1. 20 Mar, 2013 2 commits
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      arch-wrpc: add material to wrpc.h · de98570d
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      These few lines are a copy of "wrc_ptp.h" as found in ptp-noposix.
      They are added here because they are the prototypes of now-local
      functions, and little more.
      Including the file from wrpc-sw would have required another -I
      directory, and I'd better not.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      arch-wrpc: wrc_ptp_ppsi.c copied from wrpc-sw · 66b59234
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This file comes from commit e00d99f of wrpc-sw.  It used to live there
      as an alternative to wrc_ptp_noposix.c, as a top-level entry point to
      the ptp engine.
      However, ppsi is quite a moving target these months, and most
      improvements in modularity of ppsi require a change in the top-level
      file (like we change the main and startup files in the other
      Thus, this commit brings the file into ppsi (and wrpc-sw will remove
      it when using this version of ppsi as submodule) so we can be work
      on this repository and build-test everything with no effort, saving us
      from always committing to wrpc-sw as well.
      Note: this commit copies the file unchanged, and doesn't even try to
      build it; later commits make the required adjustments to finally build
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
      Acked-by: Aurelio Colosimo's avatarAurelio Colosimo <aurelio@aureliocolosimo.it>
  2. 19 Mar, 2013 8 commits
  3. 18 Mar, 2013 15 commits
  4. 16 Mar, 2013 1 commit
  5. 14 Mar, 2013 14 commits
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      Merge branch 'ptpdump-within-ppsi' · 0c74aa23
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This includes the functionality of tools/ptpdump inside the ppsi
      executable. Each net_ops->send and net_ops->recv must call the
      dumping functions (gnu-linux and bare-* already to in this branch;
      arch-wrpc does not, and I'll all it later).
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      Makefile: add -fno-common · b31bb242
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      I don't want to declare globals in header files by error (see previous
      commit).  So I'd better use this flag to request "multiple definition"
      errors at build time.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      proto-standard/msg.c: remove old diagnostics · 1c729a8c
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      The new diagnostics for frame input/output, based on tools/dump-funcs.c,
      reports all information, more orderly.   The diagnostic prints in
      msg.c are thus duplicates (provided all architectures use the new
      diagnostics in ->recv), and this commit removes them.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      bugfix: ieee1588_types.h: remove unused data · c5c6b8b6
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      In commit 7c14152c I removed some typedef, in my quest for getting rid
      of them.  But I forgot to remove the type name, so we got "TLV" and
      similar global variables in the object files.  This fixes the buglet,
      then I add -fno-common to prevent this for happening againg.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      arch-bare-* and lib-bare: network functions now dump if level is 2 · a433089e
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      Like what I did in two commits ago, now if debug level for "frames" is
      2 or more, net_ops->send and net_ops->recv now dump the data to
      stdout. The format is the same of tools/ptpdump, but the time is
      not showing the local time, as we miss localtime() and I don't want
      to waste time recoding it.
      This is an example of a bare-i386 slave requesting its master:
        send: TIME: (1363278286 - 0x5141f9ce) 1363278286.52969000
        send: ETH: 88f7 (00:25:11:86:1f:d2 -> 01:1b:19:00:00:00)
        send: VERSION: 2 (type 1, len 44, domain 0)
        send: FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
        send: PORT: 00-25-11-ff-fe-86-1f-d2-00-01
        send: REST: seq 2, ctrl 1, log-interval 127
        send: MESSAGE: (E) DELAY_REQ
        send: MSG-DELAY_REQ: 1363278286.052689000
        send: DUMP: payload (size 44)
        send: DUMP: 81 02 00 2c  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
        send: DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 25 11 ff  fe 86 1f d2  00 01 00 02
        send: DUMP: 01 7f 00 00  51 41 f9 ce  03 23 f8 68
        diag-frames-1-eth0: SENT 44 bytes at 1363278286.052969000 (delay_req)
      This is a bare-i386 master receiving the same frame:
        recv: TIME: (1363278286 - 0x5141f9ce) 1363278286.92899000
        recv: ETH: 88f7 (00:25:11:86:1f:d2 -> 01:1b:19:00:00:00)
        recv: VERSION: 2 (type 1, len 44, domain 0)
        recv: FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
        recv: PORT: 00-25-11-ff-fe-86-1f-d2-00-01
        recv: REST: seq 2, ctrl 1, log-interval 127
        recv: MESSAGE: (E) DELAY_REQ
        recv: MSG-DELAY_REQ: 1363278286.052689000
        recv: TLV: too short (46 - 44 = 2)
        recv: DUMP: payload (size 46)
        recv: DUMP: 81 02 00 2c  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
        recv: DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 25 11 ff  fe 86 1f d2  00 01 00 02
        recv: DUMP: 01 7f 00 00  51 41 f9 ce  03 23 f8 68  00 00
        diag-frames-1-eth0: RECV 46 bytes at 1363278286.092899000 (type 1)
      And this is tools/ptprump running on the master, for the same frame:
        TIME: (1363278286 - 0x5141f9ce) 17:24:46.092814
        ETH: 88f7 (00:25:11:86:1f:d2 -> 01:1b:19:00:00:00)
        VERSION: 2 (type 1, len 44, domain 0)
        FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
        PORT: 00-25-11-ff-fe-86-1f-d2-00-01
        REST: seq 2, ctrl 1, log-interval 127
        MSG-DELAY_REQ: 1363278286.052689000
        TLV: too short (46 - 44 = 2)
        DUMP: payload (size 46)
        DUMP: 81 02 00 2c  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
        DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 25 11 ff  fe 86 1f d2  00 01 00 02
