Commit 38bed363 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Checking in fixes to triggerInputs - should now provide pulse on trigger_o and…

Checking in fixes to triggerInputs - should now provide pulse on trigger_o and trigger_times_o, which had become disconnected
parent 1a2c5d0f
......@@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ ENTITY triggerInputs IS
g_NUM_INPUTS : natural := 1
cfd_discr_p_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0);
cfd_discr_n_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0);
clk_4x_logic : IN std_logic; -- ! Rising edge active
strobe_4x_logic_i : IN std_logic; -- ! Pulses high once every 4 cycles of clk_4x_logic
threshold_discr_p_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! inputs from threshold comparators
threshold_discr_n_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! inputs from threshold comparators
trigger_times_o : OUT t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! trigger arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
trigger_o : OUT std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! High when trigger active
trigger_debug_o : OUT std_logic_vector ( ((2*g_NUM_INPUTS)-1) DOWNTO 0); -- ! Copy of input trigger level. High bits CFD, Low threshold
edge_rising_times_o : OUT t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! edge arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
edge_falling_times_o : OUT t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! edge arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
edge_rising_o : OUT std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! High when rising edge
edge_falling_o : OUT std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); -- ! High when falling edge
cfd_discr_p_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0);--! Inputs from constant-fraction discriminators
cfd_discr_n_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO0);--! Input from CFD
clk_4x_logic : IN std_logic; --! Rising edge active. By default = 4*40MHz = 160MHz
strobe_4x_logic_i : IN std_logic; --! Pulses high once every 4 cycles of clk_4x_logic
threshold_discr_p_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! inputs from threshold comparators
threshold_discr_n_i : IN std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! inputs from threshold comparators
trigger_times_o : OUT t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! trigger arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
trigger_o : OUT std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0);--! Goes high on leading edge of trigger, in sync with clk_4x_logic_i
trigger_debug_o : OUT std_logic_vector ( ((2*g_NUM_INPUTS)-1) DOWNTO 0); --! Copy of input trigger level. High bits CFD, Low threshold
edge_rising_times_o : OUT t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! edge arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
edge_falling_times_o : OUT t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! edge arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
edge_rising_o : OUT std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! High when rising edge. Syncronous with clk_4x_logic_i
edge_falling_o : OUT std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! High when falling edge
ipbus_clk_i : IN std_logic;
ipbus_reset_i : IN std_logic;
ipbus_i : IN ipb_wbus; -- Signals from IPBus core to slave
ipbus_o : OUT ipb_rbus; -- signals from slave to IPBus core
ipbus_i : IN ipb_wbus; --! Signals from IPBus core to slave
ipbus_o : OUT ipb_rbus; --! signals from slave to IPBus core
clk_16x_logic_i : IN std_logic; --! 640MHz clock ( 16x 40MHz )
strobe_16x_logic_i : IN std_logic --! Pulses one cycle every 4 of 16x clock.
......@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ ARCHITECTURE rtl OF triggerInputs IS
signal s_rst_iserdes, s_rst_iserdes_ipb : std_logic := '0'; --! Reset ISERDES and calibrate IODELAY
signal s_threshold_discr_input , s_cfd_discr_input : std_logic_vector(g_NUM_INPUTS-1 downto 0); -- ! inputs from comparator
signal s_threshold_discr_input , s_cfd_discr_input : std_logic_vector(g_NUM_INPUTS-1 downto 0); --! inputs from comparator
type t_deserialized_trigger_data_array is array ( natural range <> ) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --
signal s_deserialized_threshold_data , s_deserialized_cfd_data : t_deserialized_trigger_data_array(g_NUM_INPUTS-1 downto 0);
signal s_serdes_reset : std_logic := '0'; -- ! Take high to reset serdes and initiate IODELAY calibration
signal s_serdes_reset : std_logic := '0'; --! Take high to reset serdes and initiate IODELAY calibration
signal s_cfd_trigger_times : t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0);
......@@ -101,7 +101,12 @@ ARCHITECTURE rtl OF triggerInputs IS
signal s_CFD_previous_late_bit : std_logic_vector(g_NUM_INPUTS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- last bit to arrive from previous 4
signal s_ipbus_ack : std_logic := '0'; -- used to produce a delayed IPBus ack signal
signal s_edge_rising_times: t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! edge arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
signal s_edge_falling_times: t_triggerTimeArray (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! edge arrival time ( w.r.t. logic_strobe)
signal s_edge_rising: std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! High when rising edge
signal s_edge_falling: std_logic_vector (g_NUM_INPUTS-1 DOWNTO 0); --! High when falling edge
ipbus_write: process (ipbus_clk_i)
......@@ -172,13 +177,25 @@ BEGIN
clk_4x_logic_i => clk_4x_logic,
strobe_4x_logic_i => strobe_4x_logic_i,
deserialized_data_i => s_deserialized_threshold_data(triggerInput) & s_threshold_previous_late_bit(triggerInput),
first_rising_edge_time_o => edge_rising_times_o(triggerInput), --trigger_times_o(triggerInput),
last_falling_edge_time_o => edge_falling_times_o(triggerInput), --open,
rising_edge_o => edge_rising_o(triggerInput), --trigger_o(triggerInput),
falling_edge_o => edge_falling_o(triggerInput),
first_rising_edge_time_o => s_edge_rising_times(triggerInput),
last_falling_edge_time_o => s_edge_falling_times(triggerInput),
rising_edge_o => s_edge_rising(triggerInput),
falling_edge_o => s_edge_falling(triggerInput),
multiple_edges_o => open
-- The leading edge may be a high-->low or a low-->high transition (
-- depending on polarity of input signal. ). For now assume that leading
-- edge is low-->high and connect trigger times and trigger output accordingly.
-- In the future have this selectable.
edge_rising_times_o(triggerInput) <= s_edge_rising_times(triggerInput);
edge_falling_times_o(triggerInput) <= s_edge_falling_times(triggerInput);
edge_rising_o(triggerInput) <= s_edge_rising(triggerInput);
edge_falling_o(triggerInput) <= s_edge_falling(triggerInput);
trigger_times_o(triggerInput) <= s_edge_rising_times(triggerInput);
trigger_o(triggerInput) <= s_edge_rising(triggerInput);
CFDInputBuffer: IBUFDS
generic map (
DIFF_TERM => true,
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