Commit fe522567 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

automatically generate bin file for QSPI slot 1 programming (use smapx8 and disbale bitswap)

parent b50ba34f
Pipeline #4151 failed with stage
in 2 minutes and 6 seconds
......@@ -180,12 +180,18 @@ close_design
set bitfile_name ${spec7_design}${version}_[string range $device 3 6]_[clock format [clock seconds] -format %y%m%d_%H%M]
file copy ./work/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/${proj_name}.bit ../${bitfile_name}.bit
file copy ./work/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/${proj_name}.bit ./work/${bitfile_name}.bit
if [file exists ./${proj_name}.mmi] {
file copy ./${proj_name}.mmi ../${bitfile_name}.mmi
file copy ./${proj_name}.mmi ./work/${bitfile_name}.mmi
exec updatemem -meminfo ./${proj_name}.mmi -data ${lm32_wrpc_elf} -bit ./work/${proj_name}.runs/impl_1/${proj_name}.bit -proc ${lm32_wrpc_instpath} -out ../${bitfile_name}_elf.bit -force
file copy ../${bitfile_name}_elf.bit ./work/${bitfile_name}_elf.bit
# generate bin file (for QSPI slot 1 programming; use smapx8 and disbale bitswap
write_cfgmem -force -format bin -interface smapx8 -disablebitswap -loadbit "up 0x0 ../${bitfile_name}_elf.bit" -file ../${bitfile_name}_elf.bin
} else {
write_cfgmem -force -format bin -interface smapx8 -disablebitswap -loadbit "up 0x0 ../${bitfile_name}.bit" -file ../${bitfile_name}_elf.bin
if [file exists ./${proj_name}.xsa] {
file copy ./${proj_name}.xsa ../${bitfile_name}.xsa
file copy ./${proj_name}.xsa ./work/${bitfile_name}.xsa
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