V3 Review
- "" on bottom overlay should be
- Replace R8 etc. (825R/0805) by 825R/0603.
- Replace R30 (2k2/0603) by 2k2/0805.
- Replace R132 (10k/0603) by 4k7/0603.
- Replace R90 (510R/0603) by 511R/0603.
- Replace R93, R130 (330R/0603) by 511R/0603.
- Replace R102 (13k/0603) and R103 (86k6/0603) by 75k/0603.
- Replace R104 (150k/0603) by 130k/0603.
- Replace R105 (68k/0603) by 330k/0603.
- Replace R84 (510R/0603) by 243R/0603.
- Replace R87 (1k8/0603) by 825R/0603.
- Replace R88 (150R/0805) by 120R/0603.
- Replace R89 (47R/0603) by 86R6/0603.
- Remove R136 (47R/0603) on the 1-wire interface.
- FMC front panel is delivered with Philips screws, but the assembly
BOM specifies 8x slotted screws Bossard ref: 1123238.
=> 8x slotted screws Bossard ref: 1243896 must be used (see FMC
- Connect Si570 Vc pin to the FMC connector via a RC filter (1-bit DAC
from FPGA for WR applications)
=> If needed, this feature will be added to the next revision of
the board.