Commit d2a1565d authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Merge branch 'master' of

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17838075 0 -1 7964 -1 8054 25 25 1411 497 0 1 289 306 -1 -1 0 0 45 -1 -1 45 1 0 8054 -1 0 -1 0 17838075 0 -1 7964 -1 8054 25 25 1411 497 0 1 289 306 -1 -1 0 0 45 -1 -1 45 1 0 8054 -1 0 -1 0
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\chapter{DUT signals}\label{ch:DUTsignals} \chapter{DUT signals}\label{ch:DUTsignals}
In the old versions of the \gls{tlu} the direction of the signals on the \verb|HDMI*| connectors were pre-defined. The new hardware has separate lines for signals going into the \gls{tlu} and signals out of the \gls{tlu}. See section~\ref{ch:hwDUT} for further details.\\ In the old versions of the \gls{tlu} the direction of the signals on the \verb|HDMI*| connectors were pre-defined. The new hardware has separate lines for signals going into the \gls{tlu} and signals out of the \gls{tlu}. See section~\ref{ch:hwDUT} for further details. \\
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\author{Paolo Baesso} \author{Paolo Baesso}
\title{AIDA Trigger logic unit (TLU)} \title{AIDA Trigger logic unit (TLU v1E)}
\date{\today} \date{\today}
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\textit{Board \brd.}\newline \textit{Documentation for \brd.}\newline
\newline \newline
Paolo Baesso - \monthname, \the\year\newline Paolo Baesso - \monthname, \the\year
\newline Please report any error or omission to the author.
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\chapter{EUDAQ Producer}\label{ch:eudaqprod} \chapter{Control software}\label{ch:controlsw}
The preferred method to run the \gls{tlu} is by using the \href{}{EUDAQ}\footnote{} data acquisition framework.\\
A \gls{tlu} producer, based on C++, has been written to integrate the hardware in EUDAQ and is regularly pushed to the master repository. Checking out the latest EUDAQ software ensures to also have a stable version of the producer.\\
In addition to the EUDAQ producer, a set of Python scripts has been developed to enable users to configure and run the \gls{tlu} using a minimal environment without having to setup the whole data acquisition framework. The scripts are meant to reflect all the functionalities in the EUDAQ producers, i.e. using the scripts it should be possible to perform any operation available on the EUDAQ producer. However, they should only be used for local debugging and testing.\\
When fixing bus or developing new software for the \gls{tlu}, priority will be given to ensure that the EUDAQ producer is patched first. As a consequence, there is a higher chance to find bugs in the Python scripts.
\section{EUDAQ Producer}\label{ch:eudaqprod}
Current structure of a fmctlu producer event: Current structure of a fmctlu producer event:
\lstset{language=XML} \lstset{language=XML}
\scriptsize \scriptsize
\begin{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting}
<Event> <Event>
<Type>2149999981</Type> <Type>2149999981</Type>
...@@ -60,3 +69,9 @@ Current structure of a fmctlu producer event: ...@@ -60,3 +69,9 @@ Current structure of a fmctlu producer event:
\item[???] Event type from \gls{tlu} is missing? \item[???] Event type from \gls{tlu} is missing?
\item[???] Input trig, i.e. the actual firing inputs should be in TRIGGER but there seems to be nothing there \item[???] Input trig, i.e. the actual firing inputs should be in TRIGGER but there seems to be nothing there
\end{description} \end{description}
\section{Python scripts}
The scripts used to debug work locally with the \gls{tlu} are located in a dedicated folder in the \href{}{firmware repository}\footnote{\_AIDA/tree/master/TLU\_v1e/scripts} and rely on additional packages and software.
First of all, the user should download the \href{}{packages} used to control the various components of the hardware\footnote{\_AIDA/tree/master/packages}. It is also necessary to have a local installation of \href{}{IPBUS and uHAL}\footnote{}.\\
Once all the necessary packages have been installed and the environment is set to point to the right folders, it is possible to run the \verb|| script to start an interface that allows to operate the \gls{tlu}.
