import time
import uhal
from I2CuHal import I2CCore
import sys
# Class to configure the Si5344 clock generator
def __init__(self, i2c, slaveaddr=0x68):
self.i2c = i2c
self.slaveaddr = slaveaddr
def readRegister(self, myaddr, nwords, verbose=False):
# Read a specific register on the Si5344 chip. There is not check on the validity of the address but
# the code sets the correct page before reading.
# First make sure we are on the correct page
currentPg = self.getPage()
requirePg = (myaddr & 0xFF00) >> 8
print("REG", hex(myaddr), "CURR PG", hex(
currentPg[0]), "REQ PG", hex(requirePg))
if currentPg[0] != requirePg:
mystop = False
self.i2c.write(self.slaveaddr, addr, mystop)
res =, nwords)
return res
def writeRegister(self, myaddr, data, verbose=False):
# Write a specific register on the Si5344 chip. There is not check on the validity of the address but
# the code sets the correct page before reading.
# myaddr is an int
# data is a list of ints
# First make sure we are on the correct page
myaddr = myaddr & 0xFFFF
currentPg = self.getPage()
requirePg = (myaddr & 0xFF00) >> 8
# print "REG", hex(myaddr), "CURR PG" , currentPg, "REQ PG", hex(requirePg)
if currentPg[0] != requirePg:
result += "%#02x " % (iaddr)
self.i2c.write(self.slaveaddr, data)
# time.sleep(0.01)
# Configure the chip to perform operations on the specified address page.
mystop = True
myaddr = [0x01, page]
self.i2c.write(self.slaveaddr, myaddr, mystop)
# time.sleep(0.01)
# Read the current address page
mystop = False
myaddr = [0x01]
self.i2c.write(self.slaveaddr, myaddr, mystop)
rPage =, 1)
# time.sleep(0.1)
# Read registers containing chip information
mystop = False
nwords = 2
myaddr = [0x02] # 0xfa
self.i2c.write(self.slaveaddr, myaddr, mystop)
# time.sleep(0.1)
res =, nwords)
print(" Si5345 EEPROM: ")
result = "\t"
for iaddr in reversed(res):
result += "%#02x " % (iaddr)
def parse_clk(self, filename, verbose=False):
# Parse the configuration file produced by Clockbuilder Pro (Silicon Labs)
deletedcomments = """"""
print("\tParsing file", filename)
with open(filename, 'rb') as configfile:
for i, line in enumerate(configfile):
# print(line)
line = line.decode('ascii')
if not line.startswith('#'):
if not line.startswith('Address'):
deletedcomments += line
csvfile = io.StringIO(deletedcomments)
cvr = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
# print "\tN elements parser:", sum(1 for row in cvr)
# return [addr_list,data_list]
# for item in cvr:
# print "rere"
# regAddr= int(item[0], 16)
# regData[0]= int(item[1], 16)
# print "\t ", hex(regAddr), hex(regData[0])
#self.configList= cvr
print("\t ", len(regSettingList), "elements")
def writeConfiguration(self, regSettingList, verbose=0):
print(" Si5345 Writing configuration:")
toolbar_width = 38
sys.stdout.write(" [%s]" % (" " * toolbar_width))
# return to start of line, after '['
sys.stdout.write("\b" * (toolbar_width+1))
regAddr = int(item[0], 16)
regData = [0]
regData[0] = int(item[1], 16)
if (verbose > 1):
print("\t", counter, "Reg:", hex(regAddr), "Data:", regData)
counter += 1
self.writeRegister(regAddr, regData, False)
if (not (counter % 10) and (verbose == 1)):
regAddr = 0x026B
res = self.readRegister(regAddr, 8)
result = " Si5345 design Id:\n\t"