Commit ef74eb64 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

userspace/libwr: massive Lindent pass

This is a completely automatic pass, before we start making order
in this library (note: there is a missing semicolon in pps_gen.c:82
but it will be fixed in a later commit -- the bug is in the macro
being called, so the missing semicolon is ok for the compiler).
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent f2b39316
......@@ -48,32 +48,31 @@ static int is_cpu_pwn = 0;
static int enable_d0 = 0;
static i2c_fpga_reg_t fpga_sensors_bus_master = {
.base_address = FPGA_I2C_ADDRESS,
.prescaler = 500,
.base_address = FPGA_I2C_ADDRESS,
.prescaler = 500,
static struct i2c_bus fpga_sensors_i2c = {
.name = "fpga_sensors",
.type_specific = &fpga_sensors_bus_master,
.name = "fpga_sensors",
.type_specific = &fpga_sensors_bus_master,
#define PI_FRACBITS 8
/* PI regulator state */
typedef struct {
float ki, kp; /* integral and proportional gains (1<<PI_FRACBITS == 1.0f) */
float integrator; /* current integrator value */
float bias; /* DC offset always added to the output */
float ki, kp; /* integral and proportional gains (1<<PI_FRACBITS == 1.0f) */
float integrator; /* current integrator value */
float bias; /* DC offset always added to the output */
int anti_windup; /* when non-zero, anti-windup is enabled */
float y_min; /* min/max output range, used by clapming and antiwindup algorithms */
float y_min; /* min/max output range, used by clapming and antiwindup algorithms */
float y_max;
float x, y; /* Current input (x) and output value (y) */
float x, y; /* Current input (x) and output value (y) */
} pi_controller_t;
static pi_controller_t fan_pi;
//-- Old CPU PWM system (<3.3)
static int pwm_fd;
......@@ -83,13 +82,13 @@ static volatile struct SPWM_WB *spwm_wbr;
static void shw_pwm_update_timeout(int tout_100ms)
TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"Fan tick timeout is =%d",fan_update_timeout);
fan_update_timeout = tout_100ms * 100000;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Fan tick timeout is =%d", fan_update_timeout);
/* Processes a single sample (x) with Proportional Integrator control algorithm (pi). Returns the value (y) to
drive the actuator. */
static inline float pi_update(pi_controller_t *pi, float x)
static inline float pi_update(pi_controller_t * pi, float x)
float i_new, y;
pi->x = x;
......@@ -100,80 +99,79 @@ static inline float pi_update(pi_controller_t *pi, float x)
/* clamping (output has to be in <y_min, y_max>) and anti-windup:
stop the integrator if the output is already out of range and the output
is going further away from y_min/y_max. */
if(y < pi->y_min)
if (y < pi->y_min) {
y = pi->y_min;
if((pi->anti_windup && (i_new > pi->integrator)) || !pi->anti_windup)
if ((pi->anti_windup && (i_new > pi->integrator))
|| !pi->anti_windup)
pi->integrator = i_new;
} else if (y > pi->y_max) {
y = pi->y_max;
if((pi->anti_windup && (i_new < pi->integrator)) || !pi->anti_windup)
pi->integrator = i_new;
} else /* No antiwindup/clamping? */
if ((pi->anti_windup && (i_new < pi->integrator))
|| !pi->anti_windup)
pi->integrator = i_new;
} else /* No antiwindup/clamping? */
pi->integrator = i_new;
pi->y = y;
return y;
/* initializes the PI controller state. Currently almost a stub. */
static inline void pi_init(pi_controller_t *pi)
static inline void pi_init(pi_controller_t * pi)
pi->integrator = 0;
/* Configures a PWM output on gpio pin (pin). Rate accepts range from 0 (0%) to 1000 (100%) */
static void pwm_configure_pin(const pio_pin_t *pin, int enable, int rate)
static void pwm_configure_pin(const pio_pin_t * pin, int enable, int rate)
int index = pin->port * 32 + pin->pin;
if(pin==0) return;
if (pin == 0)
if(enable && !enable_d0)
if (enable && !enable_d0)
ioctl(pwm_fd, AT91_SOFTPWM_ENABLE, index);
else if(!enable && enable_d0)
else if (!enable && enable_d0)
ioctl(pwm_fd, AT91_SOFTPWM_DISABLE, index);
enable_d0 = enable;
ioctl(pwm_fd, AT91_SOFTPWM_SETPOINT, rate);
/* Configures a PWM output on gpio pin (pin). Rate accepts range from 0 (0%) to 1000 (100%) */
static void pwm_configure_fpga(int enmask, float rate)
uint8_t u8speed=(uint8_t)((rate>=1)?0xff:(rate*255.0));
uint8_t u8speed = (uint8_t) ((rate >= 1) ? 0xff : (rate * 255.0));
if((enmask & 0x1)>0) spwm_wbr->DR0=u8speed;
if((enmask & 0x2)>0) spwm_wbr->DR1=u8speed;
if ((enmask & 0x1) > 0)
spwm_wbr->DR0 = u8speed;
if ((enmask & 0x2) > 0)
spwm_wbr->DR1 = u8speed;
/* Configures a PWM output. Rate accepts range is from 0 (0%) to 1 (100%) */
static void shw_pwm_speed(int enmask, float rate)
//TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"%x %f",enmask,rate);
pwm_configure_pin(get_pio_pin(shw_io_box_fan_en), enmask, rate*1000);
if (is_cpu_pwn) {
pwm_configure_pin(get_pio_pin(shw_io_box_fan_en), enmask,
rate * 1000);
} else {
pwm_configure_fpga(enmask, rate);
/* Texas Instruments TMP100 temperature sensor driver */
static uint32_t tmp100_read_reg(int dev_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, int n_bytes)
uint8_t data[8];
uint32_t rv=0, i;
uint32_t rv = 0, i;
data[0] = reg_addr;
i2c_write(&fpga_sensors_i2c, dev_addr, 1, data);
i2c_read(&fpga_sensors_i2c, dev_addr, n_bytes, data);
for(i=0; i<n_bytes;i++)
for (i = 0; i < n_bytes; i++) {
rv <<= 8;
rv |= data[i];
......@@ -181,8 +179,6 @@ static uint32_t tmp100_read_reg(int dev_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, int n_bytes)
return rv;
static void tmp100_write_reg(int dev_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t value)
uint8_t data[2];
......@@ -192,17 +188,17 @@ static void tmp100_write_reg(int dev_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t value)
i2c_write(&fpga_sensors_i2c, dev_addr, 2, data);
static float tmp100_read_temp(int dev_addr)
int temp = tmp100_read_reg(dev_addr, 0, 2);
return ((float) (temp >> 4)) / 16.0;
return ((float)(temp >> 4)) / 16.0;
static int shw_init_i2c_sensors()
if (i2c_init_bus(&fpga_sensors_i2c) < 0) {
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "can't initialize temperature sensors I2C bus.\n");
"can't initialize temperature sensors I2C bus.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -210,20 +206,23 @@ static int shw_init_i2c_sensors()
int shw_init_fans()
uint32_t val=0;
uint32_t val = 0;
//Set the type of PWM
if(shw_get_hw_ver()<330) is_cpu_pwn=1;
else is_cpu_pwn=0;
if (shw_get_hw_ver() < 330)
is_cpu_pwn = 1;
is_cpu_pwn = 0;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Configuring %s PWMs for fans (desired temperature = %.1f degC)...",is_cpu_pwn?"CPU":"FPGA",DESIRED_TEMPERATURE);
"Configuring %s PWMs for fans (desired temperature = %.1f degC)...",
is_cpu_pwn ? "CPU" : "FPGA", DESIRED_TEMPERATURE);
if (is_cpu_pwn) {
pwm_fd = open("/dev/at91_softpwm", O_RDWR);
if(pwm_fd < 0)
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "at91_softpwm driver not installed or device not created.\n");
if (pwm_fd < 0) {
"at91_softpwm driver not installed or device not created.\n");
return -1;
......@@ -232,15 +231,15 @@ int shw_init_fans()
fan_pi.y_min = 200;
fan_pi.bias = 200;
fan_pi.y_max = 800;
} else {
//Point to the corresponding WB direction
spwm_wbr= (volatile struct SPWM_WB *) (FPGA_BASE_ADDR + FPGA_BASE_SPWM);
spwm_wbr =
(volatile struct SPWM_WB *)(FPGA_BASE_ADDR +
//Configure SPWM register the 30~=(62.5MHz÷(8kHz×2^8))−1
val = SPWM_CR_PRESC_W(30) | SPWM_CR_PERIOD_W(255);
spwm_wbr->CR = val; = 1.0; = 4.0;