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\chapter{Appendix}\label{ch:appendix} \chapter{Appendix}\label{ch:appendix}
\section{Layout of Enclustra FPGA.}
\includepdf[link,pages={1}]{./Docs/PM3TopView.pdf} \includepdf[link,pages={1}]{./Docs/PM3TopView.pdf}
\section{Connections between TLU and FPGA package.}
\includepdf[link,pages=-, angle=90]{./Docs/Connections.pdf} \includepdf[link,pages=-, angle=90]{./Docs/Connections.pdf}
\includepdf[link,pages=-, angle=90]{./Docs/schematics.pdf} \section{Schematics for main TLU electronics.}
\ No newline at end of file \includepdf[link,pages=-, angle=90]{./Docs/schematics.pdf}
\section{Schematics for LED and PMT power module.}
\includepdf[link,pages=-, angle=90]{./Docs/schematicsLED.pdf}
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\chapter{Functions}\label{ch:functions} \chapter{Functions}\label{ch:functions}
The following is a list of files containing the code for the \gls{tlu}: The following is a list of files containing the code for the \gls{tlu}:
\begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/fmctlu_runcontrol.ini|:\newline initialization file for the hardware. The location of the file can be passed to the EUDAQ code in the \gls{gui}. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/aida_tlu_test.ini|:\newline initialization file for the hardware. The location of the file can be passed to the EUDAQ code in the \gls{gui}.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/fmctlu_runcontrol.conf|:\newline configuration file. It contains all the parameters to be loaded in the \gls{tlu} at the beginning of the run. If this file is not found, EUDAQ will use a list of default settings. The location of the file (and its name) can be passed to the EUDAQ code in the \gls{gui}. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/aida_tlu_test.conf|:\newline configuration file. It contains all the parameters to be loaded in the \gls{tlu} at the beginning of the run. If this file is not found, EUDAQ will use a list of default settings. The location of the file (and its name) can be passed to the EUDAQ code in the \gls{gui}.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/fmctlu_connection.xml|:\newline define the IP address and address map of the \gls{tlu}. The one listed is the default location for the file. A different location can be specified with the \verb|ConnectionFile| option in the \emph{conf} file for the \gls{tlu}. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/aida_tlu_test_connection.xml|:\newline define the IP address and address map of the \gls{tlu}. The one listed is the default location for the file. A different location can be specified with the \verb|ConnectionFile| option in the \emph{conf} file for the \gls{tlu}.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/fmctlu_address.xml|:\newline address map for the \gls{tlu}. The location of the file is specified in the \verb|fmctlu_connection.xml| file. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/aida_tlu_test_address.xml|:\newline address map for the \gls{tlu}. The location of the file is specified in the \verb|fmctlu_connection.xml| file.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/fmctlu_clock_config.txt|:\newline configuration for the Si5345 clock chip. In order for the hardware to work a configuration file must be present. Those listed are the default name and location for the file; a different file can be specified with the \verb|CLOCK_CFG_FILE| option in the \emph{conf} file for the \gls{tlu}. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/misc/aida_tlu_test_clock_config.txt|:\newline configuration for the Si5345 clock chip. In order for the hardware to work a configuration file must be present. Those listed are the default name and location for the file; a different file can be specified with the \verb|CLOCK_CFG_FILE| option in the \emph{conf} file for the \gls{tlu}.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/module/src/|:\newline eudaq producer for the \gls{tlu}. Contains the methods to initialize, configure, start, stop the \gls{tlu} producer. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/module/src/|:\newline eudaq producer for the \gls{tlu}. Contains the methods to initialize, configure, start, stop the \gls{tlu} producer.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/|:\newline Contains the definition of the hardware class for the \gls{tlu} and the methods to set and read from its hardware, such as clock chip, DAC, etc. This lever is abstract with respect to the actual hardware, so that if a future version of the board uses different components it should be possible to re-use this code. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/|:\newline Contains the definition of the hardware class for the \gls{tlu} and the methods to set and read from its hardware, such as clock chip, DAC, etc. This lever is abstract with respect to the actual hardware, so that if a future version of the board uses different components it should be possible to re-use this code.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/include/FmctluController.hh|:\newline Headers for the controller. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/include/AidaTluController.hh|:\newline Headers for the controller.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/FmctluController.cxx|:\newline Executable for the controller. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/AidaTluController.cxx|:\newline Executable for the controller.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/|:\newline This is the code that deals with the actual hardware on the \gls{tlu}, and contains specific instructions for the chips mounted in the current version. It contains several classes for the ADC, the clock chip, the I/O expanders etc. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/|:\newline This is the code that deals with the actual hardware on the \gls{tlu}, and contains specific instructions for the chips mounted in the current version. It contains several classes for the ADC, the clock chip, the I/O expanders etc.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/include/FmctluHardware.hh|:\newline Header for the hardware. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/include/AidaTluHardware.hh|:\newline Header for the hardware.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/|:\newline core functions used to read and write from \gls{i2c} compatible slaves. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/src/|:\newline core functions used to read and write from \gls{i2c} compatible slaves.
