Commit b15814a9 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

sdb.h: proposed additions for data files

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent aaf55127
* This is version 1.0 of sdb.h, as included the specification v1.0
* This is a modified version 1.0 of sdb.h, not the official spec version
#ifndef __SDB_H__
#define __SDB_H__
......@@ -114,9 +114,10 @@ struct sdb_empty {
uint8_t record_type; /* 0x3f */
/* The type of bus, for bus-specific flags (currently only Wishbone) */
/* The type of bus, for bus-specific flags */
enum sdb_bus_type {
sdb_wishbone = 0x00
sdb_wishbone = 0x00,
sdb_data = 0x01,
#define SDB_WB_WIDTH_MASK 0x0f
......@@ -127,4 +128,8 @@ enum sdb_bus_type {
#define SDB_DATA_READ 0x04
#define SDB_DATA_WRITE 0x02
#define SDB_DATA_EXEC 0x01
#endif /* __SDB_H__ */
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