......@@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ int shw_init_fans()
tmp100_write_reg(FAN_TEMP_SENSOR_ADDR, 1, 0x60); // 12-bit resolution
tmp100_write_reg(FAN_TEMP_SENSOR_ADDR, 1, 0x60); // 12-bit resolution
......@@ -260,7 +259,6 @@ int shw_init_fans()
return 0;
* Reads out the temperature and drives the fan accordingly
* note: This call is done by hal_main.c:hal_update()
......@@ -270,13 +268,12 @@ void shw_update_fans()
static int64_t last_tics = -1;
int64_t cur_tics = shw_get_tics();
if(fan_update_timeout>0 && (last_tics < 0 || (cur_tics - last_tics) > fan_update_timeout))
if (fan_update_timeout > 0
&& (last_tics < 0 || (cur_tics - last_tics) > fan_update_timeout)) {
float t_cur = tmp100_read_temp(FAN_TEMP_SENSOR_ADDR);
float drive = pi_update(&fan_pi, t_cur - DESIRED_TEMPERATURE);
//TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"t=%f,pwm=%f",t_cur , drive);
shw_pwm_speed(0xFF, drive/1000); //enable two and one
shw_pwm_speed(0xFF, drive / 1000); //enable two and one
last_tics = cur_tics;
......@@ -22,25 +22,27 @@ volatile uint8_t *_fpga_base_virt;
/* Initializes the mapping of the Main FPGA to the CPU address space. */
int shw_fpga_mmap_init()
int fd;
int fd;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Initializing FPGA memory mapping.");
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Initializing FPGA memory mapping.");
fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if (fd < 0) {
return -1;
_fpga_base_virt = mmap(NULL, SMC_CS0_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, SMC_CS0_BASE);
fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if (fd < 0) {
return -1;
_fpga_base_virt =
if(_fpga_base_virt == MAP_FAILED) {
return -1;
if (_fpga_base_virt == MAP_FAILED) {
return -1;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "FPGA virtual base = 0x%08x", _fpga_base_virt);
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "FPGA virtual base = 0x%08x", _fpga_base_virt);
return 0;
return 0;
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "hal_exports.h"
#define DEFAULT_TO 200000 /* ms */
#define DEFAULT_TO 200000 /* ms */
static struct minipc_ch *hal_ch;
......@@ -21,56 +21,56 @@ int halexp_lock_cmd(const char *port_name, int command, int priority)
return rval;
int halexp_query_ports(hexp_port_list_t *list)
int halexp_query_ports(hexp_port_list_t * list)
int ret;
ret = minipc_call(hal_ch, DEFAULT_TO, &__rpcdef_query_ports,
list /* return val */);
list /* return val */ );
return ret;
int halexp_get_port_state(hexp_port_state_t *state, const char *port_name)
int halexp_get_port_state(hexp_port_state_t * state, const char *port_name)
int ret;
ret = minipc_call(hal_ch, DEFAULT_TO, &__rpcdef_get_port_state,
state /* retval */, port_name);
state /* retval */ , port_name);
return ret;
int halexp_pps_cmd(int cmd, hexp_pps_params_t *params)
int halexp_pps_cmd(int cmd, hexp_pps_params_t * params)
int ret, rval;
ret = minipc_call(hal_ch, DEFAULT_TO, &__rpcdef_pps_cmd,
&rval, cmd, params);
&rval, cmd, params);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return rval;
int halexp_get_timing_state(hexp_timing_state_t *tstate)
int halexp_get_timing_state(hexp_timing_state_t * tstate)
int ret;
ret = minipc_call(hal_ch, DEFAULT_TO, &__rpcdef_get_timing_state,
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
return 0;
int halexp_client_try_connect(int retries, int timeout)
for(;;) {
hal_ch = minipc_client_create(WRSW_HAL_SERVER_ADDR, MINIPC_FLAG_VERBOSE);
for (;;) {
hal_ch =
if (hal_ch == 0)
return 0;
if (!retries)
return -1;
......@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ int halexp_client_try_connect(int retries, int timeout)
return -1;
int halexp_client_init()
return halexp_client_try_connect(0, 0);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,49 +11,49 @@
#define hwiu_read(reg) \
_fpga_readl(FPGA_BASE_HWIU + offsetof(struct HWIU_WB, reg))
static int hwiu_read_word(uint32_t adr, uint32_t *data)
static int hwiu_read_word(uint32_t adr, uint32_t * data)
uint32_t temp;
int timeout = 0;
uint32_t temp;
int timeout = 0;
temp = HWIU_CR_RD_EN | HWIU_CR_ADR_W(adr);
hwiu_write(CR, temp);
do {
temp = hwiu_read(CR);
} while( temp & HWIU_CR_RD_EN && timeout < HWIU_RD_TIMEOUT );
temp = HWIU_CR_RD_EN | HWIU_CR_ADR_W(adr);
hwiu_write(CR, temp);
do {
temp = hwiu_read(CR);
} while (temp & HWIU_CR_RD_EN && timeout < HWIU_RD_TIMEOUT);
if( timeout == HWIU_RD_TIMEOUT || temp & HWIU_CR_RD_ERR )
return -1;
if (timeout == HWIU_RD_TIMEOUT || temp & HWIU_CR_RD_ERR)
return -1;
*data = hwiu_read(REG_VAL);
return 0;
*data = hwiu_read(REG_VAL);
return 0;
int shw_hwiu_gwver(struct gw_info *info)
uint32_t data[HWIU_INFO_WORDS+1];
struct gw_info *s_data;
int i;
//read first word of info struct
if( hwiu_read_word(HWIU_INFO_START, data) < 0 )
return -1;
s_data = (struct gw_info *)data;
*info = *s_data;
if( info->nwords != HWIU_INFO_WORDS ) {
printf("nwords: sw=%u, hw=%u, ver=%u, data=%x\n", info->nwords, HWIU_INFO_WORDS, info->struct_ver, data[0]);
return -1;
//now read info words
for(i=0; i<info->nwords; ++i) {
if( hwiu_read_word(HWIU_INFO_WORDS_START+i, data+i+1) < 0 )
return -1;
*info = *( (struct gw_info*) data);
return 0;
uint32_t data[HWIU_INFO_WORDS + 1];
struct gw_info *s_data;
int i;
//read first word of info struct
if (hwiu_read_word(HWIU_INFO_START, data) < 0)
return -1;
s_data = (struct gw_info *)data;
*info = *s_data;
if (info->nwords != HWIU_INFO_WORDS) {
printf("nwords: sw=%u, hw=%u, ver=%u, data=%x\n", info->nwords,
HWIU_INFO_WORDS, info->struct_ver, data[0]);
return -1;
//now read info words
for (i = 0; i < info->nwords; ++i) {
if (hwiu_read_word(HWIU_INFO_WORDS_START + i, data + i + 1) < 0)
return -1;
*info = *((struct gw_info *)data);
return 0;
......@@ -23,65 +23,64 @@ int i2c_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus)
return ret;
int32_t i2c_transfer(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data)
int32_t i2c_transfer(struct i2c_bus * bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write,
uint32_t to_read, uint8_t * data)
return bus->transfer(bus, address, to_write, to_read, data);
void i2c_free(struct i2c_bus* bus)
void i2c_free(struct i2c_bus *bus)
if (!bus)
if (!bus)
if (bus->type_specific)
if (bus->type_specific)
int32_t i2c_write(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint8_t* data)
int32_t i2c_write(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write,
uint8_t * data)
//TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"%s (0x%X): 0x%X 2w:%d 2r:%d %d",bus->name,bus,address,to_write,0,data[0]);
return bus->transfer(bus, address, to_write, 0, data);
return bus->transfer(bus, address, to_write, 0, data);
int32_t i2c_read (struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data)
int32_t i2c_read(struct i2c_bus * bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_read,
uint8_t * data)
return bus->transfer(bus, address, 0, to_read, data);
//TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"%s (0x%X): 0x%X 2w:%d 2r:%d %d",bus->name,bus,address,0,to_read,data[0]);
return bus->transfer(bus, address, 0, to_read, data);
//TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"%s (0x%X): 0x%X 2w:%d 2r:%d %d",bus->name,bus,address,0,to_read,data[0]);
int32_t i2c_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint8_t* data)
int32_t i2c_scan(struct i2c_bus * bus, uint8_t * data)
if (!bus)
return I2C_NULL_PARAM;
if (!bus)
return I2C_NULL_PARAM;
// const int devices = 128;
int address;
int address;
