tdc/test: added more features. Untested\!py

Signed-off-by: Samuel Iglesias Gonsálvez's avatarSamuel Iglesias Gonsalvez <>
parent 9d5d2ec2
......@@ -17,6 +17,15 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
lun = -1;
device = -1;
class tdc_dev (Structure):
_fields_ = [("dev_id", c_int),
("lun", c_int),
("devbase", POINTER(c_char)),
("sysbase", POINTER(c_char)),
("chan_config", c_uint32),
("ctrl", POINTER(c_int)),
("data", POINTER(c_int))]
def print_header():
print ('')
print ('\t FMC TDC Testing program \t')
......@@ -32,7 +41,7 @@ class Cli(cmd.Cmd):
self.ruler = ''
self.libtdc = arg
self.tdc = 0;
self.tdc_open = 0;
def do_version(self, arg):
"print version, license and author of the test program"
......@@ -43,24 +52,31 @@ class Cli(cmd.Cmd):
"open a TDC device: open <lun>"
self.lun = arg;
ptr = POINTER(tdc_dev);
# self.libtdc.tdc_open.restype = ptr;
self.tdc = self.libtdc.tdc_open(arg);
self.tdc_open = 1;
def do_close(self, arg):
"close an open TDC device"
if self.tdc == 0:
if self.tdc_open == 0:
print "No device to close"
self.tdc = 0;
self.tdc_open = 0;
def do_current_utc(self, arg):
"show current UTC time of the board in seconds"
if (self.tdc):
val = self.libtdc.tdc_get_utc_time(self.tdc, byref(val))
print "Current utc time: " + val
if (self.tdc_open):
val = c_uint(0)
print "Current utc time: ",
print val
self.libtdc.tdc_get_utc_time(self.tdc, byref(val))
print "Current utc time: ",
print val
print "No device open"
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