Commit 4fedd474 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Remove use of intermediate variable in modules/genrams/

parent 113b00e5
......@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ except NameError:
# Target specific modules.
if target == "altera":
local_modules = ["altera", "generic"]
modules = {"local": ["altera", "generic"]}
elif target == "xilinx":
if syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC6V":
local_modules = ["xilinx", "xilinx/virtex6"]
modules = {"local": ["xilinx", "xilinx/virtex6"]}
local_modules = ["xilinx", "generic"]
modules = {"local": ["xilinx", "generic"]}
local_modules = ["generic"]
modules = {"local" : ["generic"]}
modules = {"local" : local_modules + ["common", "cheby"]}
modules["local"].extend(["common", "cheby"])
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