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Dimitris Lampridis authored352c0db5
textutil.vhd 21.23 KiB
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
use work.util.all;
-- *Module : textutil
-- *Description : Improved Free-format string and line manipulation
-- *History: M. Alford (originaly created 1993 with subsequent updates)
package textutil is
procedure read_token(L : inout line; X : out STRING);
procedure sget_token(S : in string; P : inout integer; X : out STRING);
procedure sget_vector(S : in string; P : inout integer; VEC : out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
procedure sget_vector_64(S : in string; P : inout integer; VEC : out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
procedure sget_int(S : in string; P : inout integer; X : out integer);
function hex_char_to_vector(C : in character) return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR;
function vector_to_hex_char(V : in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return character;
function is_hex(C : in character) return BOOLEAN;
function hex_char_to_int(C : in character) return integer;
procedure read_vector(L : inout line; VEC : out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
procedure read_int(L : inout line; I : out integer);
procedure write_hex_vector(L : inout line; V : in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR);
function to_str(constant V: in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING;
function to_str(constant V: in STD_ULOGIC) return STRING;
function to_str(constant val : in INTEGER) return STRING;
function to_strn(constant val : in INTEGER; constant n : in INTEGER) return STRING;
end textutil;
package body textutil is
-- *Module : read_token
-- *Description : Skip over spaces then load a token string from a line
-- until either the string is full or the token is finished
-- (i.e. another space). The output string is padded out
-- with blanks at the end if the token length is less then
-- the full string length.
procedure read_token(L : inout line; X : out STRING) is
variable char : character;
if(L'length > 0) then
char := ' ';
while((char = ' ') and (L'length > 0)) loop -- Skip spaces
read(L, char);
end loop;
for i in X'low to X'high loop
X(i) := char;
if(char /= ' ') then
if(L'length > 0) then
read(L, char);
char := ' ';
end if;
end if;
end loop;
assert false report "Couldn't read a token from file"
severity error;
end if;
end read_token;
-- *Module : sget_token
-- *Description : Same as read_token except for strings.
procedure sget_token(S : in string; P : inout integer; X : out STRING) is
variable char : character;
if(S'length > P) then
char := ' ';
while((char = ' ') and (S'length >= P)) loop -- Skip spaces
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
end loop;
for i in X'low to X'high loop
X(i) := char;
if(char /= ' ') then
if(S'length > P) then
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
char := ' ';
end if;
end if;
end loop;
assert false report "Couldn't read a token from a string"
severity error;
end if;
end sget_token;
-- *Module : hex_char_to_vector
-- *Description : Convert a hex character to a vector
function hex_char_to_vector(C : in character) return STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR is
variable X : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR( 3 downto 0);
case C is
when '0' => X := "0000";
when '1' => X := "0001";
when '2' => X := "0010";
when '3' => X := "0011";
when '4' => X := "0100";
when '5' => X := "0101";
when '6' => X := "0110";
when '7' => X := "0111";
when '8' => X := "1000";
when '9' => X := "1001";
when 'A' => X := "1010";
when 'B' => X := "1011";
when 'C' => X := "1100";
when 'D' => X := "1101";
when 'E' => X := "1110";
when 'F' => X := "1111";
when 'a' => X := "1010";
when 'b' => X := "1011";
when 'c' => X := "1100";
when 'd' => X := "1101";
when 'e' => X := "1110";
when 'f' => X := "1111";
when others =>
X := "0000";
assert false report "Invalid Hex Character"
severity error;
end case;
end hex_char_to_vector;
-- *Module : vector_to_hex_char
-- *Description : Convert a vector to a hex character. Only uses low 4 bits.