const int first_valid_address = 0;
const int last_valid_address = 0x7f;
const int first_valid_address = 0;
const int last_valid_address = 0x7f;
memset((void*)data, 0, 16); //16 bytes * 8 addresses per byte == 128 addresses
memset((void *)data, 0, 16); //16 bytes * 8 addresses per byte == 128 addresses
int found = 0;
int found = 0;
for (address = first_valid_address; address <= last_valid_address; address++)
int res = bus->scan(bus, address);
if (res) //device present
int offset = address >> 3; //choose proper byte
int bit = (1 << (address%8)); //choose proper bit
data[offset] |= bit;
for (address = first_valid_address; address <= last_valid_address;
address++) {
int res = bus->scan(bus, address);
if (res) //device present
int offset = address >> 3; //choose proper byte
int bit = (1 << (address % 8)); //choose proper bit
data[offset] |= bit;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"%s (0x%X): ndev=%d",bus->name,bus,found);
return found;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "%s (0x%X): ndev=%d", bus->name, bus, found);
return found;
......@@ -21,26 +21,27 @@
#define I2C_WRITE 0
#define I2C_READ 1
typedef struct i2c_bus
const char *name;
int type;
void* type_specific;
int32_t (*transfer)(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data);
int32_t (*scan)(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address);
int err;
typedef struct i2c_bus {
const char *name;
int type;
void *type_specific;
int32_t(*transfer) (struct i2c_bus * bus, uint32_t address,
uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read,
uint8_t * data);
int32_t(*scan) (struct i2c_bus * bus, uint32_t address);
int err;
} i2c_bus_t;
int i2c_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus);
int32_t i2c_transfer(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data);
int32_t i2c_transfer(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write,
uint32_t to_read, uint8_t * data);
int32_t i2c_write(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint8_t* data);
int32_t i2c_read (struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data);
int32_t i2c_write(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write,
uint8_t * data);
int32_t i2c_read(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_read,
uint8_t * data);
int32_t i2c_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint8_t* data);
#endif //I2C_H
int32_t i2c_scan(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint8_t * data);
#endif //I2C_H
......@@ -10,20 +10,21 @@
#include <libwr/trace.h>
static int32_t i2c_bitbang_transfer(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data);
static int32_t i2c_bitbang_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address);
static int32_t i2c_bitbang_transfer(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read,
uint8_t * data);
static int32_t i2c_bitbang_scan(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address);
int i2c_bitbang_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus)
struct i2c_bitbang *priv;
if (!bus && !bus->type_specific && bus->type != I2C_TYPE_BITBANG)
return -1;
priv = (struct i2c_bitbang *)bus->type_specific;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"init: %s (0x%x) ",bus->name,bus);
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "init: %s (0x%x) ", bus->name, bus);
shw_pio_setdir(priv->scl, 0);
......@@ -40,16 +41,16 @@ int i2c_bitbang_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus)
#define I2C_DELAY 4
static void mi2c_pin_out(pio_pin_t* pin, int state)
static void mi2c_pin_out(pio_pin_t * pin, int state)
shw_pio_setdir(pin, state ? 0 : 1);
shw_pio_setdir(pin, state ? 0 : 1);
static void mi2c_start(struct i2c_bitbang* bus)
static void mi2c_start(struct i2c_bitbang *bus)
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, 0);
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, 0);
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
/* not used right now
......@@ -62,53 +63,48 @@ static void mi2c_restart(struct i2c_bitbang* bus)
static void mi2c_stop(struct i2c_bitbang* bus)
static void mi2c_stop(struct i2c_bitbang *bus)
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, 0);
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1);
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, 1);
static int mi2c_write_byte(struct i2c_bitbang* bus, uint8_t data)
static int mi2c_write_byte(struct i2c_bitbang *bus, uint8_t data)
int ack = 0;
int b;
int ack = 0;
int b;
for (b = 0; b < 8; b++)
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, data & 0x80); //set MSB to SDA
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1); //toggle clock
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
data <<= 1;
for (b = 0; b < 8; b++) {
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, data & 0x80); //set MSB to SDA
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1); //toggle clock
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
data <<= 1;
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, 1); //go high
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1); //toggle clock
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, 1); //go high
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1); //toggle clock
shw_pio_setdir(bus->sda, PIO_IN); //let SDA float
ack = shw_pio_get(bus->sda);
shw_pio_setdir(bus->sda, PIO_IN); //let SDA float
ack = shw_pio_get(bus->sda);
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
// shw_pio_setdir(bus->sda, PIO_OUT_1); //turn on output
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
// shw_pio_setdir(bus->sda, PIO_OUT_1); //turn on output
return (ack == 0) ? 1: 0;
return (ack == 0) ? 1 : 0;
static uint8_t mi2c_get_byte(struct i2c_bitbang *bus, int ack)
int i;
unsigned char result = 0;
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
shw_pio_setdir(bus->sda, PIO_IN); //let SDA float so we can read it
shw_pio_setdir(bus->sda, PIO_IN); //let SDA float so we can read it
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1);
result <<= 1;
if (shw_pio_get(bus->sda))
......@@ -120,7 +116,7 @@ static uint8_t mi2c_get_byte(struct i2c_bitbang *bus, int ack)
mi2c_pin_out(bus->sda, ack ? 0 : 1);
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1); //generate SCL pulse for slave to read ACK/NACK
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 1); //generate SCL pulse for slave to read ACK/NACK
mi2c_pin_out(bus->scl, 0);
return result;
......@@ -137,28 +133,31 @@ static uint8_t mi2c_get_byte(struct i2c_bitbang *bus, int ack)
* \input address chip address on the bus
* \output Return 1 (true) or 0 (false) if the bus has replied correctly
static int32_t i2c_bitbang_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address)
static int32_t i2c_bitbang_scan(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address)
if (!bus)
return I2C_NULL_PARAM;
uint8_t state;
struct i2c_bitbang* ts = (struct i2c_bitbang*)bus->type_specific;
struct i2c_bitbang *ts = (struct i2c_bitbang *)bus->type_specific;
//Check if we have pull up on the data line of iic bus
shw_pio_setdir(ts->sda, PIO_IN);
if(state!=1) return 0;
state = shw_pio_get(ts->sda);
if (state != 1)
return 0;
//Then write address and check acknowledge
state = mi2c_write_byte(ts, (address << 1) | 0);
return state ? 1: 0;
return state ? 1 : 0;
static int i2c_bitbang_transfer(i2c_bus_t* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data)
