Commit 94d7d0b7 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

core: Add an ACK timeout on the csr wb bus.

Note: To avoid host hang in case of access to un-mapped address
      and user logic not asserting ERR signal.
parent 2d9730ce
......@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- Entity declaration for GN4124 core (gn4124_core)
entity gn4124_core is
generic (
g_ACK_TIMEOUT : positive := 100 -- Wishbone ACK timeout (in wishbone clock cycles)
......@@ -491,6 +494,9 @@ begin
-- Wishbone master
cmp_wbmaster32 : wbmaster32
generic map(
port map
......@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ package gn4124_core_pkg is
component gn4124_core
generic (
g_ACK_TIMEOUT : positive := 100 -- Wishbone ACK timeout (in wishbone clock cycles)
......@@ -257,6 +260,9 @@ package gn4124_core_pkg is
component wbmaster32
generic (
g_ACK_TIMEOUT : positive := 100 -- Wishbone ACK timeout (in wb_clk cycles)
......@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ use work.genram_pkg.all;
entity wbmaster32 is
generic (
g_ACK_TIMEOUT : positive := 100 -- Wishbone ACK timeout (in wb_clk cycles)
......@@ -157,6 +160,9 @@ architecture behaviour of wbmaster32 is
signal wb_sel_t : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal wb_stall_t : std_logic;
signal wb_ack_timeout_cnt : unsigned(log2_ceil(g_ACK_TIMEOUT)-1 downto 0);
signal wb_ack_timeout : std_logic;
-- L2P packet generator
type l2p_read_cpl_state_type is (L2P_IDLE, L2P_HEADER, L2P_DATA);
signal l2p_read_cpl_current_state : l2p_read_cpl_state_type;
......@@ -447,8 +453,11 @@ begin
-- end of the bus cycle
wb_cyc_t <= '0';
wishbone_current_state <= WB_IDLE;
elsif (wb_err_t = '1') then
-- e.g. when trying to access unmapped wishbone addresses, ERR is set
elsif (wb_err_t = '1') or (wb_ack_timeout = '1') then
-- e.g. When trying to access unmapped wishbone addresses,
-- the wb crossbar asserts ERR. If ERR is not asserted when
-- accessing un-mapped addresses, a timeout makes sure the
-- transaction terminates.
if (wb_we_t = '0') then
from_wb_fifo_din <= (others => '1'); -- dummy data as the transaction failed
from_wb_fifo_wr <= '1';
......@@ -486,5 +495,34 @@ begin
wb_stall_t <= wb_stall_i;
wb_err_t <= wb_err_i;
-- ACK timeout
p_wb_ack_timeout_cnt : process (wb_clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rst_n_i = c_RST_ACTIVE then
wb_ack_timeout_cnt <= (others => '1');
elsif rising_edge(wb_clk_i) then
if wishbone_current_state = WB_WAIT_ACK then
if wb_ack_timeout_cnt /= 0 then
wb_ack_timeout_cnt <= wb_ack_timeout_cnt - 1;
end if;
wb_ack_timeout_cnt <= (others => '1');
end if;
end if;
end process p_wb_ack_timeout_cnt;
p_ack_timeout : process (wb_clk_i, rst_n_i)
if rst_n_i = c_RST_ACTIVE then
wb_ack_timeout <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(wb_clk_i) then
if wb_ack_timeout_cnt = 0 then
wb_ack_timeout <= '1';
wb_ack_timeout <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process p_ack_timeout;
end behaviour;
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