function vector_to_hex_char(V : in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return character is
variable C : character;
variable VV : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
if(V'length < 4) then
VV := To_X01(V(V'low + 3 downto V'low));
VV := To_X01(V(V'low + V'length - 1 downto V'low));
end if;
case VV is
when "0000" => C := '0';
when "0001" => C := '1';
when "0010" => C := '2';
when "0011" => C := '3';
when "0100" => C := '4';
when "0101" => C := '5';
when "0110" => C := '6';
when "0111" => C := '7';
when "1000" => C := '8';
when "1001" => C := '9';
when "1010" => C := 'A';
when "1011" => C := 'B';
when "1100" => C := 'C';
when "1101" => C := 'D';
when "1110" => C := 'E';
when "1111" => C := 'F';
when others => C := 'X';
end case;
end vector_to_hex_char;
-- *Module : is_hex
-- *Description : report if a char is ASCII hex
function is_hex(C : in character) return BOOLEAN is
variable X : boolean;
case C is
when '0' => X := TRUE;
when '1' => X := TRUE;
when '2' => X := TRUE;
when '3' => X := TRUE;
when '4' => X := TRUE;
when '5' => X := TRUE;
when '6' => X := TRUE;
when '7' => X := TRUE;
when '8' => X := TRUE;
when '9' => X := TRUE;
when 'A' => X := TRUE;
when 'B' => X := TRUE;
when 'C' => X := TRUE;
when 'D' => X := TRUE;
when 'E' => X := TRUE;
when 'F' => X := TRUE;
when 'a' => X := TRUE;
when 'b' => X := TRUE;
when 'c' => X := TRUE;
when 'd' => X := TRUE;
when 'e' => X := TRUE;
when 'f' => X := TRUE;
when others =>
end case;
end is_hex;
-- *Module : hex_char_to_int
-- *Description : Convert a hex character to an integer
function hex_char_to_int(C : in character) return integer is
variable X : integer;
case C is
when '0' => X := 0;
when '1' => X := 1;
when '2' => X := 2;
when '3' => X := 3;
when '4' => X := 4;
when '5' => X := 5;
when '6' => X := 6;
when '7' => X := 7;
when '8' => X := 8;
when '9' => X := 9;
when 'A' => X := 10;
when 'B' => X := 11;
when 'C' => X := 12;
when 'D' => X := 13;
when 'E' => X := 14;
when 'F' => X := 15;
when 'a' => X := 10;
when 'b' => X := 11;
when 'c' => X := 12;
when 'd' => X := 13;
when 'e' => X := 14;
when 'f' => X := 15;
when others =>
X := 0;
assert false report "Invalid Hex Character"
severity error;
end case;
end hex_char_to_int;
-- *Module : read_vector
-- *Description : load a vector from the input line in a free floating format
procedure read_vector(L : inout line; VEC : out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
variable char : character;
variable base : integer;
variable q : integer;
variable v : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
if(L'length > 0) then
char := ' ';
while(char = ' ') loop -- Skip spaces
read(L, char);
end loop;
base := 16; -- Hex is the default
if(char = '%') then -- determine base
read(L, char);
if(char = 'b' or char = 'B') then
base := 2;
elsif(char = 'x' or char = 'X') then
base := 16;
elsif(char = 'd' or char = 'D') then
base := 10;
assert false report "Unsupported Base detected when reading a Vector"
severity error;
end if;
read(L, char);
end if;
q := 0;
if(is_hex(char)) then
q := q * base + hex_char_to_int(char);
while(is_hex(char) and not (L'length = 0)) loop
read(L, char);
if(is_hex(char)) then
q := q * base + hex_char_to_int(char);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
if(q < 0) then
q := q-2147483648;
V(30 downto 0) := to_vector(q, 31);
V(31) := '1';
V(30 downto 0) := to_vector(q, 31);
V(31) := '0';
end if;
VEC := V((VEC'high - VEC'low) downto 0);
assert false report "Couldn't read a vector"
severity error;
end if;
end read_vector;
-- *Module : sget_vector
-- *Description : Same as sget_vector except for strings
procedure sget_vector(S : in string; P : inout integer; VEC : out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
variable char : character;
variable base : integer;
variable q : integer;
variable v : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
while(S(P) = ' ') loop -- Skip spaces
if(P >= S'length) then
P := S'length;
end if;
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if(S'length > P) then
char := S(P);
if(char = '"') then -- read in as a literal
q := v'high;
v := (others => 'U');
VEC := v(VEC'range);
char := ' ';
P := P + 1;
while((char /= '"') and not (S'length = P)) loop
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
case char is
when '0' =>
v(q) := '0';
when '1' =>
v(q) := '1';
when 'L' | 'l' =>
v(q) := 'L';
when 'H' | 'h' =>
v(q) := 'H';
