Commit 7c4850a4 authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

simulation folder cleanup

parent a0eea9cb
-- masterFIP_test.vec
-- acam_test.vec
-- Select the GN4124 Primary BFM
model 0
......@@ -20,44 +20,92 @@ bfm_bar 0 0000000040000000 20000000
bfm_bar 1 0000000020000000 20000000
-- Drive reset to the FPGA
reset %d32
reset %d320
-- Wait until the FPGA is un-reset and ready for traffic on the local bus
wait %d500
wait %d900
-- Access the tdc core register space
-- writing stuff config
wr 000000000005100A F 00000201
-- reset inactive
wr 0000000000050000 F CAFE0003
wait %d20
wr 000000000005100A F 00000200
-- reset active
wr 0000000000050000 F CAFE0000
wait %d20
wr 00000000000510C0 F 00000003
-- reset inactive
wr 0000000000050000 F CAFE0003
wait %d20
wr 00000000000510C4 F 00000014
--------------- ID_DAT ---------------
-- control byte of id_dat
wr 00000000000500C0 F 00000003
wait %d20
wr 00000000000510C8 F 00000003
-- data bytes varid = 0503 for agent to consume
wr 00000000000500C4 F 00000305
wait %d20
wr 000000000005100A F 00000202
-- rx_rst
wr 0000000000050038 F 00000001
wait %d20
-- tx_start
wr 000000000005002C F 00000202
wait %d20000
wr 0000000000051038 F 00000AAA
-- deactivate tx_start and reset tx
wr 000000000005002C F 00000001
wait %d20
wr 000000000005103C F 00000BBB
--------------- RP_DAT ---------------
-- control byte of rp_dat
wr 00000000000500c4 F 00000002
wait %d20
wr 0000000000051054 F 00000005
-- data bytes
wr 00000000000500c8 F 02010F40
wait %d20
wr 00000000000500cc F 06050403
wait %d20
wr 00000000000500d0 F 0A090807
wait %d20
wr 00000000000500D4 F 0E0D0C0B
wait %d20
wr 00000000000500D8 F 06060605
wait %d20
-- activate loop
wr 000000000005100FC F 00000001
-- tx_start
wr 000000000005002C F 00001102
wait %d40000
-- deactivate tx_start and reset tx
wr 000000000005002C F 00000001
wait %d20
--------------- ID_DAT ---------------
-- control byte of id_dat
wr 00000000000500c4 F 00000003
wait %d20
-- data bytes varid = 1403 for agent to send identification
wr 00000000000500c8 F 00000314
wait %d20
-- deactivate acquisition
wr 00000000000510FC F 00000002
\ No newline at end of file
-- tx_start
wr 000000000005002C F 00000202
wait %d20
-- release rx_rst
wr 0000000000050038 F 00000000
wait %d40000
-- read received data
rd 0000000000050040 F 00000002
wait %d20
rd 0000000000050044 F 00000050
......@@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ component cmd_router1
end component; -- cmd_router1
type FILE_ARRAY is array (natural range <>) of string(1 to 31);
type FILE_ARRAY is array (natural range <>) of string(1 to 47);
type CMD_ARRAY is array (natural range <>) of string(CMD'range);
type CMD_REQ_ARRAY is array (natural range <>) of bit_vector(N_BFM-1 downto 0);
type integer_vector is array (natural range <>) of integer;
type boolean_vector is array (natural range <>) of boolean;
constant MAX_FILES : integer := 10;
constant FILENAMES : FILE_ARRAY(0 to MAX_FILES-1) := (others=>"data_vectors/masterFIP_test.vec");
constant FILENAMES : FILE_ARRAY(0 to MAX_FILES-1) := (others=>"../../sim/spec/data_vectors/masterFIP_test.vec");
signal CMDo : CMD_ARRAY(N_FILES-1 downto 0);
signal REQ : bit_vector(CMD_REQ'range);
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