Users of the FmcAdc100M14b4cha ADC board
The FmcAdc100M14b4cha card can be used in many ways. If you use the cards, please inform me about it.
Known users
- Monitoring GTO stacks in the kicker generators (Beam Transfer system) (T.Mottram, TE/ABT, June 2017)
- 20 cards for continuous monitoring of sparking activity in the MKB and MKD generators used in the LBDS.
- Requires specific gateware where one can trigger on all 4 analogue and the external trigger input at the same time (an OR of 5 triggers. Later linking even different measurement stations).
- Internal post operation check system for kicker magnet current waveform surveillance (related article)
- General control system signal acquisition (OASIS) (BE/CO)
- Abort Gap monitor of LHC (S.Mazzoni, BE/BI, July 2014)
- Monitoring GTO stacks in the kicker generators (Beam Transfer system) (T.Mottram, TE/ABT, June 2017)
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (G. Naylor, B.Huang, Jan.2013-Apr.2015) - Phase detection measurement on a 40MHz IF signal
ESS: European Spallation Source - Implement a multichannel analyzer for a He-3 counter
GSI - Beam instrumentation (R.Singh, May 2014) - Acquire beam pick-up data for ~1 s at 20 MSa/s (undersampled by 5), and process it online.
- Use as transceiver for the next generation multi-probe RF/Microwave antenna measurement system. (Sept.2015)
- Using with SPEXI carrier
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
- The FMC-ADC and an FPGA-SoM are used at the data acquisition module as an extension part of atomic force microscopy. (Sept.2019)
- Using on an NI FPGA-SoM (sbRIO9651) and an interface board. Programmed with LabVIEW FPGA.
Radboud University of Nijmegen (RUN) - DSP prototype for Lunar Radio eXplorer (LRX) (H.Pourshaghaghi, Sept.2013)
Potential users
- Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory
- LLRF controller for our Linac (A. Pietryla - APS-controls group
- May 2013)
- LLRF controller for our Linac (A. Pietryla - APS-controls group
- Agata experiment (M. Bellato - INFN PH/UCM, August 2010, may require 400 cards)
- BPM Linac4. To be used on VME carrier (CERN BE/BI, L.Soby, M.Sordet, J.Belleman 1st beam end 2010)
- Frame grabber for BSRT emittance meter (CERN BE/BI/PM, A.Boccardi, F.roncarolo, 9/11)
- Septum. To be used in PCIe (CERN TE/ABT, E.Carlier, end 2011)
- Booster Trajectory Measurement System
- OASIS general purpose (Deghaye)
- PSB pick-ups, 64 cards needed on PCIe or VME (Belleman - BE/BI, end 2010)
- CNAO, Italian Hadron Therapy Centre, BPM system (M. Caldara, Jan.2012)
- PH-CMX (CMS) Deconvolution (and maybe peak finding) algorithm on FPGA to decrease storage data (V.Ryjov, P.Burtowy, June 2013)
- ISOTDAQ - international school of trigger and data acquisition (PH-ESE, M.Joos, May 2014)
- Chiron-IT, Recording and playback system based on SPEC board (Nov 2012)
- FAIR CBM Experiment detector prototyping (W.Mueller GSI - Oct. 2011)
- Radio Telescope, Oregan State University Topic ADC (Mar 2011)
- XDXL Silicon Drift Detector studies (A.Cicuttin - Oct. 2011)
Erik van der Bij - 17 September 2019