when 'Z' | 'z' =>
v(q) := 'Z';
when 'X' | 'x' =>
v(q) := 'X';
when 'U' | 'u' =>
v(q) := 'U';
when others =>
-- char := '"';
end case;
q := q - 1;
end loop;
if(v'high-q < 2) then -- only a single bit was read
VEC(VEC'low) := v(v'high);
elsif((v'high - q) > VEC'length) then -- too many bits
VEC := v(q+VEC'length downto q+1);
else -- the number of bits read is same or less than required
VEC(v'high-q-1+VEC'low downto VEC'low) := v(v'high downto q+1);
end if;
base := 16; -- Hex is the default
if(char = '%') then -- determine base
P := P + 1;
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
if(char = 'b' or char = 'B') then
base := 2;
elsif(char = 'x' or char = 'X') then
base := 16;
elsif(char = 'd' or char = 'D') then
base := 10;
assert false report "Unsupported Base detected when reading a Vector"
severity error;
end if;
elsif((char = '0') and ((S(P+1) = 'x') or (S(P+1) = 'X'))) then
P := P + 2;
end if;
q := 0;
char := S(P);
if(is_hex(char)) then
while(is_hex(char) and not (S'length = P)) loop
if(is_hex(char)) then
q := q * base + hex_char_to_int(char);
end if;
P := P + 1;
char := S(P);
end loop;
end if;
if(q < 0) then
q := q-2147483648;
V(30 downto 0) := to_vector(q, 31);
V(31) := '1';
V(30 downto 0) := to_vector(q, 31);
V(31) := '0';
end if;
VEC := V((VEC'high - VEC'low) downto 0);
end if;
assert false report "Couldn't read a vector"
severity error;
V := (others => '0');
VEC := V((VEC'high - VEC'low) downto 0);
end if;
end sget_vector;
-- *Module : sget_vector_64
-- *Description : Same as sget_vector except can handle 64 bit quantities and hex or binary base (no base 10)
procedure sget_vector_64(S : in string; P : inout integer; VEC : out STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
variable char : character;
variable base : integer;
variable q : integer;
variable v : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(63 downto 0);
while(S(P) = ' ') loop -- Skip spaces
if(P >= S'length) then
P := S'length;
end if;
P := P + 1;
end loop;
if(S'length > P) then
char := S(P);
if(char = '"') then -- read in as a literal
q := v'high;
v := (others => 'U');
VEC := v(VEC'range);
char := ' ';
P := P + 1;
while((char /= '"') and not (S'length = P)) loop
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
case char is
when '0' =>
v(q) := '0';
when '1' =>
v(q) := '1';
when 'L' | 'l' =>
v(q) := 'L';
when 'H' | 'h' =>
v(q) := 'H';
when 'Z' | 'z' =>
v(q) := 'Z';
when 'X' | 'x' =>
v(q) := 'X';
when 'U' | 'u' =>
v(q) := 'U';
when others =>
-- char := '"';
end case;
q := q - 1;
end loop;
if(v'high-q < 2) then -- only a single bit was read
VEC(VEC'low) := v(v'high);
elsif((v'high - q) > VEC'length) then -- too many bits
VEC := v(q+VEC'length downto q+1);
else -- the number of bits read is same or less than required
VEC(v'high-q-1+VEC'low downto VEC'low) := v(v'high downto q+1);
end if;
base := 16; -- Hex is the default
if(char = '%') then -- determine base
P := P + 1;
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
if(char = 'b' or char = 'B') then
base := 2;
elsif(char = 'x' or char = 'X') then
base := 16;
assert false report "Unsupported Base detected when reading a Vector"
severity error;
end if;
char := S(P);
-- P := P + 1;
elsif((char = '0') and ((S(P+1) = 'x') or (S(P+1) = 'X'))) then
P := P + 2;
end if;
v := (others => '0');
char := S(P);
if(base = 2) then
while(((char = '0') or (char = '1')) and not (P > S'length)) loop
if(char = '0') then
v := v(v'high-1 downto 0) & '0';
v := v(v'high-1 downto 0) & '1';
end if;
P := P + 1;
char := S(P);
end loop;
while(is_hex(char) and not (P > S'length)) loop
if(is_hex(char)) then
v := v(v'high-4 downto 0) & hex_char_to_vector(char);
end if;
P := P + 1;
char := S(P);
end loop;
end if;
VEC := V((VEC'high - VEC'low) downto 0);
end if;
assert false report "Couldn't read a vector"
severity error;
V := (others => '0');
VEC := V((VEC'high - VEC'low) downto 0);
end if;
end sget_vector_64;
-- *Module : read_int
-- *Description : load an integer from the input line in a free floating format
procedure read_int(L : inout line; I : out integer) is
variable char : character;
variable base : integer;
variable q : integer;
if(L'length > 0) then
char := ' ';
while(char = ' ') loop -- Skip spaces
read(L, char);
end loop;
base := 16; -- Hex is the default
if(char = '%') then -- determine base
read(L, char);
if(char = 'b' or char = 'B') then
base := 2;
elsif(char = 'x' or char = 'X') then
base := 16;
