Commit 266bcc03 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

doc/hardware: add information about LEDs

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 0dea3ea7
......@@ -101,3 +101,80 @@ Performance:
channels) in burst of 5k samples
* FIFO-mode on SVEC-carrier, VME MENA-25: continuous 80KHz with the
minimal processing of samples
There are 6 orange LEDs on the front panel of each TDC board.
* LED STA blinks upon a "local PPS pulse".
* LED#1 blinks upon the writing in the "circular buffer" of a timestamp
referred to channel 1.
If the input termination for channel 1 is ON, there is a blinking when
the timestamp is written; if the input termination is OFF, the LED is
always ON and it turns OFF when the timestamp is written.
* LED#2..LED#5 function accordingly for channels 2..5. The signals regarding
the channel number and the writing in the "circular buffer" come from
the "data formatting" unit.
The eight front panel LEDs of the SVEC are used as follows:
| LED | Color | Function |
| 1 | OFF | No transmission on WR link |
| | RED | Transmission on WR link (blink) |
| 2 | OFF | White Rabbit link down |
| | GREEN | White Rabbit link up |
| 3 | OFF | No data available to be read from ACAM chip on FMC1 |
| | GREEN | EF1 or EF2 pin set on ACAM chip on FMC1, data available to be read from ACAM chip |
| 4 | OFF | No data available to be read from ACAM chip on FMC2 |
| | GREEN | EF1 or EF2 pin set on ACAM chip on FMC1, data available to be read from ACAM chip |
| 5 | OFF | No VME access at the moment |
| | GREEN | VME access, blink on transmission |
| 6 | OFF | No WR PPS |
| | GREEN | WR PPS, blink on pulse |
| 7 | OFF | TDC1 not locked to White Rabbit |
| | GREEN | TDC1 locked to White Rabbit |
| 8 | OFF | TDC2 not locked to White Rabbit |
| | GREEN | TDC2 locked to White Rabbit |
The dwo front panel LEDs of the SPEC are used as follows:
| LED | Color | Function |
| 1 | OFF | No transmission on WR link |
| | RED | Transmission on WR link (blink) |
| 2 | OFF | White Rabbit link down |
| | GREEN | White Rabbit link up |
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