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  • FPGA Firmware ( "Gateware" ) for AIDA-2020 TLU and AIDA mini-TLU

    Uses "IPBus Build" ( ipbb )

    Build instructions at Instructions here

  • A software framework for Linux device drivers aimed at supporting controls and data acquisition hardware. ZIO supports sub-nanosecond timestamps, block-oriented input and output and transport of meta-data with the data samples. Users can change the buffer type and trigger type associated with a device at run time, and all of devices, triggers and buffers are easily implemented as add-on modules.

    The PF_ZIO implementation, currently in beta status, implements a network interface to the ZIO transport, which allows each I/O channel to generate or receive network frames. Applications see the network of devices and can talk with several of them from the same socket. We support SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW.

  • SDB (Self-describing Bus) allows to enumerate the cores that are live in the current FPGA binary, either from the host computer or from the internal soft-core CPU in the FPGA itself. The project provides the software support and the specification. More info at the Wiki page

  • On the Open Hardware Repository you can find projects which use soft-cpu (e.g. mock-turtle, white-rabbit-core, wr-switch). This project offers a toolchain that you can use to compile your code for the soft-cpu target (only LM32 for the time being). The project provides only the necessary makefiles to build the toolchain, so it will be necessary to compile the toolchain.
