Commit 2c472601 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge branch…

Merge branch '48-synthesis-do-not-work-anymore-due-to-changes-in-gitlab-runner-move-to-evergreen-job' into 'master'

Resolve "synthesis do not work anymore due to changes in gitlab runner move to evergreen job"

Closes #48

See merge request be-cem-edl/fec/hardware-modules/fmc-tdc-1ns-5cha!28
parents 733f48dd 85db79c6
......@@ -6,6 +6,17 @@
8.1.1 - 2024-03-06
- sw: bug when doing DMA on Linux 5.10
- sw: use IRQF_ONESHOT
- sw: style fixes
- hdl: fix synthesis pipeline by using the common one
- tst: various imrpovements
8.1.0 - 2023-10-19
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