WR NIC bitstream is now built from HDL sources using HDLMake

parent ea284ab5
diff -Naur a/syn/specdio/Manifest.py b/syn/specdio/Manifest.py
--- a/syn/specdio/Manifest.py 2016-07-20 04:17:52.657700773 +0100
+++ b/syn/specdio/Manifest.py 2016-07-20 04:19:26.030800405 +0100
@@ -9,1 +9,3 @@
syn_project = "wr_nic_dio.xise"
+syn_tool = "ise"
+top_module = "wr_nic_dio_top"
SUMMARY = "Provides wr_nic_dio.bin bitstream for wr-nic over spec" SUMMARY = "Provides the FPGA bitstream for White Rabbit Network Interface Card on SPEC"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/files/common-licenses/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/files/common-licenses/GPL-2.0;md5=801f80980d171dd6425610833a22dbe6"
inherit module PR = "r1"
PR = "r0"
PV = "0.1" PV = "0.1"
# Patch the top Manifest.py to adapt the old WR-NIC repo to the new HDLMake format.
SRC_URI = "git://ohwr.org/white-rabbit/wr-nic.git \
SRCREV = "3bf04881479303ae41ce3fd2f4df90cd22ea8991"
SRC_URI = "http://www.ohwr.org/attachments/download/2687/wr_nic_dio.bin-2014-02-14" S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "371f22659e5acf8612e7e11c1481abf6"
# Update and init Git submodules to clone some dependent HDL libraries
git submodule update --init
addtask fetch_extra after do_unpack before do_patch
S = "${WORKDIR}/"
FILES_${PN} += "/lib/firmware/fmc" FILES_${PN} += "/lib/firmware/fmc"
# Get into the HDL synthesis folder and run HDLMake to analyze the design and generate the Makefile.
# Once the design is cloned, we can run make to build the FPGA bitstream.
do_compile() { do_compile() {
: cd ${S}/syn/specdio/
} }
# Install the bitstream binary in the folder where the associated kernel module will search for it.
do_install() { do_install() {
install -d ${D}/lib/firmware/fmc install -d ${D}/lib/firmware/fmc
install -m 0755 ${S}/wr_nic_dio.bin-2014-02-14 ${D}/lib/firmware/fmc/wr_nic_dio.bin install -m 0755 ${S}/syn/specdio/wr_nic_dio_top.bin ${D}/lib/firmware/fmc/wr_nic_dio.bin
} }
# The inherit of module.bbclass will automatically name module packages with
# "kernel-module-" prefix as required by the oe-core build environment.
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