\item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/include/FmctluI2c.hh|:\newline Headers for the \gls{i2c} core. \item \verb|./eudaq2/user/eudet/hardware/include/AidaTluI2c.hh|:\newline Headers for the \gls{i2c} core.
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\section{Functions} \section{Functions}
...@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Board \brd is an evolution of the miniTLU designed at the \gls{uob}. The board s ...@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Board \brd is an evolution of the miniTLU designed at the \gls{uob}. The board s
The board must be plugged onto a \gls{fmc} carrier board with an \gls{fpga} in order to function correctly. The connection is achieved using a low pin count \gls{fmc} connector. The list of the pins used and the corresponding signal within the \gls{fpga} are provided in appendix at page~\pageref{ch:appendix}.\\ The board must be plugged onto a \gls{fmc} carrier board with an \gls{fpga} in order to function correctly. The connection is achieved using a low pin count \gls{fmc} connector. The list of the pins used and the corresponding signal within the \gls{fpga} are provided in appendix at page~\pageref{ch:appendix}.\\
\subsubsection{Device under test}\label{ch:dut} \subsubsection{Device under test}\label{ch:dut}
The \gls{dut}s are connected to the \gls{tlu} using standard size \gls{hdmi} connectors\footnote{In the miniTLU hardware there were mini\gls{hdmi} connectors.}.\\ The \gls{dut}s are connected to the \gls{tlu} using standard size \gls{hdmi} connectors\footnote{In the miniTLU hardware these were mini \gls{hdmi} connectors.}.\\
In the current version of the hardware, up to four \gls{dut}s can be connected to the board. In this document the connectors will be referred to as \verb|HDMI1|, \verb|HDMI2|, \verb|HDMI3| and \verb|HDMI4|.\\ In the current version of the hardware, up to four \gls{dut}s can be connected to the board. In this document the connectors will be referred to as \verb|HDMI1|, \verb|HDMI2|, \verb|HDMI3| and \verb|HDMI4|.\\
The connectors expect 3.3~V \gls{lvds} signals and are bi-directional, i.e. any differential pair can be configured to be an output (signal from the TLU to the DUT) or an input (signals from the DUT to the TLU) by using half-duplex line transceivers. Figure~\ref{fig:LVDSTransceiver} illustrates how the differential pairs are connected to the transceivers. The connectors operate with 3.3~V \gls{lvds} signals and are bi-directional, i.e. any differential pair can be configured to be an output (signal from the TLU to the DUT) or an input (signals from the DUT to the TLU) by using half-duplex line transceivers. Figure~\ref{fig:LVDSTransceiver} illustrates how the differential pairs are connected to the transceivers.
\begin{alertinfo}{Note} \begin{alertinfo}{Note}
The input part of the transceiver is configured to be always on. This means that signals going \emph{into} the \gls{tlu} are always routed to the logic (\gls{fpga}). By contrast, the output transceivers have to be enabled and are off by default: signal sent from the logic to the \gls{dut}s cannot reach the devices unless the corresponding enable signal is active. The input part of the transceiver is configured to be always on. This means that signals going \emph{into} the \gls{tlu} are always routed to the logic (\gls{fpga}). By contrast, the output transceivers have to be enabled and are off by default: signal sent from the logic to the \gls{dut}s cannot reach the devices unless the corresponding enable signal is active.
