Commit 93abdcf4 authored by Felix Schäfer's avatar Felix Schäfer

Fix comments missing in wiki add/update mails #986

parent 1d3cdf1f
<p><%= l(:mail_body_wiki_content_added, :id => link_to(h(, @wiki_content_url),
:author => h( %><br />
<em><%=h @wiki_content.comments %></em></p>
<em><%=h @wiki_content.last_journal.notes %></em></p>
<%= l(:mail_body_wiki_content_added, :id => h(,
:author => h( %>
<%= @wiki_content.comments %>
<%= @wiki_content.last_journal.notes %>
<%= @wiki_content_url %>
<p><%= l(:mail_body_wiki_content_updated, :id => link_to(h(, @wiki_content_url),
:author => h( %><br />
<em><%=h @wiki_content.comments %></em></p>
<em><%=h @wiki_content.last_journal.notes %></em></p>
<p><%= l(:label_view_diff) %>:<br />
<%= link_to h(@wiki_diff_url), @wiki_diff_url %></p>
<%= l(:mail_body_wiki_content_updated, :id => h(,
:author => h( %>
<%= @wiki_content.comments %>
<%= @wiki_content.last_journal.notes %>
<%= %>:
<%= @wiki_content_url %>
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