... | ... | @@ -7,59 +7,34 @@ |
### Q: what is really the state of the design?
State in March 2013: The VME core has been tested in several
configurations, including on several different boards
([VFC](https://www.ohwr.org/project/fmc-vme-carrier/wiki) and
[SVEC](https://www.ohwr.org/project/svec/wiki)) together in the same
crate and with several other modules sending traffic at the same time.
Basically to test this core we used our experience that we had built up
when testing commercial VME boards. This also used DMA from the
processor board used in the crate.
The code has been developed by a company and then CERN had a student who
worked for a year on it. We still would like to do a serious review of
the code to make sure there are no hidden bugs and just to make it all a
bit cleaner.
It is a product that we will support as we will base all our SVEC
designs on it. For example the [ADC100M
mezzanine](https://www.ohwr.org/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha/wiki) that you sell
will also be ported to the
[SVEC](https://www.ohwr.org/project/svec/wiki) and will use the core.
Recently we found some errors and corrected them in a few days as can be
seen in the
[Repository](https://www.ohwr.org/project/vme64x-core/tree/master). This
was on Rev.194. From the commit comments in this same repository you can
also quite well follow what is being changed.
Resuming, yes it is a perfectly usable core:
- The black box testing we've done is a proof that it is working
pretty fine.
- CERN's commitment to use it for all SVEC designs assures it will
work and will be maintained in case we find any further bugs.
We will also be happy to receive feedback from you when you'll dig into
the code.
May 2017: the core is still used for any design using the SVEC. You may
follow any [outstanding
issues](https://www.ohwr.org/project/vme64x-core/issues) (that don't
stop us from using this core).
During October to December 2017, the core (version 2) was tested on a
SVEC card with the MEN A20 and MEN A25 masters.
## Technical
### Q: Does the core support RORA mode (Release on Register Access)?
### Q:How to port a design from v1.0 to v2.0?
The core does *not* support the RORA mode.
Furthermore note that the Interrupter implemented has not a queue.
You can implement a queue in your WB application and output a new
interrupt request only after a read operation.
This will be the equivalent of a RORA Interrupter.
The official top level entity for the vme64x core is xvme64x\_core,
which has the vme, wb and configuration grouped in
The VME signals berr\_n and irq\_n are now active when set to '0' (like
on a VME bus), while in version 1.0 they followed the polarity of the
SVEC card.
The generic g\_WB\_GRANULARITY was added in v2.0. For compatibility, it
should be set to BYTE if the vme64x\_core is instantiated and to WORD if
the xvme64x\_core is instantiated.
For software compatibility, AM matching should be disabled by setting
generic g\_DECODE\_AM to false.
### Q:In which FPGA is it possible to fit the vme64x core?
On the SVEC card (Spartan 6), the core needs less than 750 registers.
We are testing the core in the following FPGA:
- Spartan 6
... | ... | @@ -80,24 +55,14 @@ It depends on your WB application. |
### Q: What are the VME address modifiers supported by the core?
Officially we support only:
- A24 and A32 with 32-bit data width, supervisor mode (0x09 and 0x39).
- Single, MBLT, BLT transfers.
- The A32 window has size of 0x1000000 and is fixed to Function 0.
- The A24 window's size is 0x80000 and it's attached to Function 1.
This is the default setup in `VME_CR_pack.vhd`.
Certain other modes (A16, unaligned/byte/halfword accesses) are
implemented in the VHDL but have not been fully
- A24: AM 0x38 to 0x3f
- A32: AM 0x08 to 0x0f
### Q: I use the SVEC. How can I change the base address by writing appropriate values in some registers (ADER, ADEM, and possibly others)?
Probably the example in the documentation of the
of the SVEC is the most helpful in this, as it contains worked
Write the ADER registers with the address base and the AM.
In addition, the code of [svec\_setup\_csr() in the svec device
driver](https://www.ohwr.org/project/svec-sw/tree/master/) can also be
very helpful in understanding how you can do the configuration by
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