Commit 7e4c34bd authored by Paweł Szostek's avatar Paweł Szostek forge ISE path when XILINX is set

parent a10eb48b
......@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ class Env(dict):
print("quartus can't be found.")
# determine path for ise
print("\n### ISE synthesis ###")
xilinx = os.environ.get("XILINX")
......@@ -138,10 +137,13 @@ class Env(dict):
print("Environmental variable XILINX is not set.")
if self["ise_path"] is not None and self["xilinx"] is not None:
if self["xilinx"] is not None:
if self["ise_path"] is not None:
print("HDLMAKE_ISE_PATH and XILINX can't be set at a time\n"
self["ise_path"] = self["xilinx"]
self["ise_path"] = os.path.join(self["xilinx"], "ISE/bin/lin")
if self["ise_path"] is not None:
if self._check_in_path("ise", self["ise_path"]):
print("ISE found in HDLMAKE_ISE_PATH: %s." % self["ise_path"])
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