static int i2c_bitbang_transfer(i2c_bus_t * bus, uint32_t address,
uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read,
uint8_t * data)
if (!bus)
return I2C_NULL_PARAM;
......@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ static int i2c_bitbang_transfer(i2c_bus_t* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_wr
//TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"%s (0x%x) @ 0x%x: w=%d/r=%d; cmd=%d d=%d (0b%s)",bus->name,bus,address,to_write,to_read,data[0],data[1],shw_2binary(data[1]));
struct i2c_bitbang* ts = (struct i2c_bitbang*)bus->type_specific;
struct i2c_bitbang *ts = (struct i2c_bitbang *)bus->type_specific;
int sent = 0;
int rcvd = 0;
......@@ -176,20 +175,16 @@ static int i2c_bitbang_transfer(i2c_bus_t* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_wr
uint32_t i;
if (to_write > 0)
if (to_write > 0) {
ack = mi2c_write_byte(ts, address << 1); //add W bit at the end of address
if (!ack)
ack = mi2c_write_byte(ts, address << 1); //add W bit at the end of address
if (!ack) {
return I2C_DEV_NOT_FOUND; //the device did not ack it's address
return I2C_DEV_NOT_FOUND; //the device did not ack it's address
for (i=0; i < to_write; i++)
ack = mi2c_write_byte(ts, data[i]); //write data
if (!ack)
for (i = 0; i < to_write; i++) {
ack = mi2c_write_byte(ts, data[i]); //write data
if (!ack) {
return I2C_NO_ACK_RCVD;
......@@ -198,26 +193,22 @@ static int i2c_bitbang_transfer(i2c_bus_t* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_wr
if (to_read)
if (to_read) {
ack = mi2c_write_byte(ts, (address << 1) | 1); //add R bit at the end of address
if (!ack)
ack = mi2c_write_byte(ts, (address << 1) | 1); //add R bit at the end of address
if (!ack) {
return I2C_DEV_NOT_FOUND; //the device did not ack it's address
return I2C_DEV_NOT_FOUND; //the device did not ack it's address
uint32_t last_byte = to_read - 1;
for (i=0; i < to_read; i++)
data[i] = mi2c_get_byte(ts, i != last_byte); //read data, ack until the last byte
for (i = 0; i < to_read; i++) {
data[i] = mi2c_get_byte(ts, i != last_byte); //read data, ack until the last byte
return sent+rcvd;
return sent + rcvd;
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
#include "i2c.h"
struct i2c_bitbang {
pio_pin_t* scl;
pio_pin_t* sda;
pio_pin_t *scl;
pio_pin_t *sda;
int udelay;
int timeout;
int i2c_bitbang_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus);
int i2c_bitbang_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus);
#endif //I2C_CPU_BB_H
......@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libwr/util.h> //for shw_udelay();
#include <libwr/util.h> //for shw_udelay();
#include "i2c_fpga_reg.h"
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_transfer(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data);
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t i2c_address);
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_transfer(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read,
uint8_t * data);
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_scan(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t i2c_address);
int i2c_fpga_reg_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus)
......@@ -21,18 +22,21 @@ int i2c_fpga_reg_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus)
return -1;
if (bus->type != I2C_BUS_TYPE_FPGA_REG) {
printf("type doesn't match I2C_BUS_TYPE_FPGA_REG(%d): %d\n", I2C_BUS_TYPE_FPGA_REG, bus->type);
printf("type doesn't match I2C_BUS_TYPE_FPGA_REG(%d): %d\n",
I2C_BUS_TYPE_FPGA_REG, bus->type);
return -1;
priv = (i2c_fpga_reg_t *)bus->type_specific;
priv = (i2c_fpga_reg_t *) bus->type_specific;
bus->transfer = i2c_fpga_reg_transfer;
bus->scan = i2c_fpga_reg_scan;
_fpga_writel(priv->base_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CTR, 0);
_fpga_writel(priv->base_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_PREL, priv->prescaler & 0xFF);
_fpga_writel(priv->base_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_PREH, priv->prescaler >> 8);
_fpga_writel(priv->base_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_PREL,
priv->prescaler & 0xFF);
_fpga_writel(priv->base_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_PREH,
priv->prescaler >> 8);
_fpga_writel(priv->base_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CTR, CTR_EN);
if (!(_fpga_readl(priv->base_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CTR) & CTR_EN)) {
......@@ -45,30 +49,30 @@ int i2c_fpga_reg_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus)
static void mi2c_sel_if(uint32_t fpga_address, int num, int use)
if (use) {//assign i2c i/f to i2c master
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_IFS, IFS_BUSY | (num & 0x0F));
else { //release i2c i/f
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_IFS, 0);
if (use) { //assign i2c i/f to i2c master
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_IFS,
IFS_BUSY | (num & 0x0F));
} else { //release i2c i/f
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_IFS, 0);
static void mi2c_wait_busy(uint32_t fpga_address)
while (_fpga_readl(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_SR) & SR_TIP); //read from status register transfer in progress flag
while (_fpga_readl(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_SR) & SR_TIP) ; //read from status register transfer in progress flag
//@return: 1 - ACK, 0 - NAK
static int mi2c_start(uint32_t fpga_address, uint32_t i2c_address, uint32_t mode)
static int mi2c_start(uint32_t fpga_address, uint32_t i2c_address,
uint32_t mode)
i2c_address = (i2c_address << 1) & 0xFF;
if (mode == I2C_READ)
i2c_address |= 1;
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_TXR, i2c_address); //set address
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_TXR, i2c_address); //set address
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CR, CR_STA | CR_WR); //write to control register start write
mi2c_wait_busy(fpga_address); //wait till transfer is completed
mi2c_wait_busy(fpga_address); //wait till transfer is completed
uint32_t result = _fpga_readl(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_SR);
// printf("addr = %02x, result = %02x\n", i2c_address>>1, result);
......@@ -76,17 +80,16 @@ static int mi2c_start(uint32_t fpga_address, uint32_t i2c_address, uint32_t mode
return (result & SR_RXACK) ? 0 : 1;
//0 - nak, 1 - ack
static int mi2c_write_byte(uint32_t fpga_address, uint8_t data, uint32_t last)
uint32_t cmd = CR_WR;
if (last)
cmd |= CR_STO; //if it's last byte issue stop condition after sending byte
cmd |= CR_STO; //if it's last byte issue stop condition after sending byte
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_TXR, data); //write into txd register the byte
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CR, cmd); //write command
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CR, cmd); //write command
......@@ -98,16 +101,15 @@ static int mi2c_read_byte(uint32_t fpga_address, uint32_t last)
uint32_t cmd = CR_RD;
if (last)
cmd |= CR_STO | CR_ACK; //CR_ACK means DO NOT SEND ACK
cmd |= CR_STO | CR_ACK; //CR_ACK means DO NOT SEND ACK
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CR, cmd);
return _fpga_readl(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_RXR); //read byte from rx register
return _fpga_readl(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_RXR); //read byte from rx register
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t i2c_address)
