... | ... | @@ -47,14 +47,19 @@ Delay, WorldFIP master and other FMC mezzanines. |
- HPC would be interesting for some applications like high-speed
ADCs where you need to go massively parallel to avoid too high
bandwidth requirements on the data lines.
- Makes that large FPGA should be used
- Test and debug using a [Xilinx FMC-XM105 debug
- For footprint compatible FPGA's; if a larger FPGA is mounted then IO
pins are available as much as possible. For a smaller FPGA at least
the LPC pins on the HCP connector will be available.
- HPC: need new tests tools for production test
Price idea:
- LPC ($12.68/connector), n layers, Kintex 70T FPGA
- HPC ($20.40/connector), n+2 layers, Kintex 325T FPGA -\> 325T? 160T
not large enough?
- HPC ($20.40/connector), n+2 layers, Kintex 325T FPGA -\> 325T?
Probably a 160T is large enough for most applications (160T should
be default?)
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