Commit b4dc77d0 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

doc: rewording.

parent b45975e1
......@@ -255,6 +255,45 @@ The indentation is two spaces. Identation is used:
* for nested concurrent or sequential statements
* for the second and later lines of a multi-line declaration or statement.
The only exception to this rule is for case statements: statements in
alternative must also be indented except when there is only one simple
statement. In the latter case the simple statement can directly
follow the `=>`.
case addr(2 downto 0) is
when "000" => s <= "010";
when "001" => s <= "001";
when others => s <= "000";
end case;
The `end` of complex constructions must be on the same column as the first
token of the construction.
entity my_ent is
end my_ent;
Complex constructions must have elements on the same column:
* for if statements: `if`, `elsif` and `else`
The `begin` and the `end` must always be on the same column. This rules
concerns the following constructs:
* architecture body
* block statement
* entity declaration
* generate statement body
* process statement
* subprogram body
Reason: Indentation makes code structure clearer; 2 spaces is an
historical choice.
......@@ -375,7 +414,6 @@ Reason: Alignment makes code easier to read.
For the `if` statement, the `then` must be on the same line as the `if` or
the `elsif`, unless the condition is too long. In the latter case,
the `then` must be on the same column as the related `if` or `elsif`.
The `if`, `elif` and `end if` must be on the same column.
......@@ -405,12 +443,9 @@ Example:
For `case` statement, the `is` must be on the same line or the same
column as the `case`. Alternative must be indented. Statements in
alternative must also be indented except when there is only one simple
statement. In the latter case the simple statement can directly
follow the `=>`.
column as the `case`.
case state is
......@@ -421,26 +456,15 @@ Example
end case;
case addr(2 downto 0) is
when "000" => s <= "010";
when "001" => s <= "001";
when others => s <= "000";
end case;
Reason: Makes easier to identify nested statements.
==== [BeginEndLayout] [M] Layout of begin/end keywords
==== [SubprgIsLayout] [M] Layout of is keyword in subprogram
In many VHDL constructs, `is` introduces declarations, `begin` statements and
`end` terminates the statements.
The `begin` and the `end` must always be on the same column. If there are
declarations, the `is` must be on a new line otherwise it must be on the same
For subprogram bodies, if there are declarations the `is` must be on a
new line otherwise it must be on the same line.
......@@ -648,7 +672,7 @@ User declared types and subtypes must have the 't_' prefix.
Reason: Makes purpose of the type more obvious.
==== [PackageName] [M] Packages name
==== [PackagesName] [M] Packages name
The name of packages must have the '_pkg' suffix.
No entity can have that suffix.
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