Commit 05d603c6 authored by Henrique Silva's avatar Henrique Silva

Update compilation instructions

parent 3866c25f
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Go to the repository folder
cd /path/to/repo/
If this is the first time compiling this firmware, run CMake configuration scripts
Run CMake passing the flag `-DBOARD=<board_name>` to configure the compilation scripts to your specific board hardware
cmake .
cmake -DBOARD=<board_name>
You can set your board options in the file `build_cfg/config.cmake`. You can change the Controller, Board name, version and select which modules you want to be included in your compilation.
##Include selected board files
message(STATUS "Selected Board: ${BOARD}")
message(FATAL_ERROR "${BoldRed}Target board was not selected!${ColourReset}")
message(FATAL_ERROR "${BoldRed}Target board was not selected! You must pass the flag -DBOARD=<board_name>${ColourReset}")
#BUG: Regexp will match AFC and AFCK
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