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_scan(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t i2c_address)
if (!bus)
return I2C_NULL_PARAM;
......@@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t i2c_address)
if (bus->type != I2C_BUS_TYPE_FPGA_REG)
i2c_fpga_reg_t* ts = (i2c_fpga_reg_t*)bus->type_specific;
i2c_fpga_reg_t *ts = (i2c_fpga_reg_t *) bus->type_specific;
uint32_t fpga_address = ts->base_address;
//set the i2c i/f num
......@@ -129,22 +131,24 @@ static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t i2c_address)
_fpga_writel(fpga_address + FPGA_I2C_REG_CR, CR_STO | CR_WR);
//printf("address: %02X has a device\n", i2c_address);
mi2c_sel_if(fpga_address, ts->if_num, 0); //detach I2C master from I2C i/f
mi2c_sel_if(fpga_address, ts->if_num, 0); //detach I2C master from I2C i/f
return 1;
mi2c_sel_if(fpga_address, ts->if_num, 0); //detach I2C master from I2C i/f
mi2c_sel_if(fpga_address, ts->if_num, 0); //detach I2C master from I2C i/f
return 0;
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_transfer(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t i2c_address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data)
static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_transfer(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t i2c_address,
uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read,
uint8_t * data)
if (!bus)
return I2C_NULL_PARAM;
if (bus->type != I2C_BUS_TYPE_FPGA_REG)
i2c_fpga_reg_t* ts = (i2c_fpga_reg_t*)bus->type_specific;
i2c_fpga_reg_t *ts = (i2c_fpga_reg_t *) bus->type_specific;
uint32_t fpga_address = ts->base_address;
int ack = 0;
......@@ -156,12 +160,12 @@ static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_transfer(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t i2c_address,
if (to_write) {
ack = mi2c_start(fpga_address, i2c_address, I2C_WRITE);
if (!ack) { //NAK
if (!ack) { //NAK
mi2c_sel_if(fpga_address, ts->if_num, 0);
int last = to_write-1;
int last = to_write - 1;
for (b = 0; b < to_write; b++) {
ack = mi2c_write_byte(fpga_address, data[b], b == last);
if (!ack) {
......@@ -174,14 +178,13 @@ static int32_t i2c_fpga_reg_transfer(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t i2c_address,
if (to_read) {
ack = mi2c_start(fpga_address, i2c_address, I2C_READ);
if (!ack) { //NAK
if (!ack) { //NAK
mi2c_sel_if(fpga_address, ts->if_num, 0);
int last = to_read-1;
for (b = 0; b < to_read; b++)
int last = to_read - 1;
for (b = 0; b < to_read; b++) {
data[b] = mi2c_read_byte(fpga_address, b == last);
......@@ -33,13 +33,12 @@
#define FPGA_I2C1_IFNUM 1
typedef struct
uint32_t base_address;
uint32_t if_num;
uint32_t prescaler;
typedef struct {
uint32_t base_address;
uint32_t if_num;
uint32_t prescaler;
} i2c_fpga_reg_t;
int i2c_fpga_reg_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus);
int i2c_fpga_reg_init_bus(struct i2c_bus *bus);
#endif //I2C_FPGA_REG_H
......@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
#define I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR 0x20
//Connected to miniBP to PB6>PB4>PB24
pio_pin_t wr_i2c_io_sda = {
.port = PIOB,
.pin = 24,
.mode = PIO_MODE_GPIO, //PullUp by i2c when miniBP >v3.3, PullDown in miniBP v3.2
.mode = PIO_MODE_GPIO, //PullUp by i2c when miniBP >v3.3, PullDown in miniBP v3.2
.dir = PIO_OUT_0,
//Connected to miniBP to PB7>PB0>PB20
pio_pin_t wr_i2c_io_scl = {
.port = PIOB,
......@@ -53,78 +53,73 @@ pio_pin_t wr_i2c_io_scl = {
.mode = PIO_MODE_GPIO, //PullUp by i2c when miniBP >v3.3, PullDown in miniBP v3.2
.dir = PIO_OUT_0,
struct i2c_bitbang wr_i2c_io_reg = {
.scl = &wr_i2c_io_scl,
.sda = &wr_i2c_io_sda,
struct i2c_bus i2c_io_bus = {
.name = "wr_scb_ver",
.type_specific = &wr_i2c_io_reg,
.err = I2C_NULL_PARAM,
.name = "wr_scb_ver",
.type_specific = &wr_i2c_io_reg,
.err = I2C_NULL_PARAM,
int shw_i2c_io_init(void)
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Initializing IO I2C bus...%s",__TIME__);
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Initializing IO I2C bus...%s", __TIME__);
if (i2c_init_bus(&i2c_io_bus) < 0) {
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR,"init failed: %s",;
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "init failed: %s",;
return -1;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"init: success: %s",;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "init: success: %s",;
return 0;
int shw_i2c_io_scan(uint8_t *dev_map)
int shw_i2c_io_scan(uint8_t * dev_map)
int i;
int detect;
if (i2c_io_bus.err)
return -1;
return -1;
detect = i2c_scan(&i2c_io_bus, dev_map);
detect = i2c_scan(&i2c_io_bus, dev_map);
printf("\ni2c_bus: %s: %d devices\n",, detect);
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (dev_map[i/8] & (1 << (i%8)))
if (dev_map[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8)))
printf("device at: 0x%02X\n", i);
return detect;
int shw_get_hw_ver()
uint8_t ret;
struct i2c_bus *bus= &i2c_io_bus;
struct i2c_bus *bus = &i2c_io_bus;
//Check if i2c module exists (>=3.3)
if(bus && bus->scan(bus,I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR))
if (bus && bus->scan(bus, I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR)) {
//The 0b00001110 bits are used for SCB HW version
ret= wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus,I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR);
switch((ret >> 1) & 0x7)
case 0: return 330;
case 1: return 340; //version is not available
case 2: return 341;
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL,"Unknown HW version (0x%x), check the DIP switch under the SCB",(ret >> 1) & 0x7);
return -1;
ret = wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus, I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR);
switch ((ret >> 1) & 0x7) {
case 0:
return 330;
case 1:
return 340; //version is not available
case 2:
return 341;
"Unknown HW version (0x%x), check the DIP switch under the SCB",
(ret >> 1) & 0x7);
return -1;
} else {
return 320;
......@@ -132,17 +127,17 @@ int shw_get_hw_ver()
uint8_t shw_get_fpga_type()
struct i2c_bus *bus= &i2c_io_bus;
struct i2c_bus *bus = &i2c_io_bus;
if(bus && bus->scan(bus,I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR))
//The 0b00000001 bit is used for FPGA type
if(wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus,I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR) & 0x1)
if (bus && bus->scan(bus, I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR)) {
//The 0b00000001 bit is used for FPGA type
if (wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus, I2C_SCB_VER_ADDR) & 0x1)
return SHW_FPGA_LX240T;
return SHW_FPGA_LX130T;
//HACK: Check if file exists. This enable v3.2 miniBP and v3.3 SCB with LX240T
if(access("/wr/etc/lx240t.conf", F_OK) == 0) return SHW_FPGA_LX240T;
if (access("/wr/etc/lx240t.conf", F_OK) == 0)
return SHW_FPGA_LX240T;
return SHW_FPGA_LX130T;
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "i2c.h"
//address from AT24C01 datasheet (1k, all address lines shorted to the ground)
#define I2C_SFP_ADDRESS 0x50
......@@ -21,9 +20,9 @@
extern struct i2c_bus i2c_io_bus;
int shw_i2c_io_init(void);
int shw_i2c_io_scan(uint8_t *dev_map);
int shw_i2c_io_scan(uint8_t * dev_map);
int shw_get_hw_ver();
uint8_t shw_get_fpga_type();
#endif //I2C_SFP_H
#endif //I2C_SFP_H
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void shw_sfp_gpio_init(void);
* 128 possible addresses. The dev_map is set to a bitmask representing
* which devices are present.