\end{alertinfo} \end{alertinfo}
...@@ -129,7 +129,23 @@ The \gls{cdr} is used in conjunction with the \gls{sfp} cage to recover data and ...@@ -129,7 +129,23 @@ The \gls{cdr} is used in conjunction with the \gls{sfp} cage to recover data and
The clock for \brd can be generated using various external or internal references (see section~\ref{ch:clock} for further details). In order to reduce any jitter from the clock source and to provide a stable clock, the board hosts a Si5345 clock generator that needs to be configured via \gls{i2c} interface.\\ The clock for \brd can be generated using various external or internal references (see section~\ref{ch:clock} for further details). In order to reduce any jitter from the clock source and to provide a stable clock, the board hosts a Si5345 clock generator that needs to be configured via \gls{i2c} interface.\\
The configuration involves writing $\thicksim$380 register values. A configuration file, containing all the register addresses and the corresponding values, can be generated using the ClockBuilder tool available from \href{}{Silicon Labs}.\\ The configuration involves writing $\thicksim$380 register values. A configuration file, containing all the register addresses and the corresponding values, can be generated using the ClockBuilder tool available from \href{}{Silicon Labs}.\\
The registers addresses between 0x026B and 0x0272 contain user-defined values that can be used to identify the configuration version: it is advisable to check those registers and check that they contain the correct code to ensure that the chip is configured according to the \gls{tlu} specifications. As an indication, files generated for the current version of the \gls{tlu} should have a configuration identifier in the form \verb|TLU1E_XX|, where \verb|XX| is a sequential number.\\ The registers addresses between 0x026B and 0x0272 contain user-defined values that can be used to identify the configuration version: it is advisable to check those registers and check that they contain the correct code to ensure that the chip is configured according to the \gls{tlu} specifications. As an indication, files generated for the current version of the \gls{tlu} should have a configuration identifier in the form \verb|TLU1E_XX|, where \verb|XX| is a sequential number.\\
\begin{alertinfo}{TLU Producer} \begin{alertinfo}{\gls{tlu} Producer}
When using the TLU producer to configure hardware, the location of the configuration file can be specified by setting the \texttt{CLOCK\_CFG\_FILE} value in the \emph{conf} file for the producer.\\ When using the \gls{tlu} producer to configure hardware, the location of the configuration file can be specified by setting the \texttt{CLOCK\_CFG\_FILE} value in the \emph{conf} file for the producer.\\
If no value is specified, the software will look for the configuration file \texttt{../conf/confClk.txt} i.e. if the \texttt{euRun} binary file is located in \texttt{./eudaq/bin}, then the default configuration file should reside in \texttt{./eudaq/conf}. The configuration will produce an error if the file is not found. If no value is specified, the software will look for the configuration file \texttt{../conf/confClk.txt} i.e. if the \texttt{euRun} binary file is located in \texttt{./eudaq/bin}, then the default configuration file should reside in \texttt{./eudaq/conf}. The configuration will produce an error if the file is not found.
\end{alertinfo} \end{alertinfo}
\section{Power module and led}\label{ch:frontpanel}
The \gls{led}s and \gls{pmt} connectors on the front panel are part of an auxiliary board installed together with the \brd. All the functionalities on the board, such as the indicators and the \gls{dac} are controlled via \gls{i2c} bus.\\
Is the \gls{tlu} is controlled using EUDAQ, the \gls{dac} can be steered by means of a parameter in the configuration file (see section~\ref{ch:EUDAQPar} for details).\\
Three green \gls{led} on the front panel are used to indicate the presence of power (+12 V) and the correct functioning of the +5 V and -5 V voltage regulators. Further indicators are assigned to the \gls{hdmi} and trigger inputs to provide information on their status. These indicators are \gls{rgb}. At the moment there is not defined scheme to assign a meaning to each colour.\\
The LEMO connectors used to power the \gls{pmt}s are wired according to the following scheme, inherited from what already in use in beam telescopes:
\item POWER: +12~V
\item not connected
\item CONTROL, voltage signal from 0 to +1~V
\item GND
\begin{alertinfo}{\gls{tlu} Control voltage on modified units}
Some users requested the possibility to use different types of \gls{pmt}s. To enable this, a few power modules have been modified to provide +5~V (instead of +12~V) and to have a maximum control voltage of 1.1~V (instead of 1~V).\\
The modified units are clearly labelled and use different style of \gls{pmt} connectors, so that confusion should be minimized.
