Commit 02624633 authored by Dusan Slavinec's avatar Dusan Slavinec

adding pci core files

parent 454bcec9
......@@ -220,10 +220,11 @@ module pci_bridge32
// system error pin
// MSI capability registers
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ capable device
// define the macro below to disable internal retry generation in the wishbone master interface
// used when wb master accesses extremly slow devices.
`define PCI_WB_REV_B3
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use work.genram_pkg.all;
use work.wb_pci_pkg.all;
--use work.wb_pmc_host_bridge_pkg.all;
use work.gencores_pkg.all;
use work.aux_functions_pkg.all;
-- XWB control BAR is mapped to BAR1
-- XWB devices BAR is mapped to BAR2
......@@ -62,7 +63,10 @@ entity wb_pmc_host_bridge is
serr_io : inout std_logic;
-- PCI signals (optional) - interrupts pins
inta_o : out std_logic
inta_o : out std_logic;
debug_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
debug_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end wb_pmc_host_bridge;
......@@ -185,10 +189,14 @@ signal SERR_en : std_logic;
signal ack_prev : std_logic;
signal stb_asserted : std_logic;
signal ack_asserted : std_logic;
signal irq_key_state : std_logic;
signal irq_key_down : std_logic;
signal irq_key_up : std_logic;
-- debug signals
signal irq_button_intx : std_logic;
signal irq_button_msi : std_logic;
......@@ -455,14 +463,75 @@ wbm_dat_in <= wb_dat;
-- Notify the system when the FIFO is non-empty
fifo_full <= int_master_o.cyc and int_master_o.stb;
app_int_sts <= fifo_full and r_int; -- Classic interrupt until FIFO drained
app_msi_req <= fifo_full and not r_fifo_full; -- Edge-triggered MSI
-- app_int_sts <= fifo_full and r_int; -- Classic interrupt until FIFO drained
-- app_msi_req <= fifo_full and not r_fifo_full; -- Edge-triggered MSI
-- IRQ test via buttons
-- FPGA button triggers INTx IRQ
-- CPLD button triggers MSI IRQ on release
intx_irq_btn_debounce : debounce
generic map
( DB_Cnt => 512)
port map(
Reset => not internal_wb_rstn,
Clk => internal_wb_clk,
DB_In => debug_i(0),
DB_Out => irq_button_intx
msi_irq_btn_debounce : debounce
generic map
( DB_Cnt => 512)
port map(
Reset => not internal_wb_rstn,
Clk => internal_wb_clk,
DB_In => debug_i(1),
DB_Out => irq_button_msi
-- rising edge detection for buttons, on button release
p_button_red: process(internal_wb_clk)
variable v_msi_irq_button_reg : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
variable v_msi_irq_button_red : std_logic;
if rising_edge(internal_wb_clk) then
if(internal_wb_rstn = '0') then
v_msi_irq_button_reg := "00";
v_msi_irq_button_red := '0';
v_msi_irq_button_reg := not irq_button_msi & v_msi_irq_button_reg(1);
wb_int_in <= app_int_sts; -- connect generated IRQ signal to PCI core signal
if v_msi_irq_button_reg(0) = '0' and v_msi_irq_button_reg(1)= '1' then
v_msi_irq_button_red := '1';
v_msi_irq_button_red := '0';
end if;
end if;
end if; -- clk
-- trigger MSI IRQ when CPLD button released
app_msi_req <= v_msi_irq_button_red;
end process p_button_red;
-- trigger INTx IRQ when FPGA button pressed and IRQs enabled in CONTROL_REGISTER_HIGH (r_int)
app_int_sts <= not irq_button_intx and r_int;
wb_int_in <= app_int_sts; -- connect generated IRQ signal to PCI core signal
int_master_i.rty <= '0';
wbs_stall <= '0' when wbs_cyc = '0' else not wbs_ack_out;
-- send pending MSI IRQs over WB
-- send pending MSI IRQs over WB
wb_irq_master : process(internal_wb_clk)
if rising_edge(internal_wb_clk) then
......@@ -480,18 +549,22 @@ wbs_stall <= '0' when wbs_cyc = '0' else not wbs_ack_out;
wbs_cyc <= app_msi_req;
wbs_stb <= app_msi_req;
wbs_adr <= msi_address;
wbs_dat_in <= x"0000" & msi_msg_data;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Wishbone Slave Interface !!! Used for posting MSI
wbs_stall <= '0' when wbs_cyc = '0' else not wbs_ack_out;
wbs_adr <= msi_address;
wbs_dat_in <= x"0000" & msi_msg_data;
wbs_sel <= "1111";
wbs_we <= '1';
wbs_rty <= '0';
wbs_bte <= "00";
control : process(internal_wb_clk)
......@@ -521,10 +594,10 @@ wbs_bte <= "00";
wb_dat <= r_error(63 downto 32);
when "00011" => -- Error flag low x0c
wb_dat <= r_error(31 downto 0);
when "00101" => -- Window offset low
when "00101" => -- Window offset low x14
wb_dat(r_addr'range) <= r_addr;
wb_dat(r_addr'right-1 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
when "00111" => -- SDWB address low
when "00111" => -- SDWB address low x1C
wb_dat <= g_sdb_addr;
when "10000" => -- Master FIFO status & flags
wb_dat(31) <= fifo_full;
......@@ -56,7 +56,11 @@ package wb_pmc_host_bridge_pkg is
perr_io : inout std_logic;
serr_io : inout std_logic;
-- PCI signals (optional) - interrupts pins
inta_o : out std_logic
inta_o : out std_logic;
debug_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
debug_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;
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