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Commit bddb1615 authored by Mathias Kreider's avatar Mathias Kreider
Browse files


-hardcoded sdwb record for config space

-fixed major bug in stall handling from wb master interface
parent f51a1fcb
No related merge requests found
......@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ signal s_fifo_rx_empty : std_logic;
signal s_fifo_rx_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal s_fifo_rx_q : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal s_fifo_rx_rd : std_logic;
signal s_fifo_rx_pop : std_logic;
signal s_fifo_rx_clr : std_logic;
signal s_fifo_rx_we : std_logic;
signal s_fifo_rx_gauge : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
......@@ -190,7 +191,16 @@ constant WBS_Zero_o : wb32_slave_out := (ACK => '0',
RTY => '0',
STALL => '0',
DAT => (others => '0'));
function active_high (bool : boolean) return std_logic is
if(bool) then
return '1';
return '0';
end if;
end active_high;
component alt_FIFO_am_full_flag IS
......@@ -249,6 +259,10 @@ port map(
usedw => s_fifo_rx_gauge
s_fifo_rx_rd <= (NOT s_WB_master_i.STALL AND s_WB_STB) or s_fifo_rx_pop;
--NOT s_fifo_rx_empty AND (NOT s_WB_STB OR NOT s_WB_master_i.STALL);
--BUG: almost_empty flag is stuck after hitting empty repeatedly.
--create our own for now
s_fifo_rx_am_empty <= '1' when unsigned(s_fifo_rx_gauge) <= 1
......@@ -380,18 +394,18 @@ begin
-- RX cycle line lowered before all words were transferred
if ((s_state_RX /= ERROR) AND (s_state_RX /= IDLE) AND (s_EB_RX_byte_cnt < s_EB_packet_length) AND (s_fifo_rx_empty = '1') AND EB_RX_i.CYC = '0') then
if ((s_state_RX /= ERROR_WAIT) AND (s_state_RX /= ERROR) AND (s_state_RX /= IDLE) AND (s_EB_RX_byte_cnt < s_EB_packet_length) AND (s_fifo_rx_empty = '1') AND EB_RX_i.CYC = '0') then
report "EB: Packet was shorter than specified by UDP length field" severity note;
--ERROR: -- RX cycle line lowered before all words were transferred
s_state_RX <= ERROR;
s_state_TX <= IDLE;
elsif((s_EB_RX_byte_cnt > s_EB_packet_length) AND ((s_state_RX /= ERROR) AND (s_state_RX /= IDLE) AND (s_state_RX /= EB_HDR_REC))) then
elsif((s_EB_RX_byte_cnt > s_EB_packet_length) AND ((s_state_RX /= ERROR_WAIT) AND (s_state_RX /= ERROR) AND (s_state_RX /= IDLE) AND (s_state_RX /= EB_HDR_REC))) then
report "EB: Packet was longer than specified by UDP length field" severity note;
s_state_RX <= ERROR;
s_state_TX <= IDLE;
elsif(a_timeout = "1" AND (s_state_RX /= ERROR)) then
elsif(a_timeout = "1" AND (s_state_RX /= ERROR_WAIT) AND (s_state_RX /= ERROR) ) then
report "EB: Timeout, core stuck too long. Could be a malformed packet or an unresponsive WB target." severity note;
s_state_RX <= ERROR;
s_state_TX <= IDLE;
......@@ -473,7 +487,7 @@ begin
end if;
when WB_WRITE => if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_CNT = 0 ) then --underflow of RX_cyc_wr_count
when WB_WRITE => if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_CNT = 0 and s_WB_STB = '0') then --underflow of RX_cyc_wr_count
s_state_RX <= CYC_HDR_READ_PROC;
end if;
......@@ -511,7 +525,7 @@ begin
end if;
when WB_READ => if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.RD_CNT = 0) then
when WB_READ => if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.RD_CNT = 0 and s_WB_STB = '0') then
s_state_RX <= CYC_DONE;
end if;
......@@ -657,7 +671,7 @@ begin
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '0';
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '0';
s_WB_WE <= '0';
s_WB_STB <= '0';
s_EB_TX_STB <= '0';
......@@ -674,20 +688,20 @@ begin
when EB_HDR_REC => s_EB_packet_length <= unsigned(byte_count_rx_i)-8;
s_EB_RX_HDR <= to_EB_HDR(s_fifo_rx_q);
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '1';
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '1';
when EB_HDR_PROC => TX_silent_o <= s_EB_RX_HDR.NO_RESPONSE;
when EB_HDR_PROBE_ID => PROBE_ID <= s_fifo_rx_q;
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '1';
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '1';
when EB_HDR_PROBE_RDY => null;
when CYC_HDR_REC => s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE <= TO_EB_CYC(s_fifo_rx_q);
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '1';
