Commit 5118dc11 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: fix building of spec_mt_demo after merging of new MT endpoint interface

parent fc47e0f9
......@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ architecture arch of spec_mt_demo is
cpu_count => 2,
cpu_config => (others =>
(memsize => 8192,
hmq_config => (2, (0 => (7, 3, 2, x"0000_0000"),
1 => (5, 4, 3, x"0000_0000"),
hmq_config => (2, (0 => (7, 3, 2, x"0000_0000", false),
1 => (5, 4, 3, x"0000_0000", false),
others => (c_DUMMY_MT_MQUEUE_SLOT))),
rmq_config => (1, (0 => (7, 2, 2, x"0000_0000"),
rmq_config => (1, (0 => (7, 2, 2, x"0000_0000", false),
others => (c_DUMMY_MT_MQUEUE_SLOT))))),
shared_mem_size => 2048);
......@@ -154,12 +154,6 @@ architecture arch of spec_mt_demo is
signal mt_notify_irq : std_logic;
signal vic_master_irq : std_logic;
signal rmq_ds_o : t_mt_stream_source_out_array2d;
signal rmq_ds_i : t_mt_stream_source_in_array2d;
signal rmq_us_i : t_mt_stream_source_out_array2d;
signal rmq_us_o : t_mt_stream_source_in_array2d;
begin -- architecture arch
......@@ -335,10 +329,6 @@ begin -- architecture arch
dp_master_i => dp_wb_in,
host_slave_i => cnx_slave_in(c_SLAVE_MT),
host_slave_o => cnx_slave_out(c_SLAVE_MT),
rmq_src_o => rmq_ds_o,
rmq_src_i => rmq_ds_i,
rmq_snk_o => rmq_us_o,
rmq_snk_i => rmq_us_i,
hmq_in_irq_o => mt_hmq_in_irq,
hmq_out_irq_o => mt_hmq_out_irq,
notify_irq_o => mt_notify_irq,
......@@ -385,8 +375,4 @@ begin -- architecture arch
fp_led_red_o <= cpu_gpio_out(6);
brd_led_o <= cpu_gpio_out(5 downto 2);
-- RMQ Loopback
rmq_ds_i (0)(0) <= rmq_us_o(0)(0);
rmq_us_i (0)(0) <= rmq_ds_o(0)(0);
end architecture arch;
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