriptsize
%         \item Inputs from WR community
%         \item Study on the features and mainboard of the WRS-4\\
%         \item Negotation of a (very good) price for the recommended FPGA
%         \item \textit{New WRS-4 Workshop} to gather feedback from the WR community
%         \item Final HW specification of the WRS-4
%     \end{itemize} 


	  \item<1-> Sub-ns accuracy and sub-10~ps precision out-of-the-box
	  \item<2-> Sub-10~ps accuracy and sub-100~fs precision achievable
	  \item<3-> Completely open source
	  \item<4-> Commercially available off-the-shelf
	  \item<5-> Standard-based and standard extending
	  \item<6-> Included in the revised IEEE1588
	  \item<7-> Showcase of technology transfer
	  \item<8-> A versatile solution for general control and data acquisition

% 	  \item<1-> Sub-ns accuracy and sub-10ps precision out-of-the-box
% 	  \item<2-> Sub-10ps accuracy and sub-100fs precision achievable
% 	  \item<3-> Open source (H/W \& S/W) with commercial support
% 	  \item<4-> Standard-compatible and standard-extending
% 	  \item<5-> Standardised within upcoming revision of IEEE1588
% 	  \item<6-> A versatile solution for general control and data acquisition
% 	  \item<7-> More applications than ever expected
% \pause
%For more information see

    Thank you for attention!\\ Any questions?
    WR Project page:


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      Backup slides

%   \begin{enumerate}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit Project:}\url{}
%     \item \textbf{Companies selling WR:}\url{}
%     \item \textbf{Users of WR:}\url{}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit Applications and Enhancements}, M.Lipinski et. al, ISPCS2018\\\url{}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit Newsletter, September 2018} \\\url{}
%     \item \textbf{Temperature Effect and Correction Method of White Rabbit Timing Link}; Hongming Li, Guanghua Gong, Weibin Pan, Qiang Du, Jianmin Li
%     \item \textbf{DWDM Stabilized Optics for White Rabbit}, Paul Boven
%     \item \textbf{WR Calibration}, version 1.1, G.Daniluk\\ \url{}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit Switch:} \url{}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit Node:} \url{}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit PTP Core:} \url{}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit: a PTP application for robust sub-nanosecond synchronization}, M. Lipiński et el, ISPCS2011\\\url{}
%     \item \textbf{White Rabbit Clock Synchronization: Ultimate Limits on Close-In Phase Noise and Short-Term Stability Due to FPGA Implementation}, M.Rizzi et el, UFFC-T, 2018\\\url{}