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '1';
when CYC_HDR_WRITE_PROC => if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_CNT > 0) then
......@@ -697,7 +711,7 @@ begin
when CYC_HDR_WRITE_GET_ADR => s_WB_addr_cnt <= unsigned(s_fifo_rx_q);
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '1'; -- only stall RX if we got an adress, otherwise continue listening
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '1'; -- only stall RX if we got an adress, otherwise continue listening
when WB_WRITE_RDY => if(s_state_TX = RDY) then
......@@ -711,32 +725,32 @@ begin
end if;
end if;
when WB_WRITE => if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_CNT > 0 ) then --underflow of RX_cyc_wr_count
s_WB_ADR <= std_logic_vector(s_WB_addr_cnt);
s_WB_WE <= '1';
-- case 1: elements 0 -> n-2
-- case 2: n-1
-- done to prevent buffer underrun
when WB_WRITE =>
s_WB_STB <= (not s_fifo_rx_empty and active_high(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_CNT > 0)) or (s_WB_STB and s_WB_master_i.STALL);
s_WB_ADR <= std_logic_vector(s_WB_addr_cnt);
s_WB_WE <= '1';
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '0';
if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_CNT > 0) then --underflow of RX_cyc_wr_count
if (s_fifo_rx_empty = '0' and (s_WB_master_i.STALL = '0' or s_WB_STB = '0')) then
end if;
if(s_WB_master_i.STALL = '0' and s_WB_STB = '1') then
if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_FIFO = '0') then
s_WB_addr_cnt <= s_WB_addr_cnt + 4;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if(s_fifo_rx_am_empty = '0') then
s_WB_STB <= '1';
if(s_WB_master_i.STALL = '0') then
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '1';
if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.WR_FIFO = '0') then
s_WB_addr_cnt <= s_WB_addr_cnt + 4;
end if;
end if;
elsif(s_fifo_rx_empty = '0' AND (s_EB_RX_byte_cnt = s_EB_packet_length)) then
s_WB_STB <= '1';
if(s_WB_master_i.STALL = '0') then
end if;
end if;
end if;
when CYC_HDR_READ_PROC => if(s_state_TX = RDY) then
--are there reads to do?
......@@ -751,7 +765,7 @@ begin
when CYC_HDR_READ_GET_ADR => --wait for ready from tx output
s_EB_TX_base_wr_adr <= s_fifo_rx_q;
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '1';
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '1';
......@@ -760,31 +774,21 @@ begin
end if;
when WB_READ => if(((s_state_TX = DATA_SEND) OR (s_EB_RX_HDR.NO_RESPONSE = '1')) AND (s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.RD_CNT > 0)) then
s_WB_ADR <= s_fifo_rx_q;
--only go down to almost empty to keep pipeline filled
if((s_fifo_rx_am_empty = '0') ) then
if(s_fifo_tx_am_full = '0') then
s_WB_STB <= '1';
if(s_WB_master_i.STALL = '0') then
s_fifo_rx_rd <= '1';
end if;
end if;
--if these are the last bytes of the packet, empty pipeline.
if(s_fifo_rx_empty = '0' AND (s_EB_RX_byte_cnt = s_EB_packet_length)) then
if(s_fifo_tx_am_full = '0') then
s_WB_STB <= '1';
if(s_WB_master_i.STALL = '0') then
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when WB_READ => if((s_state_TX = DATA_SEND) or (s_EB_RX_HDR.NO_RESPONSE = '1')) then
s_WB_ADR <= s_fifo_rx_q;
s_WB_STB <= not s_fifo_tx_am_full and( (not s_fifo_rx_empty and active_high(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.RD_CNT > 0)) or (s_WB_STB and s_WB_master_i.STALL));
s_fifo_rx_pop <= '0';
if(s_EB_RX_CUR_CYCLE.RD_CNT > 0) then --underflow of RX_cyc_wr_count
if (s_fifo_rx_empty = '0' and s_fifo_tx_am_full = '0' and (s_WB_master_i.STALL = '0' or s_WB_STB = '0')) then
end if;
end if;
end if;
when CYC_DONE => if(a_WB_ACK_cnt = 0 AND s_fifo_tx_we = '0') then
--keep cycle line high if no drop requested
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ eb_if : process (clk_i)
my_ip <= c_my_default_ip;
my_mac <= c_my_default_mac;
my_port <= c_my_default_port;
p_auto_cfg <= (others => '0');
p_auto_cfg <= x"0000000000300000";
eb_slave_o.ACK <= eb_slave_i.CYC AND eb_slave_i.STB;
......@@ -77,6 +77,5 @@ begin
dummy_slave_in <= (cyc => '0', stb => '0', adr => (others => '0'), sel => (others => '0'), we => '0', dat => (others => '0'));
end wrapper;
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