Commit ade0359c authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

pp-instance.h: reorder fields (no technical effect)

This commit simply reorders the TimeInternal fields of pp_instance,
to make the structure more understandable.  It also adds t1 that
will be used by a later commit.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 2ec7131b
......@@ -152,27 +152,25 @@ struct pp_instance {
/* The net_path used to be allocated separately, but there's no need */
struct pp_net_path np;
/* Times, for the various offset computations */
TimeInternal t1, t2, t3, t4; /* *the* stamps */
TimeInternal last_rcv_time, last_snt_time; /* two temporaries */
TimeInternal last_sync_corr_field;
/* Data sets */
DSDefault *defaultDS; /* page 65 */
DSCurrent *currentDS; /* page 67 */
DSParent *parentDS; /* page 68 */
DSPort *portDS; /* page 72 */
DSTimeProperties *timePropertiesDS; /* page 70 */
unsigned long timeouts[__PP_TO_ARRAY_SIZE];
UInteger16 number_foreign_records;
Integer16 foreign_record_i;
Integer16 foreign_record_best;
struct pp_frgn_master frgn_master[PP_NR_FOREIGN_RECORDS];
TimeInternal t2;
UInteger16 recv_sync_sequence_id;
TimeInternal last_rcv_time; /* used to store timestamp retreived from
* received packet */
TimeInternal last_snt_time; /* used to store timestamp retreived from
* sent packet */
TimeInternal last_sync_corr_field;
TimeInternal t3;
TimeInternal t4;
Integer8 log_min_delay_req_interval;
UInteger16 sent_seq[__PP_NR_MESSAGES_TYPES]; /* last sent this type */
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