Commit d9d42f1f authored by Will's avatar Will

Fix make_dependency_sorted_list ordering function.

Previous implelmentaiton only worked for a single level tree of dependencies.
This implementations recursively determines the number of levels below a dep_file and uses this value as the key to sort by. The 'dependendency level is cached in the dep_file object to reduce the number of recursive calls.
Will not handle circular dependencies well.
parent 6ae6e8fe
......@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ class DepFile(File):
self.file_path = file_path
self._rels = set()
self.depends_on = set() # set of files that the file depends on, items of type DepFile
self.dep_level = None
self.is_parsed = False
if include_paths is None:
......@@ -191,3 +192,12 @@ class DepFile(File):
def filename(self):
return os.path.basename(self.file_path)
def get_dep_level(self):
if self.dep_level == None:
if len(self.depends_on) == 0:
self.dep_level = 0
# recurse, to find the largest number of levels below.
self.dep_level = 1 + max([dep.get_dep_level() for dep in self.depends_on]);
return self.dep_level
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ from .dep_file import DepFile
from .srcfile import VHDLFile, VerilogFile, SVFile
from . import global_mod
class DepParser(object):
def __init__(self, dep_file):
self.dep_file = dep_file
......@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ class ParserFactory(object):
return vp
else :
raise ValueError("Unecognized file format : %s" % dep_file.file_path)
raise ValueError("Unrecognized file format : %s" % dep_file.file_path)
# class DepSolver(object):
# def solve(self, vhdl_files):
......@@ -94,8 +93,6 @@ def solve(fileset):
# continue
satisfied_by = set()
for dep_file in fset:
# if dep_file is investigated_file:
# continue
if dep_file.satisfies(rel):
if dep_file is not investigated_file:
......@@ -117,40 +114,46 @@ def solve(fileset):
def make_dependency_sorted_list(fileset, purge_unused=True):
# ret = list(fileset)
# cur_idx = 0
# other_file_idx = cur_idx + 1
# swapped = 0
# while True:
# if swapped >= CYCLE_THRESHOLD:
# cur_idx += 1
# if cur_idx >= len(ret):
# break
# if other_file_idx >= len(ret):
# cur_idx += 1
# other_file_idx = cur_idx + 1
# continue
# dep_file = ret[cur_idx]
# other_file = ret[other_file_idx]
# if other_file in dep_file.depends_on:
# ret[cur_idx], ret[other_file_idx] = ret[other_file_idx], ret[cur_idx]
# other_file_idx = cur_idx + 1
# swapped += 1
# else:
# other_file_idx += 1
# return ret
def compare_dep_files(f1, f2):
if f2 in f1.depends_on:
return 1
if f1 in f2.depends_on:
return -1
return 0
filelist = list(fileset)
dependable = [file for file in filelist if isinstance(file, DepFile)]
non_depednable = [file for file in filelist if not isinstance(file, DepFile)]
ret = non_depednable
dependable_sorted = sorted(dependable, cmp=compare_dep_files)
return ret
"""Sort files in order of dependency.
Files with no dependencies first.
All files that another depends on will be earlier in the list."""
dependable = [f for f in fileset if isinstance(f, DepFile)]
non_dependable = [f for f in fileset if not isinstance(f, DepFile)]
dependable.sort(key=lambda f: f.file_path.lower()) # Not necessary, but will tend to group files more nicely in the output.
return non_dependable + dependable
def make_dependency_set(fileset, top_level_entity):
"""Create a set of all files required to build the named top_level_entity."""
from srcfile import SourceFileSet
from dep_file import DepRelation
assert isinstance(fileset, SourceFileSet)
fset = fileset.filter(DepFile)
# Find the file that provides the named top level entity
top_rel = DepRelation(top_level_entity,DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.ENTITY)
top_file = None
for chk_file in fset:
for rel in chk_file.rels:
if rel == top_rel:
top_file = chk_file
if top_file:
if top_file == None:
logging.critical('Could not find a top level file that provides the top_module="%s". Continuing with the full file set.' % top_level_entity)
return fileset
# Collect only the files that the top level entity is dependant on, by walking the dependancy tree.
dep_file_set = set()
file_set = set([top_file])
while True:
chk_file = file_set.pop()
file_set.update(chk_file.depends_on - dep_file_set)
except KeyError:
# no files left
pass"Found %d files as dependancies of %s." % (len(dep_file_set), top_level_entity))
#for dep_file in dep_file_set:
#"\t" + str(dep_file))
return dep_file_set
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