[Fix][lattice diamond] - To be checked
+ 24
− 1
@@ -235,6 +235,25 @@ class EDFFile(File):
@@ -243,7 +262,11 @@ LATTICE_FILE_DICT = {
Older Lattice Diamond Fixes have been rebased to latest develop branch, TestSuite adjusted.
Build tested only on Windows 10 + PowerShell + Lattice Diamond 3.11 (Free version), test project targeting a MachXO2 device. BitStream and .jed PROM file generated successfully.
NOTE: Generated programming files not tested on HW recently, after old fixes have been rebased to latest develop branch. Test HW no longer available. but built projects tested on HW in 2020, no errors came up.
All testcases are passing in the TestSuite.
Makefile stage/target added: Since MachXO2 devices have onchip Flash, they need .jed PROM file for non-volatile configuration.Due to the added prom
stage, this target and related .tcl have been added to clean targets in other tools as well.
Therefore, the Makefile.ref testcase files have been adjusted for the affected tools.