Wesley W. Terpstra authored0a91a240
etherbone.h 20.44 KiB
/** @file etherbone.h
* @brief The public API of the Etherbone library.
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH
* All Etherbone object types are opaque in this interface.
* Only those methods listed in this header comprise the public interface.
* @author Wesley W. Terpstra <w.terpstra@gsi.de>
* @bug None!
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stdint.h> /* uint32_t ... */
#include <inttypes.h> /* EB_DATA_FMT ... */
/* Symbol visibility definitions */
#ifdef __WIN32
#define EB_PUBLIC __declspec(dllexport)
#define EB_PRIVATE
#define EB_PUBLIC __declspec(dllimport)
#define EB_PRIVATE
#define EB_PUBLIC
#define EB_PRIVATE __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
/* Pointer type -- depends on memory implementation */
#define EB_POINTER(typ) struct typ*
#define EB_NULL 0
#define EB_POINTER(typ) uint16_t
#define EB_NULL ((uint16_t)-1)
/* Opaque structural types */
typedef EB_POINTER(eb_socket) eb_socket_t;
typedef EB_POINTER(eb_device) eb_device_t;
typedef EB_POINTER(eb_cycle) eb_cycle_t;
typedef EB_POINTER(eb_operation) eb_operation_t;
/* Configurable maximum bus width supported */
#if defined(EB_64)
typedef uint64_t eb_address_t;
typedef uint64_t eb_data_t;
#define EB_ADDR_FMT PRIx64
#define EB_DATA_FMT PRIx64
#elif defined(EB_32)
typedef uint32_t eb_address_t;
typedef uint32_t eb_data_t;
#define EB_ADDR_FMT PRIx32
#define EB_DATA_FMT PRIx32
#elif defined(EB_16)
typedef uint16_t eb_address_t;
typedef uint16_t eb_data_t;
#define EB_ADDR_FMT PRIx16
#define EB_DATA_FMT PRIx16
#elif defined(EB_8)
typedef uint8_t eb_address_t;
typedef uint8_t eb_data_t;
#define EB_ADDR_FMT PRIx8
#define EB_DATA_FMT PRIx8
/* The default maximum width is the machine word-size */
typedef uintptr_t eb_address_t;
typedef uintptr_t eb_data_t;
/* Status codes */
typedef int eb_status_t;
#define EB_OK 0
#define EB_FAIL -1
#define EB_ADDRESS -2
#define EB_WIDTH -3
#define EB_OVERFLOW -4
#define EB_BUSY -5
#define EB_TIMEOUT -6
#define EB_OOM -7
/* Bitmasks cannot be enums */
typedef uint8_t eb_width_t;
#define EB_DATA8 0x01
#define EB_DATA16 0x02
#define EB_DATA32 0x04
#define EB_DATA64 0x08
#define EB_DATAX 0x0f
#define EB_ADDR8 0x10
#define EB_ADDR16 0x20
#define EB_ADDR32 0x40
#define EB_ADDR64 0x80
#define EB_ADDRX 0xf0
/* Callback types */
typedef void *eb_user_data_t;
typedef void (*eb_callback_t )(eb_user_data_t, eb_operation_t, eb_status_t);
typedef int eb_descriptor_t;
typedef void (*eb_descriptor_callback_t)(eb_user_data_t, eb_descriptor_t);
/* Handler descriptor */
typedef struct eb_handler {
eb_address_t base;
eb_address_t mask;
eb_user_data_t data;
eb_status_t (*read) (eb_user_data_t, eb_address_t, eb_width_t, eb_data_t*);
eb_status_t (*write)(eb_user_data_t, eb_address_t, eb_width_t, eb_data_t);
} *eb_handler_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* C99 API */
/* Convert status to a human-readable printable string */
const char* eb_status(eb_status_t code);
/* Open an Etherbone socket for communicating with remote devices.
* The port parameter is optional; 0 lets the operating system choose.
* After opening the socket, poll must be hooked into an event loop.
* The addr/port widths apply to virtual slaves on the bus.
* Return codes:
* OK - successfully open the socket port
* FAIL - operating system forbids access
* BUSY - specified port is in use (only possible if port != 0)
* WIDTH - supported_widths were invalid
* OOM - out of memory
eb_status_t eb_socket_open(const char* port,
eb_width_t supported_widths,
eb_socket_t* result);
/* Close the Etherbone socket.
* Any use of the socket after successful close will probably segfault!