        DUMP: 01 7f 00 00  51 41 f9 ce  03 23 f8 68  00 00
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      lib/network_types.h: new file · 1e8c65c6
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This file includes data structures that are needed by
      tools/dump-funcs.c to be built in freestanding environments. It is
      included by ptpdump.h, but only for freestanding builds.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      arch-gnu-linux: network functions now dump if level is 2 · d924e8b0
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      If debug level for "frames" is 2 or more, net_ops->send and
      net_ops->recv now dump the data to stdout. The format is the same
      of tools/ptpdump, with "send:" and "recv:" in front. This is an example:
        send: TIME: (1363277414 - 0x5141f666) 17:10:14.748281
        send: VERSION: 2 (type 11, len 64, domain 0)
        send: FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
        send: PORT: 00-22-15-ff-fe-d7-c0-ef-00-01
        send: REST: seq 9, ctrl 5, log-interval 1
        send: MESSAGE: (G) ANNOUNCE
        send: MSG-ANNOUNCE: stamp 0.000000000
        send: MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-quality f8-fe-60f0
        send: MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-prio 248 248
        send: MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-id 00-22-15-ff-fe-d7-c0-ef
        send: DUMP: payload (size 64)
        send: DUMP: 8b 02 00 40  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
        send: DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 22 15 ff  fe d7 c0 ef  00 01 00 09
        send: DUMP: 05 01 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 11 f8
        send: DUMP: f8 fe f0 60  f8 00 22 15  ff fe d7 c0  ef 00 00 a0
        diag-frames-1-eth0: SENT 64 bytes at 1363277414.748281517 (announce)
      And this is the same frame in the other host:
        recv: TIME: (1363277414 - 0x5141f666) 17:10:14.691032
        recv: VERSION: 2 (type 11, len 64, domain 0)
        recv: FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
        recv: PORT: 00-22-15-ff-fe-d7-c0-ef-00-01
        recv: REST: seq 9, ctrl 5, log-interval 1
        recv: MESSAGE: (G) ANNOUNCE
        recv: MSG-ANNOUNCE: stamp 0.000000000
        recv: MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-quality f8-fe-60f0
        recv: MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-prio 248 248
        recv: MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-id 00-22-15-ff-fe-d7-c0-ef
        recv: DUMP: payload (size 64)
        recv: DUMP: 8b 02 00 40  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
        recv: DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 22 15 ff  fe d7 c0 ef  00 01 00 09
        recv: DUMP: 05 01 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 11 f8
        recv: DUMP: f8 fe f0 60  f8 00 22 15  ff fe d7 c0  ef 00 00 a0
        diag-frames-1-eth0: RECV 64 bytes at 1363277414.691032726 (type b)
      This is what I got for the same frame in a ptpdump running in the
        TIME: (1363277414 - 0x5141f666) 17:10:14.748376
        ETH: 0800 (00:22:15:d7:c0:ef -> 01:00:5e:00:01:81)
        IP: 17 ( -> len 92
        UDP: (320 -> 320) len 72
        VERSION: 2 (type 11, len 64, domain 0)
        FLAGS: 0x0002 (correction 0x00000000)
        PORT: 00-22-15-ff-fe-d7-c0-ef-00-01
        REST: seq 9, ctrl 5, log-interval 1
        MSG-ANNOUNCE: stamp 0.000000000
        MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-quality f8-fe-60f0
        MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-prio 248 248
        MSG-ANNOUNCE: grandmaster-id 00-22-15-ff-fe-d7-c0-ef
        DUMP: payload (size 64)
        DUMP: 8b 02 00 40  00 00 02 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
        DUMP: 00 00 00 00  00 22 15 ff  fe d7 c0 ef  00 01 00 09
        DUMP: 05 01 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 11 f8
        DUMP: f8 fe f0 60  f8 00 22 15  ff fe d7 c0  ef 00 00 a0
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      tools/ptpdump: add "char *prefix" to all functions · 7ce8aecd
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This is oh so boring, but I need to differentiate send from receive
      when dumping from withing ppsi itself.  This is a long patch that has
      no effect on tools/ptpdump, since it pases the empty string as prefix.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      toos/ptpdump: code reorganizations · 23976c85
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This moves some stuff between dump-main.c and dump-funcs.c, preparing
      for dump-funcs to be used within ppsi itself.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      diag-macrocs: introduce pp_diag_allow, used in fsm.c · 5589514b
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      pp_diag_allow(ppi, thing, level) can be used as a conditional
      to mask off diagnostic prints that cannot be individually
      written as pp_diag()  (this mainly applies to frame dumping, introduced
      in later commits).
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      tools/ptpdump: bring inter-frame output into main · 07fc9b14
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      Since dump-funcs.c is going to be used within ppsi itself, print the
      empty separating lines, as well as the time difference from the
      previous frame in main, not in dumping functions.
      This has no effect on ptpdump itself, it's only a preparation for reuse
      of the code.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      tools/dump-funcs: don't dump pdelay messages if freestanding · f00ec9b4
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      When building freestanding we need to save space. Avoid printing pdelay
      messages that are neither sent nor used if received.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      msg_unpack_header(): receive packet length too · c5608fbc
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      I'm adding generic dump code to the receive and send code paths,
      so I need the length of the incoming frame when first "unpacking" it,
      to dump the whole frame using code from tools/dump-funcs.c
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>