Commit a3c94bad authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

hdl: minor style and indentation fixes.

parent 5118dc11
......@@ -107,30 +107,30 @@ begin
wmask => "XXXX");
n_state <= state;
end if;
when CLAIM =>
when CLAIM =>
n_state <= state;
snk_o <= (pkt_ready => '1',
ready => '1');
if snk_i.valid = '1' then
-- Data available, store it.
outb_o <= (sel => '1',
adr => std_logic_vector(state.addr),
dat => downto 0) & downto 8) & downto 0) & downto 8),
dat => ( downto 0)
& downto 8)
& downto 0)
& downto 8)),
we => '1',
wmask => "0000");
if(state.is_even = '1') then
if state.is_even = '1' then
outb_o.wmask <= "0011";
outb_o.wmask <= "1100";
end if;
if snk_i.error = '1' then
-- Error (in the packet) or packet dropped by the EP filter
n_state.state <= WAIT_SLOT;
......@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ begin
n_state.payload_size <= to_unsigned(2, 13);
n_state.is_hdr_d <= '0';
n_state.state <= CLAIM;
n_state.is_hdr_d <= snk_i.hdr;
n_state.is_even <= not state.is_even;
......@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ begin
if(snk_i.hdr = '0') then
n_state.payload_size <= state.payload_size + 2;
end if;
if state.is_even = '1' then
n_state.addr <= state.addr;
......@@ -175,7 +174,6 @@ begin
n_state <= state;
end if;
when WRITE_SIZE =>
-- Make the slot ready.
snk_o <= (pkt_ready => '0',
......@@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ begin
outb_o <= (sel => '1',
adr => c_mqueue_addr_command,
dat => (c_mqueue_command_ready => '1',
others => '0'),
others => '0'),
we => '1',
wmask => "1111");
n_state <= (state => WAIT_SLOT,
......@@ -76,37 +76,34 @@ begin
dat => (others => 'X'),
we => 'X',
wmask => "XXXX");
src_o <= (
req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => (others => 'X'),
hdr => 'X',
valid => '0',
last => 'X',
error => 'X');
src_o <= (req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => (others => 'X'),
hdr => 'X',
valid => '0',
last => 'X',
error => 'X');
n_state <= (state => WAIT_SLOT,
addr => (others => 'X'),
pkt_last_addr => (others => 'X'));
n_state <= state;
src_o <= (
req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => (others => 'X'),
hdr => 'X',
valid => '0',
last => 'X',
error => '0');
src_o <= (req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => (others => 'X'),
hdr => 'X',
valid => '0',
last => 'X',
error => '0');
case state.state is
when WAIT_SLOT =>
if inb_stat_i.empty = '0' then
-- A packet can be read and sent. Claim it.
inb_o <= (
sel => '1',
adr => c_mqueue_addr_command,
dat => (c_mqueue_command_claim => '1',
others => '0'),
we => '1',
wmask => "1111");
inb_o <= (sel => '1',
adr => c_mqueue_addr_command,
dat => (c_mqueue_command_claim => '1',
others => '0'),
we => '1',
wmask => "1111");
n_state <= (state => CLAIM,
addr => unsigned(c_mqueue_addr_header_size),
......@@ -132,20 +129,19 @@ begin
--if state.addr = unsigned(c_mqueue_addr_header(12 downto 2)) then
-- Save packet length.
if(src_i.ready = '1') then
n_state.pkt_last_addr <= unsigned("1" & inb_i.dat(10 downto 0) & "00" ) - 4;
if src_i.ready = '1' then
n_state.pkt_last_addr <=
unsigned("1" & inb_i.dat(10 downto 0) & "00" ) - 4;
end if;
src_o <= (
req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => inb_i.dat,
hdr => '1',
valid => '1',
last => '0',
error => '0');
src_o <= (req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => inb_i.dat,
hdr => '1',
valid => '1',
last => '0',
error => '0');
if(src_i.ready = '1')then
if src_i.ready = '1' then
n_state.state <= SEND_PAYLOAD_EVEN;
n_state.addr <= unsigned(c_mqueue_addr_payload);
......@@ -178,13 +174,12 @@ begin
wmask => "XXXX");
-- Send payload word
src_o <= (
req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => x"0000" & inb_i.dat(31 downto 16) ,
hdr => '0',
valid => '1',
last => '0',
error => '0');
src_o <= (req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => x"0000" & inb_i.dat(31 downto 16),
hdr => '0',
valid => '1',
last => '0',
error => '0');
if src_i.ready = '1' then
n_state <= (state => SEND_PAYLOAD_ODD,
......@@ -202,13 +197,12 @@ begin
wmask => "XXXX");
-- Send payload word
src_o <= (
req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => x"0000" & inb_i.dat(15 downto 0) ,
hdr => '0',
valid => '1',
last => payload_last,
error => '0');
src_o <= (req => not inb_stat_i.empty,
data => x"0000" & inb_i.dat(15 downto 0) ,
hdr => '0',
valid => '1',
last => payload_last,
error => '0');
if src_i.ready = '1' then
if payload_last = '1' then
......@@ -229,7 +223,7 @@ begin
end if;
end if;
when DISCARD =>
-- Need to wait one cycle so that empty status is updated.
n_state <= (state => WAIT_SLOT,
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module main;
assign ep2mt.snk_in[0][0] = mt2ep.src_out[0][0];
assign ep2mt.src_in[0][0] = mt2ep.snk_out[0][0];
IVHDWishboneMaster Host ( clk_sys, rst_n );
IMockTurtleIRQ IrqMonitor (`MT_ATTACH_IRQ(DUT));
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