Copyright CERN 2020, Licensed under CERN-OHL-P v2.
This source describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN-OHL-P v2.
This source, containing the design of a face mask, is provided by CERN on an “as-is” basis, without any express of implied warranties of any kind, including of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, compliance with standards or regulatory requirements, or the non-infringement of third party rights in its production, distribution and use.
3D Printing Material Selection
The mask must be printed in a soft material, so we recommend using TPU95A or softer. In the selection of the TPU material choose a good supplier to avoid that you get a filament that is difficult to print due to the imperfections along the filament.
For all the mask parts we used ABS, and if you are careful with the printing settings to reduce the contraction usually observed in ABS most of the ABS filaments used were fit for purpose.
For the mold parts, the printing material selection depends on the cure temperature of the silicone that you want to use. Some filaments like GREENTEC PRO from EXTRUDR allow you to have curing temperatures up to 150-160 degrees Celsius.