sch v1.0
Milestone ID: 19
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Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Connect PGND to GND and the feedback networks to AGND for all TLV62130s
- C2 capacitor voltage rating a bit marginal
- PG signal pulled up to multiple power rails
- LEDs seem a bit underpowered
- P3V3 bypass capacitors shown next to ICs that don't use P3V3
- FMC 1-wire temp. sensor needs to use Vadj for I/O
- Missing copyright & license information
- Add test point for each generated voltage level and SPI/UART signals
- Keep same sheet format for all pages
- BOM could be optimized a bit
- ERTEC-EMC: no need for net EMC_FCLK0
- Flash: this flash memory is declared obsolete, we should use another one
- PowerSupply: add notes with calculations of feedback R1/R2 and L values
- PowerSupply: soft-start capacitor selection
- PowerSupply: some more decoupling needed for TLV62130
- PowerSupply: AGND and PGND should have also connection to main GND plane
- FMC connector: connect ERTEC rst input to the fmc connector as well
- FMC connector: reshuffle signals to match other communication mezzanines
- FMC connector: don't connect VREF_A_M2C (pin h1)
- GND symbols should be pointing down
- FMC connector: pin D29@J4B is JTAG TCK so cannot be used as GPIO
- FMC.[] and ERTEC.[] buses
- R52 value not defined, should be >1MOhm (e.g. 1M1)
- too many mounting holes?
- Use low-profile Ethernet sockets