int shw_sfp_bus_scan(int num, uint8_t *dev_map);
int shw_sfp_bus_scan(int num, uint8_t * dev_map);
/* Read a header from a specific port (num = 0..17) */
int shw_sfp_read_header(int num, struct shw_sfp_header *head);
......@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ void shw_sfp_header_dump(struct shw_sfp_header *head);
* @return number of bytes sent+received
int32_t shw_sfp_read(int num, uint32_t addr, int off, int len, uint8_t *buf);
int32_t shw_sfp_write(int num, uint32_t addr, int off, int len, uint8_t *buf);
int32_t shw_sfp_read(int num, uint32_t addr, int off, int len, uint8_t * buf);
int32_t shw_sfp_write(int num, uint32_t addr, int off, int len, uint8_t * buf);
/* Set/get the 4 GPIO's connected to PCA9554's for a particular SFP */
void shw_sfp_gpio_set(int num, uint8_t state);
uint8_t shw_sfp_gpio_get(int num);
#endif //I2C_SFP_H
#endif //I2C_SFP_H
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
int shw_init_fans();
void shw_update_fans();
......@@ -7,5 +7,4 @@
int halexp_client_init();
int halexp_client_try_connect(int retries, int timeout);
#endif /* __LIBWR_HAL_CLIENT_H */
......@@ -8,15 +8,14 @@
struct gw_info {
uint8_t ver_minor, ver_major;
uint8_t nwords;
uint8_t struct_ver;
uint8_t build_no, build_year, build_month, build_day;
uint32_t switch_hdl_hash;
uint32_t general_cores_hash;
uint32_t wr_cores_hash;
} __attribute__((packed));
uint8_t ver_minor, ver_major;
uint8_t nwords;
uint8_t struct_ver;
uint8_t build_no, build_year, build_month, build_day;
uint32_t switch_hdl_hash;
uint32_t general_cores_hash;
uint32_t wr_cores_hash;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
int shw_hwiu_gwver(struct gw_info *info);
......@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
#define _writel(reg, val) *(volatile uint32_t *)(reg) = (val)
#define _readl(reg) (*(volatile uint32_t *)(reg))
typedef struct pio_pin
typedef struct pio_pin {
int port;
int pin;
int mode;
......@@ -46,54 +45,55 @@ typedef struct pio_pin
#define FPGA_PIO_REG_PSR 0xC
extern volatile uint8_t *_sys_base;
extern volatile uint8_t *_pio_base[4][NUM_PIO_BANKS+1];
extern volatile uint8_t *_pio_base[4][NUM_PIO_BANKS + 1];
void shw_pio_configure(const pio_pin_t *pin);
void shw_pio_configure_pins(const pio_pin_t *pins);
void shw_pio_configure(const pio_pin_t * pin);
void shw_pio_configure_pins(const pio_pin_t * pins);
int shw_clock_out_enable(int pck_num, int prescaler, int source);
volatile uint8_t *shw_pio_get_sys_base();
volatile uint8_t *shw_pio_get_port_base(int port);
void shw_set_fp_led(int led, int state);
int shw_pio_mmap_init();
void shw_pio_toggle_pin(pio_pin_t* pin, uint32_t udelay);
void shw_pio_configure(const pio_pin_t *pin);
void shw_pio_toggle_pin(pio_pin_t * pin, uint32_t udelay);
void shw_pio_configure(const pio_pin_t * pin);
static inline void shw_pio_set(const pio_pin_t *pin, int state)
static inline void shw_pio_set(const pio_pin_t * pin, int state)
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_SODR][pin->port], (1<<pin->pin));
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_CODR][pin->port], (1<<pin->pin));
if (state)
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_SODR][pin->port], (1 << pin->pin));
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_CODR][pin->port], (1 << pin->pin));
static inline void shw_pio_set1(const pio_pin_t *pin)
static inline void shw_pio_set1(const pio_pin_t * pin)
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_SODR][pin->port], (1<<pin->pin));
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_SODR][pin->port], (1 << pin->pin));
static inline void shw_pio_set0(const pio_pin_t *pin)
static inline void shw_pio_set0(const pio_pin_t * pin)
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_CODR][pin->port], (1<<pin->pin));
_writel(_pio_base[IDX_REG_CODR][pin->port], (1 << pin->pin));
static inline int shw_pio_get(const pio_pin_t *pin)
static inline int shw_pio_get(const pio_pin_t * pin)
return (_readl(_pio_base[IDX_REG_PDSR][pin->port]) & (1<<pin->pin)) ? 1 : 0;
return (_readl(_pio_base[IDX_REG_PDSR][pin->port]) & (1 << pin->pin)) ?
1 : 0;
static inline int shw_pio_setdir(const pio_pin_t *pin, int dir)
static inline int shw_pio_setdir(const pio_pin_t * pin, int dir)
if(dir == PIO_OUT)
_writel((_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][pin->port] + PIO_OER), (1<<pin->pin));
_writel((_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][pin->port] + PIO_ODR), (1<<pin->pin));
if (dir == PIO_OUT)
_writel((_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][pin->port] + PIO_OER),
(1 << pin->pin));
_writel((_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][pin->port] + PIO_ODR),
(1 << pin->pin));
return 0;
#endif /* __LIBWR_CPU_IO_H */
......@@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ int shw_pps_gen_busy();
int shw_pps_gen_enable_output(int enable);
/* Reads the current time and stores at <seconds,nanoseconds>. */
void shw_pps_gen_read_time(uint64_t *seconds, uint32_t *nanoseconds);
void shw_pps_gen_read_time(uint64_t * seconds, uint32_t * nanoseconds);
#endif /* __LIBWR_PPS_GEN_H */
......@@ -29,14 +29,12 @@
#define IFACE_NAME_LEN 16
#define SLAVE_PRIORITY_0 0
#define SLAVE_PRIORITY_1 1
#define SLAVE_PRIORITY_2 2
#define SLAVE_PRIORITY_3 3
#define SLAVE_PRIORITY_4 4
// Some system-independent definitions
typedef uint8_t mac_addr_t[6];
typedef uint32_t ipv4_addr_t;
......@@ -47,48 +45,46 @@ typedef void *wr_socket_t;
// Socket address for ptp_netif_ functions
typedef struct {
// Network interface name (eth0, ...)
char if_name[IFACE_NAME_LEN];
char if_name[IFACE_NAME_LEN];
// Socket family (RAW ethernet/UDP)
int family;
int family;
// MAC address
mac_addr_t mac;
mac_addr_t mac;
// Destination MASC address, filled by recvfrom() function on interfaces bound to multiple addresses
mac_addr_t mac_dest;
mac_addr_t mac_dest;
// IP address
ipv4_addr_t ip;
ipv4_addr_t ip;
// UDP port
uint16_t port;
uint16_t port;
// RAW ethertype
uint16_t ethertype;
uint16_t ethertype;
// physical port to bind socket to
uint16_t physical_port;
uint16_t physical_port;
} wr_sockaddr_t;
PACKED struct _wr_timestamp {
// Seconds
int64_t sec;
// Seconds
int64_t sec;
// Nanoseconds
int32_t nsec;
// Nanoseconds
int32_t nsec;
// Phase (in picoseconds), linearized for receive timestamps, zero for send timestamps
int32_t phase; // phase(picoseconds)
// Phase (in picoseconds), linearized for receive timestamps, zero for send timestamps
int32_t phase; // phase(picoseconds)
/* Raw time (non-linearized) for debugging purposes */
int32_t raw_phase;
int32_t raw_nsec;
int32_t raw_ahead;
int32_t raw_phase;
int32_t raw_nsec;
int32_t raw_ahead;
// correctness flag: when 0, the timestamp MAY be incorrect (e.g. generated during timebase adjustment)
int correct;
//int cntr_ahead;
//int cntr_ahead;
typedef struct _wr_timestamp wr_timestamp_t;
/* OK. These functions we'll develop along with network card driver. You can write your own UDP-based stubs for testing purposes. */
// Initialization of network interface:
......@@ -99,26 +95,27 @@ int ptpd_netif_init();
// Creates UDP or Ethernet RAW socket (determined by sock_type) bound to bind_addr. If PTPD_FLAG_MULTICAST is set, the socket is
// automatically added to multicast group. User can specify physical_port field to bind the socket to specific switch port only.
wr_socket_t *ptpd_netif_create_socket(int sock_type, int flags, wr_sockaddr_t *bind_addr);
wr_socket_t *ptpd_netif_create_socket(int sock_type, int flags,
wr_sockaddr_t * bind_addr);
// Sends a UDP/RAW packet (data, data_length) to address provided in wr_sockaddr_t.
// For raw frames, mac/ethertype needs to be provided, for UDP - ip/port.
// Every transmitted frame has assigned a tag value, stored at tag parameter. This value is later used
// for recovering the precise transmit timestamp. If user doesn't need it, tag parameter can be left NULL.
int ptpd_netif_sendto(wr_socket_t *sock, wr_sockaddr_t *to, void *data, size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t *tx_ts);
int ptpd_netif_sendto(wr_socket_t * sock, wr_sockaddr_t * to, void *data,
size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t * tx_ts);
// Receives an UDP/RAW packet. Data is written to (data) and length is returned. Maximum buffer length can be specified
// by data_length parameter. Sender information is stored in structure specified in 'from'. All RXed packets are timestamped and the timestamp
// is stored in rx_timestamp (unless it's NULL).
int ptpd_netif_recvfrom(wr_socket_t *sock, wr_sockaddr_t *from, void *data, size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t *rx_timestamp);
int ptpd_netif_recvfrom(wr_socket_t * sock, wr_sockaddr_t * from, void *data,
size_t data_length, wr_timestamp_t * rx_timestamp);
// Closes the socket.