* Return codes:
* OK - successfully closed the socket and freed memory
* BUSY - there are open devices on this socket
eb_status_t eb_socket_close(eb_socket_t socket);
/* Poll the Etherbone socket for activity.
* This function must be called regularly to receive incoming packets.
* The caller must first provide the current timestamp using eb_socket_settime.
* Either call poll very often or hook a read listener on its descriptors.
* Return codes:
* OK - poll complete; no further packets to process
* FAIL - socket error (probably closed)
eb_status_t eb_socket_poll(eb_socket_t socket);
/* Update the current timestamp cache (32-bit unsigned seconds since 1970).
* This should be done before calls to poll.
void eb_socket_settime(eb_socket_t socket, uint32_t now);
/* Block until the socket is ready to be polled.
* This function is useful if your program has no event loop of its own.
* If timeout_us == 0, return immediately. If timeout_us == -1, wait forever.
* It returns the time expended while waiting.
* Internally updates eb_socket_settime after call.
int eb_socket_block(eb_socket_t socket, int timeout_us);
/* Access the underlying file descriptors of the Etherbone socket.
* They may be used to watch for read readiness to call eb_socket_poll.
void eb_socket_descriptor(eb_socket_t socket, eb_user_data_t user, eb_descriptor_callback_t cb);
/* Access the next timestamp of the next timeout to expire.
* The caller must first provide the current timestamp using eb_socket_settime.
* When the returned time has been exceeded, poll should be run.
uint32_t eb_socket_timeout(eb_socket_t socket);
/* Add a device to the virtual bus.
* This handler receives all reads and writes to the specified address.
* NOTE: the address range [0x0, 0x7fff) is reserved for internal use.
* Return codes:
* OK - the handler has been installed
* OOM - out of memory
* ADDRESS - the specified address range overlaps an existing device.
eb_status_t eb_socket_attach(eb_socket_t socket, eb_handler_t handler);
/* Detach the device from the virtual bus.
* Return codes:
* OK - the devices has be removed
* ADDRESS - there is no device at the specified address.
eb_status_t eb_socket_detach(eb_socket_t socket, eb_address_t address);
/* Open a remote Etherbone device.
* This resolves the address and performs Etherbone end-point discovery.
* From the mask of proposed bus address widths, one will be selected.
* From the mask of proposed bus port widths, one will be selected.
* The device is probed every 3 seconds, 'attempts' times
* The default port is taken as 0xEBD0.
* Return codes:
* OK - the remote etherbone device is ready
* ADDRESS - the network address could not be parsed
* FAIL - the remote address did not identify itself as etherbone conformant
* WIDTH - could not negotiate an acceptable data bus width
* OOM - out of memory
eb_status_t eb_device_open(eb_socket_t socket,
const char* address,
eb_width_t proposed_widths,
int attempts,
eb_device_t* result);
/* Recover the negotiated data width of the target device.
eb_width_t eb_device_width(eb_device_t device);
/* Close a remote Etherbone device.
* Return codes:
* OK - associated memory has been freed
* BUSY - there are outstanding wishbone cycles on this device
eb_status_t eb_device_close(eb_device_t device);
/* Access the socket backing this device */
eb_socket_t eb_device_socket(eb_device_t device);
/* Flush commands queued on the device out the socket.
void eb_device_flush(eb_device_t device);
/* Begin a wishbone cycle on the remote device.
* Read/write operations within a cycle hold the device locked.
* Read/write operations are executed in the order they are queued.
* Until the cycle is closed and flushed, the operations are not sent.
* If there is insufficient memory to begin a cycle, EB_NULL is returned.
* Your callback is called from either eb_socket_poll or eb_device_flush.
* It receives these arguments: (user_data, operations, status)
* If status != OK, the cycle was never sent to the remote bus.
* If status == OK, the cycle was sent.
* When status == EB_OK, 'operations' report the wishbone ERR flag.
* When status != EB_OK, 'operations' points to the offending operation.
* Status codes:
* OK - operation completed successfully
* ADDRESS - a specified address exceeded device bus address width
* WIDTH - a specified value exceeded device bus port width
* OVERFLOW - too many operations queued for this cycle (wire limit)
* TIMEOUT - remote system never responded to EB request
* FAIL - remote host violated protocol
* OOM - out of memory while queueing operations to the cycle
eb_cycle_t eb_cycle_open(eb_device_t device,
eb_user_data_t user_data,
eb_callback_t cb);
/* End a wishbone cycle.
* This places the complete cycle at end of the device's send queue.
* You will probably want to eb_flush_device soon after calling eb_cycle_close.
void eb_cycle_close(eb_cycle_t cycle);
/* End a wishbone cycle.
