Commit b01a8d25 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Fix minor style issues.

parent ec79e673
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-- Author(s) : Tristan Gingold <>
-- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- Created : 2017-09-19
-- Last update: 2017-10-02
-- Last update: 2017-10-09
-- Standard : VHDL'93
-- Description: Top-level file for the test design .
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ begin -- architecture top
port map (
CLKFBOUT => pllout_clk_fb_sys,
CLKOUT0 => pllout_clk_sys,
CLKOUT1 => open, --pllout_clk_sys,
CLKOUT1 => open, -- pllout_clk_sys,
CLKOUT2 => open,
CLKOUT3 => open,
CLKOUT4 => open,
......@@ -336,9 +336,12 @@ begin -- architecture top
vme_ga <= vme_gap_i & vme_ga_i;
-- VME tri-state buffers
vme_data_b <= vme_data_b_out when vme_data_dir_int = '1' else (others => 'Z');
vme_addr_b <= vme_addr_b_out when vme_addr_dir_int = '1' else (others => 'Z');
vme_lword_n_b <= vme_lword_n_b_out when vme_addr_dir_int = '1' else 'Z';
vme_data_b <= vme_data_b_out when vme_data_dir_int = '1'
else (others => 'Z');
vme_addr_b <= vme_addr_b_out when vme_addr_dir_int = '1'
else (others => 'Z');
vme_lword_n_b <= vme_lword_n_b_out when vme_addr_dir_int = '1'
else 'Z';
vme_addr_dir_o <= vme_addr_dir_int;
vme_data_dir_o <= vme_data_dir_int;
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-- source; if not, download it from
library ieee;
use ieee.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
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