Commit 2d050d61 authored by Miguel Jimenez Lopez's avatar Miguel Jimenez Lopez

irq-demo: Fix wrong comment and update demo section in doc

parent 848add07
......@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ This is the general syntax of the command:
@table @code
@item irq-demo <dio-device> [<period in ns>]
@item irq-demo -f <dio-device> [-p <period in ns>]
@end table
......@@ -846,10 +846,10 @@ Example uses of the tool follow:
# Generate one interrupt each 100 ms
sudo irq-demo /dev/fmc-dio-1:0
sudo irq-demo -f /dev/fmc-dio-1:0
# Generate one interrupt each 10 ms
sudo irq-demo /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 10000000
sudo irq-demo -f /dev/fmc-dio-1:0 -p 10000000
@end example
@c ##########################################################################
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ static fmc_dio_device global_fmc_dev = NULL;
static int verbose_mode = 0;
* irq-demo /dev/<fmc-device-file> [<irq period>]
* irq-demo -f /dev/<fmc-device-file> [-p <irq period>]
* To exit: Please press 'q' in the keyboard or send a stop signal (CNTR+C)
* This DEMO shows the behavior of the interrupts for the FMC DIO device. The basic operation
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