int ptpd_netif_close_socket(wr_socket_t *sock);
int ptpd_netif_poll(wr_socket_t*);
int ptpd_netif_close_socket(wr_socket_t * sock);
int ptpd_netif_poll(wr_socket_t *);
* Function detects external source lock,
......@@ -131,7 +128,9 @@ int ptpd_netif_poll(wr_socket_t*);
/* Timebase adjustment functions - the servo should not call the HAL directly */
int ptpd_netif_adjust_counters(int64_t adjust_sec, int32_t adjust_nsec);
int ptpd_netif_get_dmtd_phase(wr_socket_t *sock, int32_t *phase);
void ptpd_netif_linearize_rx_timestamp(wr_timestamp_t *ts, int32_t dmtd_phase, int cntr_ahead, int transition_point, int clock_period);
int ptpd_netif_get_dmtd_phase(wr_socket_t * sock, int32_t * phase);
void ptpd_netif_linearize_rx_timestamp(wr_timestamp_t * ts, int32_t dmtd_phase,
int cntr_ahead, int transition_point,
int clock_period);
#endif /* __LIBWR_PTPD_NETIF_H */
#endif /* __LIBWR_PTPD_NETIF_H */
......@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ struct shw_sfp_header {
uint8_t date_code[8];
uint8_t reserved[3];
uint8_t cc_ext;
} __attribute__((packed));
} __attribute__ ((packed));
/* Public API */
......@@ -28,76 +28,64 @@
#include <libwr/shw_io.h>
#include <libwr/pio.h>
#define assert_init(proc) { int ret; if((ret = proc) < 0) return ret; }
* List of type of IO.
typedef enum {
SHW_UNDEF=0, //undefined type
SHW_UNDEF = 0, //undefined type
} shw_io_type_t;
* List of ID for the various IO.
typedef enum {
shw_io_reset_n=1, //start at 1 (0 <=> undef)
shw_io_box_fan_en, //(< v3.3)
shw_io_box_fan_tacho, //(< v3.3)
shw_io_fpga_fan_en, //(< v3.3)
shw_io_reset_n = 1, //start at 1 (0 <=> undef)
shw_io_box_fan_en, //(< v3.3)
shw_io_box_fan_tacho, //(< v3.3)
shw_io_fpga_fan_en, //(< v3.3)
shw_io_arm_boot_sel, //(>= v3.2)
shw_io_led_state_g, //(>= v3.3)
shw_io_led_state_o, //(>= v3.3)
shw_io_arm_gen_but, //(>= v3.3)
shw_io_led_state_g, //(>= v3.3)
shw_io_led_state_o, //(>= v3.3)
shw_io_arm_gen_but, //(>= v3.3)
} shw_io_id_t;
* Structure to setup name and ID
typedef struct
uint8_t ID;
uint8_t type;
const char *name;
void *ptr;
typedef struct {
uint8_t ID;
uint8_t type;
const char *name;
void *ptr;
} shw_io_t;
* Parameters to a chip
typedef struct
typedef struct {
void *bus;
uint32_t addr;
uint32_t config;
uint32_t type;
} shw_chip_t;
* Structure to fake an I/O using on a bus
typedef struct
typedef struct {
const shw_chip_t *chip;
uint8_t mask; //Mask of the interesting bit
uint8_t shift; //Shift masking bit
} shw_io_bus_t;
uint8_t mask; //Mask of the interesting bit
uint8_t shift; //Shift masking bit
} shw_io_bus_t;
* Exported structure to use them (Same size as enum)
......@@ -107,15 +95,11 @@ extern const shw_io_t _all_shw_io[];
int shw_io_init();
int shw_io_configure_all();
const shw_io_t* get_shw_io(shw_io_id_t id);
const pio_pin_t* get_pio_pin(shw_io_id_t id);
const shw_io_t *get_shw_io(shw_io_id_t id);
const pio_pin_t *get_pio_pin(shw_io_id_t id);
uint32_t shw_io_read(shw_io_id_t id);
int shw_io_write(shw_io_id_t, uint32_t value);
const char* get_shw_info(const char cmd);
const char *get_shw_info(const char cmd);
#endif /* _LIBWR_SHW_IO_H_ */
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
void trace_log_stderr();
void trace_log_file(const char *filename);
void trace_printf(const char *fname, int lineno, int level, const char *fmt, ...);
void trace_printf(const char *fname, int lineno, int level, const char *fmt,
#endif /* __LIBWR_TRACE_H */
......@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
#include "i2c_sfp.h"
#include <libwr/shw_io.h>
int shw_init()
/* Init input/output (GPIO & CPU I2C) */
......@@ -39,4 +40,3 @@ int shw_exit_fatal()
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "exiting due to fatal error.");
#include "libshw_i2c.h"
int wrswhw_pca9554_configure(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address,uint8_t value)
int wrswhw_pca9554_configure(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value)
//config initial port dir
uint8_t config_outputs[2] = {PCA9554_CMD_DIR_REG, value};
return i2c_transfer(bus, address, sizeof(config_outputs), 0, config_outputs);
//config initial port dir
uint8_t config_outputs[2] = { PCA9554_CMD_DIR_REG, value };
return i2c_transfer(bus, address, sizeof(config_outputs), 0,
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint8_t value)
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value)
//set initial output state
uint8_t set_outputs[2] = {PCA9554_CMD_OUTPUT_REG, value};
return i2c_transfer(bus, address, sizeof(set_outputs), 0, set_outputs);
//set initial output state
uint8_t set_outputs[2] = { PCA9554_CMD_OUTPUT_REG, value };
return i2c_transfer(bus, address, sizeof(set_outputs), 0, set_outputs);
int32_t wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address)
int32_t wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address)
//set read address
uint8_t r = PCA9554_CMD_INPUT_REG;
int result = i2c_transfer(bus, address, 1, 0, &r);
if (result < 0)
return result;
//read one byte
result = i2c_transfer(bus,address, 0, 1, &r);
if (result < 0)
return result;
return r;
//set read address
uint8_t r = PCA9554_CMD_INPUT_REG;
int result = i2c_transfer(bus, address, 1, 0, &r);
if (result < 0)
return result;
//read one byte
result = i2c_transfer(bus, address, 0, 1, &r);
if (result < 0)
return result;
return r;
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_bits(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint8_t value)
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_bits(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value)
int result = wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus, address);
if (result < 0)
return result;
int result = wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus, address);
if (result < 0)
return result;
result |= value; //or input bits
result &= 0xFF; //leave only 8 LSBs
result |= value; //or input bits
result &= 0xFF; //leave only 8 LSBs
return wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(bus, address, result);
return wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(bus, address, result);
int wrswhw_pca9554_clear_output_bits(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint8_t value)
int wrswhw_pca9554_clear_output_bits(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value)
int result = wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus, address);
if (result < 0)
return result;
int result = wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(bus, address);
if (result < 0)
return result;
result &= ~value; //remove bits we don't need
result &= 0xFF; //leave only 8 LSBs
result &= ~value; //remove bits we don't need
result &= 0xFF; //leave only 8 LSBs
return wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(bus, address, result);
return wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(bus, address, result);
......@@ -27,11 +27,15 @@
//initial state for outputs
int wrswhw_pca9554_configure(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address,uint8_t value);
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint8_t value);
int wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address);
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_bits (struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint8_t value);
int wrswhw_pca9554_clear_output_bits(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address, uint8_t value);
int wrswhw_pca9554_configure(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value);
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value);
int wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address);
int wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_bits(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value);
int wrswhw_pca9554_clear_output_bits(struct i2c_bus *bus, uint32_t address,
uint8_t value);
#endif //LIBSHW_I2C_H
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include <libwr/shw_io.h>
#include <libwr/util.h>
volatile uint8_t *_pio_base[4][NUM_PIO_BANKS+1];
volatile uint8_t *_pio_base[4][NUM_PIO_BANKS + 1];
volatile uint8_t *_sys_base;
#define AT91C_BASE_PIOA_RAW 0xFFFFF200
......@@ -26,148 +26,136 @@ volatile uint8_t *_sys_base;
#define AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW 0xFFFFC000
static void pmc_enable_clock(int clock)
_writel(_sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PMC_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW + 0x10, (1<<clock)); // fucking atmel headers
_writel(_sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PMC_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW + 0x10, (1 << clock)); // fucking atmel headers
// printf("ClkStat: %x\n", _readl(_sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PMC_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW + 0x18));
int shw_pio_mmap_init()
int i;
int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
int i;
int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
if (!fd)
