FASEC prototype project
This Vivado 2016.2 project incorperates several cores (see te-abt-ec/cores repo) and its aim is to fully test the FASEC card http://www.ohwr.org/projects/fasec/wiki. The design is modular and by using AXI4-Lite slaves the XADC, FMC-slots, etc. will be tested. Several FMCs are being used to validate the full design.
Hardware testing
The following has been tested so far:
- DDR3 full range
- FMCs I2C bus
- PL output LEDs ...
The project itself is not uploaded, to recreate it after cloning the repo: $ git submodule init $ git submodule update --recursive $ vivado -mode batch -source syn/fasec_prototype_project-generation.tcl
Now the project can be openend with Vivado. There's a hacky script to update some fasec_hwtest AXI4-Lite registers to include build time and commit number. To use, run bitstream generation as follows from the Tcl Console:
cd [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]; source FASEC_prototype.srcs/tcl/set_registers.tcl