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Wesley W. Terpstra authored89f643d9
slave.c 12.31 KiB
/** @file slave.c
* @brief Process (and reply to) an Etherbone request.
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH
* Processing of read/write operations is deffered to glue/readwrite.c.
* Unlink a hardware implementation, responses to writes are not padded.
* @author Wesley W. Terpstra <>
* @bug None!
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
#include <string.h>
#include "../transport/transport.h"
#include "../glue/socket.h"
#include "../glue/device.h"
#include "../glue/widths.h"
#include "../memory/memory.h"
#include "bigendian.h"
#include "format.h"
static inline eb_data_t EB_LOAD(uint8_t* rptr, int alignment) {
switch (alignment) {
case 2: return be16toh(*(uint16_t*)rptr);
case 4: return be32toh(*(uint32_t*)rptr);
case 8: return be64toh(*(uint64_t*)rptr);
return 0; /* unreachable */
static inline void EB_sWRITE(uint8_t* wptr, eb_data_t val, int alignment) {
switch (alignment) {
case 2: *(uint16_t*)wptr = htobe16(val); break;
case 4: *(uint32_t*)wptr = htobe32(val); break;
case 8: *(uint64_t*)wptr = htobe64(val); break;
/* Find the offset */
static uint8_t eb_log2_table[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 3, 6, 5 };
static inline uint8_t eb_log2(uint8_t x) { return eb_log2_table[(uint8_t)(x * 0x17) >> 5]; }
void eb_device_slave(eb_socket_t socketp, eb_transport_t transportp, eb_device_t devicep) {
struct eb_socket* socket;
struct eb_transport* transport;
struct eb_device* device;
struct eb_link* link;
eb_link_t linkp;
int len, keep;
uint8_t buffer[sizeof(eb_max_align_t)*(255+255+1+1)+8]; /* big enough for worst-case record */
uint8_t* wptr, * rptr, * eos;
uint64_t error;
eb_width_t widths, biggest, data, addr;
eb_address_t address_filter_bits;
int alignment, record_alignment, header_alignment, stride, cycle;
int reply, header, passive, active;
transport = EB_TRANSPORT(transportp);
socket = EB_SOCKET(socketp);
if (devicep != EB_NULL) {
device = EB_DEVICE(devicep);
linkp = device->link;
if (linkp == EB_NULL) return; /* Busted link? */
link = EB_LINK(linkp);
widths = device->widths;
header = widths == 0;
passive = device->passive == devicep;
active = !passive;
} else {
linkp = EB_NULL;
link = 0;
widths = 0;
header = 1;
active = 0;
passive = 0;
/* Cases:
* passive device
* needing probe request
* active device
* needing probe response
* transport
* always needs EB header
reply = 0;
len = eb_transports[transport->link_type].poll(transport, link, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (len == 0) return; /* no data ready */
if (len < 2) goto kill; /* EB is always 2 byte aligned */
/* Expect and require an EB header */
if (header) {
/* On a stream, EB header may not be fragmented */
if (buffer[0] != 0x4E || buffer[1] != 0x6F || len < 4) goto kill;
/* Is this a probe? */
if ((buffer[2] & EB_HEADER_PF) != 0) { /* probe flag */
if (len != 8) goto kill; /* > 8: requestor couldn't send data before we respond! */
/* < 8: protocol violation! */
if (active) goto kill; /* active link not probed! */
buffer[2] = 0x12; /* V1 probe response */
buffer[3] = socket->widths; /* passive and transport both use socket widths */
/* Bytes 4-7 are echoed back */
eb_transports[transport->link_type].send(transport, link, buffer, 8);
/* Is this a probe response? */
if ((buffer[2] & EB_HEADER_PR) != 0) { /* probe response */
eb_device_t devp;
struct eb_device* dev;
if (len != 8) goto kill; /* > 8: haven't sent requests, passive should not send data */
/* < 8: protocol violation! */
if (passive) goto kill; /* passive link not responded! */
/* Find device by probe id */
eb_address_t tag;
tag = be32toh(*(uint32_t*)&buffer[4]);
for (devp = socket->first_device; devp != EB_NULL; devp = dev->next) {
dev = EB_DEVICE(devp);
if (((uint32_t)devp) == tag) break;
if (devp == EB_NULL) goto kill;
dev->widths = buffer[3];
/* Neither probe nor response, yet multiple widths? fail */
widths = buffer[3];
if (!eb_width_refined(widths)) goto kill;
/* Unsupported widths? fail */
widths &= socket->widths;
if (!eb_width_possible(widths)) goto kill;
/* Alignment is either 2, 4, or 8. */
data = widths & EB_DATAX;
addr = widths >> 4;
biggest = addr | data;
alignment = 2;
alignment += (biggest >= EB_DATA32)*2;
alignment += (biggest >= EB_DATA64)*4;
record_alignment = 4;
record_alignment += (biggest >= EB_DATA64)*4;
header_alignment = record_alignment;
/* FIFO stride size */
stride = data;
/* Only these bits of incoming addresses are processed */
address_filter_bits = ~(eb_address_t)0;
address_filter_bits >>= (sizeof(eb_address_t) - addr) << 3;
address_filter_bits -= (data-1);
/* Setup the initial pointers */
wptr = &buffer[0];
if (header) wptr += header_alignment;
rptr = wptr;
eos = &buffer[len];
/* Session-limited error shift */
error = 0;
cycle = 1;
/* Below this point, assume no dereferenced pointer is valid */
/* Start processing the payload */
while (rptr <= eos - record_alignment) {
int total, wconfig, wfifo, rconfig, rfifo, bconfig, sel_ok;
eb_address_t bwa, bra, ra;
eb_data_t wv, data_mask;
eb_width_t op_width, op_widths;
uint8_t op_shift, addr_low, bits, bits1;
uint8_t flags = rptr[0];
uint8_t select = rptr[1];
uint8_t wcount = rptr[2];
uint8_t rcount = rptr[3];
rptr += record_alignment;
/* Decode the intended width from the select lines */
/* Step 1. How many bytes shifted are the operations?
