Commit 5ffe9f53 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: fix comparison producing simulation warnings

parent 3799226c
......@@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ begin
--- Paket Generator
--- Packet Generator
-- Last Byte Enable must be "0000" when length = 1
l2p_lbe_header <= "0000" when l2p_len_header = 1 else "1111";
-- 64bit address flag
l2p_64b_address <= '0' when l2p_address_h = "00000000" else '1';
l2p_64b_address <= '0' when l2p_address_h = X"00000000" else '1';
-- Packet header
s_l2p_header(31 downto 29) <= "000"; --> Traffic Class
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