elsif(char = 'd' or char = 'D') then
base := 10;
assert false report "Unsupported Base detected when reading an integer"
severity error;
end if;
read(L, char);
end if;
q := 0;
if(is_hex(char)) then
q := q * base + hex_char_to_int(char);
while(is_hex(char) and not (L'length = 0)) loop
read(L, char);
if(is_hex(char)) then
q := q * base + hex_char_to_int(char);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
I := q;
assert false report "Couldn't read an integer"
severity error;
end if;
end read_int;
-- *Module : sget_int
-- *Description : Same as read_int except for strings
procedure sget_int(S : in string; P : inout integer; X : out integer) is
variable char : character;
variable base : integer;
variable q : integer;
if(S'length > P) then
char := ' ';
while(char = ' ') loop -- Skip spaces
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
end loop;
base := 16; -- Hex is the default
if(char = '%') then -- determine base
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
if(char = 'b' or char = 'B') then
base := 2;
elsif(char = 'x' or char = 'X') then
base := 16;
elsif(char = 'd' or char = 'D') then
base := 10;
assert false report "Unsupported Base detected when reading an integer"
severity error;
end if;
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
end if;
q := 0;
if(is_hex(char)) then
q := q * base + hex_char_to_int(char);
while(is_hex(char) and not (S'length = P)) loop
char := S(P);
P := P + 1;
if(is_hex(char)) then
q := q * base + hex_char_to_int(char);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
X := q;
assert false report "Couldn't read an integer"
severity error;
end if;
end sget_int;
-- *Module : write_hex_vector
-- *Description : writes out a vector as hex
procedure write_hex_vector(L : inout line; V : in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) is
variable C : character;
variable VV : STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR(((V'length + 3)/4) * 4 - 1 downto 0);
VV := (others => '0');
VV(V'length -1 downto 0) := V;
for i in VV'length/4 - 1 downto 0 loop
C := vector_to_hex_char(VV(i*4+3 downto i*4));
write(L, C);
end loop;
end write_hex_vector;
-- *Module : to_str
-- *Description : Converts a STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR to a string of the same length
function to_str(constant V: in STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
variable S : STRING(1 to V'length);
variable sp : integer;
sp := 1;
for i in V'range loop
case V(i) is
when '1' | 'H' =>
S(sp) := '1';
when '0' | 'L' =>
S(sp) := '0';
when others =>
S(sp) := 'X';
end case;
sp := sp + 1;
end loop;
end to_str;
-- *Module : to_str
-- *Description : Converts a STD_ULOGIC to a string
function to_str(constant V: in STD_ULOGIC) return STRING is
-- variable S : STRING(1);
case V is
when '1' | 'H' =>
when '0' | 'L' =>
when others =>
end case;
end to_str;
-- *Module : to_str
-- *Description : Converts a integer to a string
function to_str(constant val : in INTEGER) return STRING is
variable result : STRING(11 downto 1) := "-2147483648"; -- smallest integer and longest string
variable tmp : INTEGER;
variable pos : NATURAL := 1;
variable digit : NATURAL;
-- for the smallest integer MOD does not seem to work...
--if val = -2147483648 then : compilation error with Xilinx tools...
if val < -2147483647 then
pos := 12;
tmp := abs(val);
digit := abs(tmp MOD 10);
tmp := tmp / 10;
result(pos) := character'val(character'pos('0') + digit);
pos := pos + 1;
exit when tmp = 0;
end loop;
if val < 0 then
result(pos) := '-';
pos := pos + 1;
end if;
end if;
return result((pos-1) downto 1);
end to_str;
-- *Module : to_strn
-- *Description : Converts an integer to a string of length N
function to_strn(constant val : in INTEGER; constant n : in INTEGER) return STRING is
variable result : STRING(11 downto 1) := "-2147483648"; -- smallest integer and longest string
variable tmp : INTEGER;
variable pos : NATURAL := 1;
variable digit : NATURAL;
-- for the smallest integer MOD does not seem to work...
--if val = -2147483648 then : compilation error with Xilinx tools...
if val < -2147483647 then
pos := 12;
result := (others => ' ');
tmp := abs(val);
digit := abs(tmp MOD 10);
tmp := tmp / 10;
result(pos) := character'val(character'pos('0') + digit);
pos := pos + 1;
exit when tmp = 0;
end loop;
if val < 0 then
result(pos) := '-';
pos := pos + 1;
end if;
end if;
return result(n downto 1);
end to_strn;
end textutil;