* op_shift = position of first set bit
op_shift = eb_log2(select & -select);
/* Step 2. How many ones are there in a row? */
bits = select >> op_shift;
bits1 = (bits>>1)+1;
op_widths = eb_log2(bits1);
op_width = op_widths+1;
/* Step 3. Check that the bitmask is valid */
sel_ok = select != 0 /* select is not 0 */
&& (bits & (bits+1)) == 0 /* One bit set => was an unbroken sequence of bits */
&& (op_width & op_widths) == 0 /* One bit set => operation length was a power of two */
&& (op_shift & op_widths) == 0 /* The operation is aligned to the width */
&& op_width <= data /* The width must be supported by the port */
&& op_shift < data; /* The shift must be supported by the port */
/* Determine the low address bits of the operation */
addr_low = data - (op_shift+op_width); /* Big endian */
/* Create a mask for filtering out the important write data */
data_mask = ~(eb_data_t)0;
data_mask >>= (sizeof(eb_data_t) - op_width) << 3;
/* Is the cycle flag high? */
cycle = flags & EB_RECORD_CYC;
total = wcount;
total += rcount;
total += (wcount>0);
total += (rcount>0);
/* Test if record overflows packet */
while (total*alignment > eos-rptr) {
transport = EB_TRANSPORT(transportp);
if (linkp != EB_NULL) link = EB_LINK(linkp);
/* If not a streaming socket, this is a critical error */
if (eb_transports[transport->link_type].mtu != 0) goto kill;
/* Streaming beyond this point */
if (reply) {
eb_transports[transport->link_type].send(transport, link, buffer, wptr - &buffer[0]);
keep = eos-rptr;
if (rptr != &buffer[0]) memmove(&buffer[0], rptr, keep);
len = eb_transports[transport->link_type].recv(transport, link, buffer+keep, sizeof(buffer)-keep);
if (len <= 0) goto kill;
len += keep;
wptr = rptr = &buffer[0];
eos = rptr + len;
if (wcount > 0) {
wfifo = flags & EB_RECORD_WFF;
wconfig = flags & EB_RECORD_WCA;
bwa = EB_LOAD(rptr, alignment);
rptr += alignment;
if (wconfig) {
/* Our config space uses all bits of the address for WBA */
/* If it ever supports register write access, this would need to change */
} else {
/* Wishbone devices ignore the low address bits and use the select lines */
bwa &= address_filter_bits;
bwa |= addr_low;
while (wcount--) {
wv = EB_LOAD(rptr, alignment);
rptr += alignment;
wv >>= (op_shift<<3);
wv &= data_mask;
if (wconfig) {
if (sel_ok)
eb_socket_write_config(socketp, op_width, bwa, wv);
} else {
if (sel_ok)
eb_socket_write(socketp, op_width, bwa, wv, &error);
error = (error<<1) | 1;
if (wfifo == 0) bwa += stride;
if (rcount > 0) {
reply = 1;
rfifo = flags & EB_RECORD_RFF;
bconfig = flags & EB_RECORD_BCA;
rconfig = flags & EB_RECORD_RCA;
/* Impossible to run out of space; sizeof(request) >= sizeof(reply) */
/* Prepare new header */
memset(wptr, 0, record_alignment);
wptr[0] = cycle |
(bconfig ? EB_RECORD_WCA : 0) |
(rfifo ? EB_RECORD_WFF : 0);
wptr[1] = select;
wptr[2] = rcount;
wptr[3] = 0;
wptr += record_alignment;
bra = EB_LOAD(rptr, alignment);
rptr += alignment;
/* Echo back the base return address */
EB_sWRITE(wptr, bra, alignment);
wptr += alignment;
while (rcount--) {
ra = EB_LOAD(rptr, alignment);
rptr += alignment;
/* Wishbone devices ignore the low address bits and use the select lines */
ra &= address_filter_bits;
ra |= addr_low;
if (rconfig) {
if (sel_ok) {
wv = eb_socket_read_config(socketp, op_width, ra, error);
} else {
wv = 0;
} else {
if (sel_ok) {
wv = eb_socket_read(socketp, op_width, ra, &error);
} else {
wv = 0;
error = (error<<1) | 1;
wv &= data_mask;
wv <<= (op_shift<<3);
EB_sWRITE(wptr, wv, alignment);
wptr += alignment;
/* Reply if needed */
if (reply) {
eb_transports[transport->link_type].send(transport, link, buffer, wptr - &buffer[0]);
/* Is the cycle line still high? */
if (cycle == 0) {
/* Only streaming sockets may keep cycle line high */
if (eb_transports[transport->link_type].mtu != 0) goto kill;
keep = eos-rptr;
if (rptr != &buffer[0]) memmove(&buffer[0], rptr, keep);
len = eb_transports[transport->link_type].recv(transport, link, buffer+keep, sizeof(buffer)-keep);
if (len <= 0) goto kill;
len += keep;
wptr = rptr = &buffer[0];
eos = rptr + len;
goto resume_cycle;
/* Improperly terminated message? */
if (rptr != eos) goto kill;
/* Destroy the connection */
if (devicep == EB_NULL) return;
if (passive) {
} else {
device = EB_DEVICE(devicep);
transport = EB_TRANSPORT(transportp);
link = EB_LINK(linkp);
eb_transports[transport->link_type].disconnect(transport, link);
device->link = EB_NULL;