Commit 6080bf9e authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Merge branch 'dcussans/update_docs' into 'master'

Dcussans/update docs

See merge request !5
parents e1ada15d 3eb09f3a
...@@ -102,8 +102,13 @@ ...@@ -102,8 +102,13 @@
& IgnoreDUTBusyR & 0x9 & & r \\ & IgnoreDUTBusyR & 0x9 & & r \\
& IgnoreShutterVetoR & 0xA & & r \\ \hline & IgnoreShutterVetoR & 0xA & & r \\ \hline
\textbf{Shutter} & & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{0x2000}} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} \\ \textbf{Shutter} & & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{0x2000}} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} \\
& ShutterStateW & 0x0 & & w \\ & ControlRW & 0x0 & & rw \\
& PulseT0 & 0x1 & & w \\ \hline & ShutterSelectRW & 0x1 & & rw \\
& InternalShutterPeriodRW & 0x2 & & rw \\
& ShutterOnTimeRW & 0x3 & & rw \\
& ShutterVetoOffTimeRW & 0x4 & & rw \\
& ShutterOffTimeRW & 0x5 & & rw \\
& RunActiveRW & 0x6 & & rw \\ \hline
\textbf{i2c\_master} & \textbf{} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{0x3000}} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} \\ \textbf{i2c\_master} & \textbf{} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{0x3000}} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} \\
& i2c\_pre\_lo & 0x0 & 0xFF & r/w \\ & i2c\_pre\_lo & 0x0 & 0xFF & r/w \\
& i2c\_pre\_hi & 0x1 & 0xFF & r/w \\ & i2c\_pre\_hi & 0x1 & 0xFF & r/w \\
...@@ -122,6 +127,7 @@ ...@@ -122,6 +127,7 @@
& CurrentTimestampHR & 0x3 & & r \\ \hline & CurrentTimestampHR & 0x3 & & r \\ \hline
\textbf{triggerInputs} & \textbf{} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{0x6000}} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} \\ \textbf{triggerInputs} & \textbf{} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{0x6000}} & \textbf{} & \textbf{} \\
& SerdesRstW & 0x0 & & w \\ & SerdesRstW & 0x0 & & w \\
& InvertEdgeW & 0x1 & w \\
& SerdesRstR & 0x8 & & r \\ & SerdesRstR & 0x8 & & r \\
& ThrCount0R & 0x9 & & r \\ & ThrCount0R & 0x9 & & r \\
& ThrCount1R & 0xA & & r \\ & ThrCount1R & 0xA & & r \\
...@@ -177,9 +183,16 @@ ...@@ -177,9 +183,16 @@
\begin{description} \begin{description}
\item[------------------------] \item[------------------------]
\item[SHUTTER] \item[SHUTTER] These registers control the signal that the \gls{dut}s receive on the \verb|cont| line. A shutter on/off (active/inactive) signal can either be produced from an internal timer or triggered from one of the trigger inputs (N.B. Any trigger input used to control the shutter will still be connected to the trigger logic. Set the trigger mask accordingly)
\item[ShutterStateW] The \gls{lsb} of this register is propagated to the \gls{dut}s as shutter signal. This is the signal that the \gls{dut}s receive on the \verb|cont| line. \item[ControlRW] The \gls{lsb} of this register controls if shutter pulses are active. 1 = active.
\item[PulseT0] Writing to this register will cause the firmware to generate a T0 signal. \item[ControlRW] Bit-0 controls if shutter pulses are active. 1 = active
\item[ShutterSelectRW] Selects which input is used to trigger shutter
\item[InternalShutterPeriodRW] Internal trig generator period ( units = number of strobe pulses)
\item[ShutterOnTimeRW] Time between input trigger being received and shutter asserted(T1) ( units = number of strobe pulses)
\item[ShutterVetoOffTimeRW] time between input trigger and veto being de-asserted(T2) ( units = number of strobe pulses)
\item[ShutterOffTimeRW] time between input trigger and time at which shutter de-asserted and veto reasserted(T3) ( units = number of strobe pulses)
\item[RunActiveRW" Writing '1' to Bit-0 of this register raises the internal run\_active signal and and causes sync line to pulse for one clock cycle (i.e. issues a start of run T0 signal
\end{description} \end{description}
\begin{description} \begin{description}
...@@ -227,6 +240,7 @@ ...@@ -227,6 +240,7 @@
\item bit 1: set this bit to reset the input trigger counters \item bit 1: set this bit to reset the input trigger counters
\item bit 2: \verb|s_calibrate_delay| \item bit 2: \verb|s_calibrate_delay|
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
\item[InvertEdgeW] Bottom 6 bits control what counts as leading edge of pulse. Set bit to 0 to trigger on low voltage to high voltage (e.g. TTL pulses). Set bit to 1 to trigger on high voltage to low voltage (e.g. NIM pulses, PMT pulses)
\item[SerdesRstR] Read register for the SerDes control. \item[SerdesRstR] Read register for the SerDes control.
\item[ThrCount0R] Read register. Returns the number of pulses above threshold for the trigger input. \item[ThrCount0R] Read register. Returns the number of pulses above threshold for the trigger input.
\item[ThrCount1R] Read register. Returns the number of pulses above threshold for the trigger input. \item[ThrCount1R] Read register. Returns the number of pulses above threshold for the trigger input.
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