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Projects / Hdlmake
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTool for generating multi-purpose makefiles for FPGA projects.
Main features:
makefile generation for: fetching modules from repositories simulating HDL projects synthesizing HDL projects synthesizing projects remotely (keeping your local resources free) generating multi-vendor project files (no clicking in the IDE!) many other things without involving make and makefilesHdlmake supports modularity, scalability, revision control systems. Hdlmake can be run on any Linux or Windows machine with any HDL More info at the Wiki page
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SAMD21-based monitoring module for DI/OT power supply and fan tray.
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A simple 4-lane PCIe carrier for a low pin count FPGA Mezzanine Card (VITA 57). It supports the White Rabbit timing and control network. Commercially available. Linux and Labview drivers available for some mezzanine cards. More info at the Wiki page
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Idrogen is an Arria10 FPGA board with FMC mezzanine.
PCB design is performed by IJCLab / CNRS-IN2P3. Firmware is developed by Observatoire Radioastronomique de Nançay (ORN) / Observatoire de Paris/ CNRS-INSU
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A simple VME64x carrier for two low pin count FPGA Mezzanine Cards (VITA 57). It has memory and clocking resources and supports the White Rabbit timing and control network. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page
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Projects / VME64x core
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyA VHDL core for a VME64x slave. The other side behaves like a Wishbone master.
More info at the Wiki pageUpdated -
Projects / PPSi
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyA Precise Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE 1588) software stack whose single source code can be compiled for many architectures (POSIX systems, WR switch, WR node, ...) and which is easily extensible.
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A meta project used to discuss and present information about Open Hardware and related subjects. More info at the Wiki page More info about the CERN Open Hardware licence More info about the OHR.org site support
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FmcDIO5chTTLa is a 5-bit port digital IO card in FMC form-factor. Each single-bit port can be configured individually as input or output. The I/Os on LEMO 00 connectors are TTL compatible. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page
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Compact Universal Timing Endpoint Based on White Rabbit with Xilinx Artix7. Follow-up of the CUTE-WR-DP. More info at the Wiki page
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A software suite written in Python to help with production tests of PCBs. AKA PTS.
%(red)This pts-base project is used to re-organise the current pts project In the future this project will replace the existing pts project.
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Programmable attenuator of RF signals with very high voltage range (50mV – 1000 V) for protecting digitizers against damage by high voltage signals. Four channels with SMA connectors; Three attenuation values: 0, -20, -40 dB; Bandwidth: DC – 2 GHz.
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Projects / LHC Instability Trigger Distribution LIST
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyLIST is a trigger distribution system based on White Rabbit. It can receive a trigger from a “cloud” of devices and distribute it to all relevant devices to for example freeze their acquisition buffers. The latency between reception and transmission of a trigger is done with a low and notably fixed latency, with an accuracy of better than 1 ns. The hardware of the LIST nodes is based on the SVEC FMC carrier equipped with a FMC TDC mezzanine and a Fine Delay mezzanine. More info at the Wiki page
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David Cussans / AIDAInnova_TLU-gw
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterFirmware(gateware) for FPGA on AIDA-Innova TLU ( AIDAInnova_TLU )
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Brian Koropoff / Hdlmake
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTool for generating multi-purpose makefiles for FPGA projects.
Main features:
makefile generation for: fetching modules from repositories simulating HDL projects synthesizing HDL projects synthesizing projects remotely (keeping your local resources free) generating multi-vendor project files (no clicking in the IDE!) many other things without involving make and makefilesHdlmake supports modularity, scalability, revision control systems. Hdlmake can be run on any Linux or Windows machine with any HDL More info at the Wiki page
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This project guides new users to start in the White Rabbit “World” with simple experiments. The starting kit uses two SPEC + FMC-DIO cards. Each node allows basic operations such as input timestamping or programmable output pulse generation. Additionally, specific software and gateware layers allow to use it as a standard network interface card implementing the White Rabbit technology functionalities.
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A software framework for Linux device drivers aimed at supporting controls and data acquisition hardware. ZIO supports sub-nanosecond timestamps, block-oriented input and output and transport of meta-data with the data samples. Users can change the buffer type and trigger type associated with a device at run time, and all of devices, triggers and buffers are easily implemented as add-on modules.
The PF_ZIO implementation, currently in beta status, implements a network interface to the ZIO transport, which allows each I/O channel to generate or receive network frames. Applications see the network of devices and can talk with several of them from the same socket. We support SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW.
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LIBSFP is a software library that contains generic functions to access SFP devices via I2C.
More info can be found on this wiki page.
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SDB (Self-describing Bus) allows to enumerate the cores that are live in the current FPGA binary, either from the host computer or from the internal soft-core CPU in the FPGA itself. The project provides the software support and the specification. More info at the Wiki page