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\chapter{Clock}\label{ch:clock} \chapter{Clock}\label{ch:clock}
The \gls{tlu} can use various sources to produce a stable 40~MHz clock\footnote{For some applications a 50~MHz clock will be required instead}. A \gls{lvpecl} crystal provides the reference 50~MHz clock for a Si5345A jitter attenuator. The Si5345A can accept up to four clock sources and use them to generate the required output clocks.\\ The \gls{tlu} can use various sources to produce a stable 40~MHz clock\footnote{For some applications a 50~MHz clock will be required instead}. A \gls{lvpecl} crystal provides the reference 50~MHz clock for a Si5345A jitter attenuator. The Si5345A can accept up to four clock sources and use them to generate the required output clocks.\\
In \brd the possible sources are: differential LEMO connector LM1\_9, one of the four \gls{hdmi} connectors (\verb|HDMI4|), a \gls{cdr} chip connected to the \gls{sfp} cage. The fourht input is used to provide a zero-delay feedback loop.\\ In \brd the possible sources are: differential LEMO connector LM1\_9, one of the four \gls{hdmi} connectors (\verb|HDMI4|), a \gls{cdr} chip connected to the \gls{sfp} cage. The fourht input is used to provide a zero-delay feedback loop.\\
The low-jitter clock generated by the Si5345A can be distributed to up to ten recipients. In the \gls{tlu} these are: the four \gls{dut}s via \gls{hdmi} connectors, the differential LEMO cable, the \gls{fpga}, connector J1 as a differential pair (pins 4 and 6) and as a single ended signal (pin 8). The final output is connected to the zero-delay feedback loop.\\ The low-jitter clock generated by the Si5345A can be distributed to up to ten recipients. In the \gls{tlu} these are: the four \gls{dut}s via \gls{hdmi} connectors, the differential LEMO cable, the \gls{fpga}, connector J1 as a differential pair (pins 4 and 6) and as a single ended signal (pin 8). The final output is connected to the zero-delay feedback loop. Note that it is possible to program the clock chip to generate a different frequency for each of its outputs.\\
The \gls{dut}s can receive the clock either from the Si5435A or directly from the \gls{fpga}: when provided by the clock generator, the signal name is \verb|CLK\_TO\_DUT| and is enabled by signal \verb|ENABLE_CLK_TO_DUT|; when the signal is provided directly from the \gls{fpga} the line used is \verb|DUT_CLK_FROM_FPGA| and is enabled by \verb|ENABLE_DUT_CLK_FROM_FPGA|.\\ The \gls{dut}s can receive the clock either from the Si5435A or directly from the \gls{fpga}: when provided by the clock generator, the signal name is \verb|CLK\_TO\_DUT| and is enabled by signal \verb|ENABLE_CLK_TO_DUT|; when the signal is provided directly from the \gls{fpga} the line used is \verb|DUT_CLK_FROM_FPGA| and is enabled by \verb|ENABLE_DUT_CLK_FROM_FPGA|.\\
The firmware uses the clock generated by the Si5345A except for the block \verb|enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra| which relies on a crystal mounted on the Enclustra board to provide the IPBus functionalities (in this way, at power up the board can communicate via IPBus even if the Si5345A is not configured). The firmware uses the clock generated by the Si5345A except for the block \verb|enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra| which relies on a crystal mounted on the Enclustra board to provide the IPBus functionalities (in this way, at power up the board can communicate via IPBus even if the Si5345A is not configured).
\section{Input selection} \section{Input selection}
The Si5345 has four inputs that can be selected to provide the clock alignment; the selection can be automatic or user-defined. For further details on this aspect the user should consult the chip documentation. The Si5345 has four inputs that can be selected to provide the clock alignment; the selection can be automatic or user-defined. For further details on this aspect the user should consult the \href{}{chip documentation}\footnote{}.
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