Commit 22e2c73c authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Add proto testbenches for urv.

parent c5d13d4d
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "modelsim"
top_module = "top_sim"
#vcom_opt = "-2008 -mixedsvvh l"
#vlog_opt = "+incdir+../../ip_cores/masterfip-gw/testbench/top_mt +incdir+../../sim"
# create a fake proasic3 library needed by nanofip
#sim_pre_cmd = "vlib ../fake_proasic3; vmap proasic3 ../fake_proasic3"
files = ["../../syn/diot_urv_demo/top_sim.vhdl"]
#include_dirs = [ "../../sim", "../../sim/include", "../../sim/include/wb" ]
modules = {
"local" : ["../../top/diot_urv_demo"] }
vsim -novopt top_sim
log -r *
run 2us
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "modelsim"
top_module = "main"
#vcom_opt = "-2008 -mixedsvvh l"
#vlog_opt = "+incdir+../../ip_cores/masterfip-gw/testbench/top_mt +incdir+../../sim"
# create a fake proasic3 library needed by nanofip
#sim_pre_cmd = "vlib ../fake_proasic3; vmap proasic3 ../fake_proasic3"
files = [""]
#include_dirs = [ "../../sim", "../../sim/include", "../../sim/include/wb" ]
modules = {
"local" : ["../../top/diot_urv_demo"] }
vsim -novopt main
log -r *
run 2us
// Title : Simple DIOT WIC testbench
// Project : Distributed I/O Tier
// File : sim_main.vhd
// Author : Greg Daniluk <>
// Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
// Standard : VHDL
// Description:
// Very first, quick and simple testbench for DIOT WIC gateware. More complete
// testbench to be done.
// Copyright (c) 2018 CERN
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the “License”) (which enables you, at your option,
// to treat this file as licensed under the Apache License 2.0); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software,
// hardware and materials distributed under this License is distributed on an
// or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module main;
reg clk_25m = 0;
always #(20ns) clk_25m <= ~clk_25m;
wire [7:0] wb_dat_in;
wire [7:0] wb_dat_out;
wire [9:0] wb_adr;
wire wb_stb, wclk, wb_we, wb_cyc, wb_ack, wb_rst;
wire nf_var1_acc, nf_var2_acc, nf_var3_acc;
wire nf_var1_rdy, nf_var2_rdy, nf_var3_rdy;
wire nf_nostat, nf_rst;
reg [7:0] nf_address = 8'h01; // Substation data
wire [2:0] nf_p3lgth;
tri1 diag_scl, diag_sda;
wire por;
wire [5:0] leds;
// power-on-reset
reg rstpo_n = 0;
initial begin
repeat(3) @(posedge wclk);
rstpo_n = 1;
assign por = 1'b0;
diot_urv_top DUT (
.clk_25m_i (clk_25m),
.dat_i (wb_dat_in),
.dat_o (wb_dat_out),
.adr_o (wb_adr),
.stb_o (wb_stb),
.we_o (wb_we),
.cyc_o (wb_cyc),
.ack_i (wb_ack),
.rst_o (wb_rst),
.rstin_o (nf_rst),
.nostat_o (nf_nostat),
.var3_acc_o (nf_var3_acc),
.var3_rdy_i (nf_var3_rdy),
.var2_acc_o (nf_var2_acc),
.var2_rdy_i (nf_var2_rdy),
.var1_acc_o (nf_var1_acc),
.var1_rdy_i (nf_var1_rdy),
.p3_lgth_o (nf_p3lgth),
.diag_scl_b (diag_scl),
.diag_sda_b (diag_sda),
nanofip NF(
.c_id_i (4'hc), // Constructor field
.m_id_i (4'ha), // Model field
.p3_lgth_i (nf_p3lgth),
.rate_i (fieldrive.speed),
.subs_i (nf_address), // Station address
.nostat_i (nf_nostat),
.rstin_i (nf_rst),
.rston_o (), // Reset output
.rstpon_i (rstpo_n),// Power-on-reset
.slone_i (1'b0), // Disable standalone mode
.uclk_i (clk_40m), // 40MHz clock
// Signals accessed by variables 1-3
// Wishbone
.dat_o (wb_dat_in),
.dat_i (wb_dat_out),
.adr_i (wb_adr),
.stb_i (wb_stb),
.we_i (wb_we),
.cyc_i (wb_cyc),
.ack_o (wb_ack),
.rst_i (wb_rst),
// Receiver
.fd_rxd_i (fieldrive.fd_rxd),
.fd_txer_i (fieldrive.fd_txer),
.fd_wdgn_i (fieldrive.fd_wdgn),
// Transmitter
.fd_rstn_o (fieldrive.fd_rstn),
.fd_txck_o (fieldrive.fd_txck),
.fd_txd_o (fieldrive.fd_txd),
.r_fcser_o (),
.r_tler_o (),
.u_cacer_o (),
.u_pacer_o (),
// JTAG interface
pentair_fcm2_model sim_FCM2(
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