* This places the complete cycle at end of the device's send queue.
* You will probably want to eb_flush_device soon after calling eb_cycle_close.
* This method does NOT check individual wishbone operation error status.
void eb_cycle_close_silently(eb_cycle_t cycle);
/* End a wishbone cycle.
* The cycle is discarded, freed, and the callback never invoked.
void eb_cycle_abort(eb_cycle_t cycle);
/* Access the device targetted by this cycle */
eb_device_t eb_cycle_device(eb_cycle_t cycle);
/* Prepare a wishbone read phase.
* The given address is read from the remote device.
* The result is written to the data address.
* If data == 0, the result can still be accessed via eb_operation_data.
void eb_cycle_read(eb_cycle_t cycle,
eb_address_t address,
eb_data_t* data);
void eb_cycle_read_config(eb_cycle_t cycle,
eb_address_t address,
eb_data_t* data);
/* Perform a wishbone write phase.
* The given address is written on the remote device.
void eb_cycle_write(eb_cycle_t cycle,
eb_address_t address,
eb_data_t data);
void eb_cycle_write_config(eb_cycle_t cycle,
eb_address_t address,
eb_data_t data);
/* Convenience function for single-write cycle.
* Can return EB_OOM.
eb_status_t eb_device_read(eb_device_t device,
eb_address_t address,
eb_data_t* data,
eb_user_data_t user,
eb_callback_t cb);
/* Convenience function for single-read cycle.
eb_status_t eb_device_write(eb_device_t device,
eb_address_t address,
eb_data_t data,
eb_user_data_t user,
eb_callback_t cb);
/* Operation result accessors */
/* The next operation in the list. EB_NULL = end-of-list */
EB_PUBLIC eb_operation_t eb_operation_next(eb_operation_t op);
/* Was this operation a read? 1=read, 0=write */
EB_PUBLIC int eb_operation_is_read(eb_operation_t op);
/* Was this operation onthe config space? 1=config, 0=wb-bus */
EB_PUBLIC int eb_operation_is_config(eb_operation_t op);
/* Did this operation have an error? 1=error, 0=success */
EB_PUBLIC int eb_operation_had_error(eb_operation_t op);
/* What was the address of this operation? */
EB_PUBLIC eb_address_t eb_operation_address(eb_operation_t op);
/* What was the read or written value of this operation? */
EB_PUBLIC eb_data_t eb_operation_data(eb_operation_t op);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <vector>
/* C++ API */
namespace etherbone {
/* Copy the types into the namespace */
typedef eb_address_t address_t;
typedef eb_data_t data_t;
typedef eb_status_t status_t;
typedef eb_width_t width_t;
typedef eb_descriptor_t descriptor_t;
class Handler {
virtual status_t read (address_t address, width_t width, data_t* data) = 0;
virtual status_t write(address_t address, width_t width, data_t data) = 0;
class Socket {
status_t open(const char* port = 0, width_t width = EB_DATAX|EB_ADDRX);
status_t close();
/* attach/detach a virtual device */
status_t attach(address_t base, address_t mask, Handler* handler);
status_t detach(address_t address);
status_t poll();
int block(int timeout_us);
/* These can be used to implement your own 'block': */
uint32_t timeout() const;
EB_PUBLIC std::vector<descriptor_t> descriptor() const;
void settime(uint32_t now);
Socket(eb_socket_t sock);
eb_socket_t socket;
friend class Device;
class Device {
status_t open(Socket socket, const char* address, width_t width = EB_ADDRX|EB_DATAX, int attempts = 5);
status_t close();
void flush();
const Socket socket() const;
Socket socket();
width_t width() const;
Device(eb_device_t device);
eb_device_t device;
friend class Cycle;
class Cycle {
// Start a cycle on the target device.
