• Dimitris Lampridis's avatar
    [hdl] use new gc_sync for pulse synchroniser as well. · 5900eadd
    Dimitris Lampridis authored
    The main reason for doing this is so that all our sync modules are based directly on
    gc_sync (instead of using it indirectly through gc_sync_ffs).
    Another benefit of this is that the feedback loop of the pulse synchroniser will now be two clock
    cycles shorter (one input clock cycle + one output clock cycle), since gc_sync_ffs is using one
    more flip-flop compared to gc_sync.
    This will also reduce the number of warnings in various synthesis and simulation tools, since
    gc_pulse_syncrhonizer is also used by the gc_sync_word modules, as well as the async dual clock
    Signed-off-by: Dimitris Lampridis's avatarDimitris Lampridis <dimitris.lampridis@cern.ch>
gc_pulse_synchronizer2.vhd 3.92 KB