@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ SAMbuCa is based on PXIe front-ends and aims to complement the offer of the [DI/
-[fmc-temp-pt100-15ch](https://ohwr.org/project/fmc-temp-pt100-15ch/wikis) - **PT100** Temperature sensor FMC interface card
-[fmc-mfe](https://ohwr.org/project/fmc-mfe/wikis) - **FMC Motion Front-End** card providing an analog and digital environment for the control of up to 8-axis
- driveFLEX - CERN InHouse Motor Driver: Gen 2. Under development, not Open Hardware.
- driveFLEX - [CERN In-house Motor Driver](https://readthedocs.web.cern.ch/display/BECEM/In-house+Motor+Driver): Gen 2. Under development, not Open Hardware.
- Cancelled
-[samc-temp-thcpl-20ch](https://ohwr.org/project/samc-temp-thcpl-20ch/wikis) - 19"-module connecting 20 **K-type or N-type thermocouple** channels
-[samb-temp-thcpl-fmc](https://ohwr.org/project/samb-temp-thcpl-fmc/wikis) - FMC card connecting samc-temp-thcpl-20ch with zQSFP+
@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ SAMbuCa is based on PXIe front-ends and aims to complement the offer of the [DI/