template <typename T>
Cycle(Device device, T* user, void (*cb)(T*, eb_operation_t, eb_status_t));
Cycle(Device device);
~Cycle(); // End of cycle = destructor
void abort();
void silent_finish();
Cycle& read (address_t address, data_t* data = 0);
Cycle& write(address_t address, data_t data);
Cycle& read_config (address_t address, data_t* data = 0);
Cycle& write_config(address_t address, data_t data);
const Device device() const;
Device device();
eb_cycle_t cycle;
/* forbid copy and assignment */
Cycle(const Cycle& o);
Cycle& operator = (const Cycle& o);
class Operation {
bool is_null () const;
/* Only call these if is_null is false */
bool is_read () const;
bool is_config() const;
bool had_error() const;
address_t address() const;
data_t data () const;
const Operation next() const;
Operation next();
Operation(eb_operation_t op);
eb_operation_t operation;
/* Convenience templates to convert member functions into callback type */
template <typename T, void (T::*cb)(Operation, status_t)>
friend void proxy(T* object, eb_operation_t op, eb_status_t status) {
return (object->*cb)(Operation(op), status);
/* C++ Implementation */
inline Socket::Socket(eb_socket_t sock)
: socket(sock) {
inline Socket::Socket()
: socket(EB_NULL) {
inline status_t Socket::open(const char* port, width_t width) {
return eb_socket_open(port, width, &socket);
inline status_t Socket::close() {
status_t out = eb_socket_close(socket);
if (out == EB_OK) socket = EB_NULL;
return out;
/* Proxy */
EB_PUBLIC eb_status_t eb_proxy_read_handler(eb_user_data_t data, eb_address_t address, eb_width_t width, eb_data_t* ptr);
EB_PUBLIC eb_status_t eb_proxy_write_handler(eb_user_data_t data, eb_address_t address, eb_width_t width, eb_data_t value);
inline status_t Socket::attach(address_t base, address_t mask, Handler* handler) {
struct eb_handler h;
h.base = base;
h.mask = mask;
h.data = handler;
h.read = &eb_proxy_read_handler;
h.write = &eb_proxy_write_handler;
return eb_socket_attach(socket, &h);
inline status_t Socket::detach(address_t address) {
return eb_socket_detach(socket, address);
inline status_t Socket::poll() {
return eb_socket_poll(socket);
inline int Socket::block(int timeout_us) {
return eb_socket_block(socket, timeout_us);
inline uint32_t Socket::timeout() const {
return eb_socket_timeout(socket);
inline void Socket::settime(uint32_t now) {
return eb_socket_settime(socket, now);
inline Device::Device(eb_device_t dev)
: device(dev) {
inline Device::Device()
: device(EB_NULL) {
inline status_t Device::open(Socket socket, const char* address, width_t width, int attempts) {
return eb_device_open(socket.socket, address, width, attempts, &device);
inline status_t Device::close() {
status_t out = eb_device_close(device);
if (out == EB_OK) device = EB_NULL;
return out;
inline const Socket Device::socket() const {
return Socket(eb_device_socket(device));
inline Socket Device::socket() {
return Socket(eb_device_socket(device));
inline width_t Device::width() const {
return eb_device_width(device);
inline void Device::flush() {
return eb_device_flush(device);
template <typename T>
inline Cycle::Cycle(Device device, T* user, void (*cb)(T*, eb_operation_t, status_t))
: cycle(eb_cycle_open(device.device, user, reinterpret_cast<eb_callback_t>(cb))) {
inline Cycle::Cycle(Device device)
: cycle(eb_cycle_open(device.device, 0, 0)) {
inline Cycle::~Cycle() {
if (cycle != EB_NULL)
inline void Cycle::abort() {
if (cycle != EB_NULL)
cycle = EB_NULL;
inline void Cycle::silent_finish() {
if (cycle != EB_NULL)
cycle = EB_NULL;
inline Cycle& Cycle::read(address_t address, data_t* data) {
eb_cycle_read(cycle, address, data);
return *this;
inline Cycle& Cycle::write(address_t address, data_t data) {
eb_cycle_write(cycle, address, data);
return *this;
inline Cycle& Cycle::read_config(address_t address, data_t* data) {
eb_cycle_read_config(cycle, address, data);
return *this;
inline Cycle& Cycle::write_config(address_t address, data_t data) {
eb_cycle_write_config(cycle, address, data);
return *this;
inline const Device Cycle::device() const {
return Device(eb_cycle_device(cycle));
inline Device Cycle::device() {
return Device(eb_cycle_device(cycle));
inline Operation::Operation(eb_operation_t op)
: operation(op) {
inline bool Operation::is_null() const {
return operation == EB_NULL;
inline bool Operation::is_read() const {
return eb_operation_is_read(operation);
inline bool Operation::is_config() const {
return eb_operation_is_config(operation);
inline bool Operation::had_error() const {
return eb_operation_had_error(operation);
inline address_t Operation::address() const {
return eb_operation_address(operation);
inline data_t Operation::data() const {
return eb_operation_data(operation);
inline Operation Operation::next() {
return Operation(eb_operation_next(operation));
inline const Operation Operation::next() const {
return Operation(eb_operation_next(operation));