Commit c5d13d4d authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Add README for diot_urv_top

parent a3d6e281
This is a design with 2 risc-v (urv) cores.
The first one is connected to the nanofip mezzanine, has a little ROM (defined
by sw/fip_urv), a little RAM (not initialized) and several registers.
The purpose of it is to get commands from world-fip, handle them and send a
reply. It also blinks the leds.
The commands are very simple: read/write a word, write a block of words, or set
the leds.
The second urv is connected to the backplane. It has a little instruction RAM
(not initialized) and a little data RAM (also not initialized). The
instruction RAM can be written by the first urv core (so a program can be
downloaded). The reset of this core is driven by a register of the first core.
The cores support neither division nor multiplication. They aren't expected
to support interrupts, exceptions, timers, csr.
Tool fip_urv (in sw/diot-sw/fip_urv) can be used to send commands to the
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