Commit e1c5c633 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

Merge branch '11-incorrect-string-path-for-open_by_lun' into 'master'

Resolve "Incorrect string path for open_by_lun"

Closes #11

See merge request be-cem-edl/fec/hardware-modules/fmc-delay-1ns-8cha!4
parents 9847b733 01ccfd3e
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ struct fdelay_board *fdelay_open_by_lun(int lun)
ssize_t ret;
char dev_id_str[4];
char path_pattern[] = "/dev/fd.%d";
char path[sizeof(path_pattern) + 1];
char path[sizeof(path_pattern) + 10]; // add 10 to allow more digits
uint32_t dev_id;
if (fdelay_is_verbose())
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