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "can't open /dev/mem! (no root?)");
if (!fd) {
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "can't open /dev/mem! (no root?)");
_sys_base = mmap(NULL, 0x4000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, (off_t)AT91C_BASE_SYS);
_sys_base =
(off_t) AT91C_BASE_SYS);
if (_sys_base == NULL)
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "can't mmap CPU GPIO regs");
if (_sys_base == NULL) {
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "can't mmap CPU GPIO regs");
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "AT91_SYS virtual base = 0x%08x", _sys_base);
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "AT91_SYS virtual base = 0x%08x", _sys_base);
pmc_enable_clock(2); /* enable PIO clocks */
pmc_enable_clock(2); /* enable PIO clocks */
// fprintf(stderr,"AT91_SYS mmapped to: 0x%08x\n", _sys_base);
// printf("PIOA offset %08X\n", AT91C_BASE_PIOA_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW);
// printf("Sys base: %08X\n", _sys_base);
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOA] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOA_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOB] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOB_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOC] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOC_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOD] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOD_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOE] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOE_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
_pio_base [IDX_REG_CODR][i] = _pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][i] + PIO_CODR;
_pio_base [IDX_REG_SODR][i] = _pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][i] + PIO_SODR;
_pio_base [IDX_REG_PDSR][i] = _pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][i] + PIO_PDSR;
return 0;
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOA] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOA_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOB] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOB_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOC] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOC_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOD] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOD_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][PIOE] = _sys_base + AT91C_BASE_PIOE_RAW - AT91C_BASE_SYS_RAW; //offset counting from AT91C_BASE_SYS
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
_pio_base[IDX_REG_CODR][i] =
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][i] + PIO_CODR;
_pio_base[IDX_REG_SODR][i] =
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][i] + PIO_SODR;
_pio_base[IDX_REG_PDSR][i] =
_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][i] + PIO_PDSR;
return 0;
extern const pio_pin_t *_all_cpu_gpio_pins[];
extern const pio_pin_t *_all_fpga_gpio_pins[];
extern const pio_pin_t* _all_cpu_gpio_pins[];
extern const pio_pin_t* _all_fpga_gpio_pins[];
void shw_pio_toggle_pin(pio_pin_t* pin, uint32_t udelay)
void shw_pio_toggle_pin(pio_pin_t * pin, uint32_t udelay)
while (1)
shw_pio_set(pin, 0);
shw_pio_set(pin, 1);
while (1) {
shw_pio_set(pin, 0);
shw_pio_set(pin, 1);
void shw_pio_configure(const pio_pin_t *pin)
void shw_pio_configure(const pio_pin_t * pin)
uint32_t mask = (1<<pin->pin);
uint32_t ddr;
volatile uint8_t *base = (_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][pin->port]);
switch (pin->port)
case PIOA:
case PIOB:
case PIOC:
case PIOD:
case PIOE:
// printf("-- configure CPU PIO PIN: P%c.%d base=0x%x\n\n", pin->port-PIOA+'A', pin->pin, base);
_writel(base + PIO_IDR, mask); // disable irq
if (pin->mode & PIO_MODE_PULLUP)
_writel(base + PIO_PUER, mask);// enable pullup
_writel(base + PIO_PUDR, mask); // disable pullup
switch (pin->mode & 0x3)
_writel(base + PIO_PER, mask); // enable gpio mode
_writel(base + PIO_PDR, mask); // disable gpio mode
_writel(base + PIO_ASR, mask); // select peripheral A
_writel(base + PIO_PDR, mask); // disable gpio mode
_writel(base + PIO_BSR, mask); // select peripheral B
if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_1)
_writel(base + PIO_SODR, mask);
_writel(base + PIO_OER, mask); // select output, set it to 1
} else if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_0)
_writel(base + PIO_CODR, mask);
_writel(base + PIO_OER, mask); // select output, set it to 0
} else {
_writel(base + PIO_ODR, mask); // select input
case PIO_FPGA:
ddr = _readl(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_DDR);
if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_1)
_writel(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_SODR, mask);
ddr |= mask;
} else if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_0)
_writel(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_CODR, mask);
ddr |= mask;
} else
ddr &= ~mask;
_writel(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_DDR, ddr);
} //switch
uint32_t mask = (1 << pin->pin);
uint32_t ddr;
volatile uint8_t *base = (_pio_base[IDX_REG_BASE][pin->port]);
switch (pin->port) {
case PIOA:
case PIOB:
case PIOC:
case PIOD:
case PIOE:
// printf("-- configure CPU PIO PIN: P%c.%d base=0x%x\n\n", pin->port-PIOA+'A', pin->pin, base);
_writel(base + PIO_IDR, mask); // disable irq
if (pin->mode & PIO_MODE_PULLUP)
_writel(base + PIO_PUER, mask); // enable pullup
_writel(base + PIO_PUDR, mask); // disable pullup
switch (pin->mode & 0x3) {
_writel(base + PIO_PER, mask); // enable gpio mode
_writel(base + PIO_PDR, mask); // disable gpio mode
_writel(base + PIO_ASR, mask); // select peripheral A
_writel(base + PIO_PDR, mask); // disable gpio mode
_writel(base + PIO_BSR, mask); // select peripheral B
if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_1) {
_writel(base + PIO_SODR, mask);
_writel(base + PIO_OER, mask); // select output, set it to 1
} else if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_0) {
_writel(base + PIO_CODR, mask);
_writel(base + PIO_OER, mask); // select output, set it to 0
} else {
_writel(base + PIO_ODR, mask); // select input
case PIO_FPGA:
ddr = _readl(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_DDR);
if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_1) {
_writel(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_SODR, mask);
ddr |= mask;
} else if (pin->dir == PIO_OUT_0) {
_writel(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_CODR, mask);
ddr |= mask;
} else
ddr &= ~mask;
_writel(base + FPGA_PIO_REG_DDR, ddr);
} //switch
......@@ -30,38 +30,40 @@ int shw_pps_gen_init()
uint32_t cr;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Initializing PPS generator...");
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Initializing PPS generator...");
ppsg_write(CR, cr);
ppsg_write(CR, cr);
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCLO, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCHI, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_NSEC, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCLO, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCHI, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_NSEC, 0);
ppsg_write(CR, cr | PPSG_CR_CNT_SET);
ppsg_write(CR, cr);
ppsg_write(ESCR, 0x6); /* enable PPS output */
return 0;
ppsg_write(CR, cr | PPSG_CR_CNT_SET);
ppsg_write(CR, cr);
ppsg_write(ESCR, 0x6); /* enable PPS output */
return 0;
/* Adjusts the nanosecond (refclk cycle) counter by atomically adding (how_much) cycles. */
int shw_pps_gen_adjust(int counter, int64_t how_much)
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Adjust: counter = %s [%c%lld]",
counter == PPSG_ADJUST_SEC ? "seconds" : "nanoseconds", how_much<0?'-':'+', abs(how_much));
if(counter == PPSG_ADJUST_NSEC)
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCLO, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCHI, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_NSEC, (int32_t) ((int64_t) how_much * 1000LL / (int64_t)REF_CLOCK_PERIOD_PS));
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Adjust: counter = %s [%c%lld]",
counter == PPSG_ADJUST_SEC ? "seconds" : "nanoseconds",
how_much < 0 ? '-' : '+', abs(how_much));
if (counter == PPSG_ADJUST_NSEC) {
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCLO, 0);
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCHI, 0);
(int32_t) ((int64_t) how_much * 1000LL /
(int64_t) REF_CLOCK_PERIOD_PS));
} else {
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCLO, (uint32_t ) (how_much & 0xffffffffLL));
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCHI, (uint32_t ) (how_much >> 32) & 0xff);
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCLO, (uint32_t) (how_much & 0xffffffffLL));
ppsg_write(ADJ_UTCHI, (uint32_t) (how_much >> 32) & 0xff);
ppsg_write(ADJ_NSEC, 0);
ppsg_write(CR, ppsg_read(CR) | PPSG_CR_CNT_ADJ);
ppsg_write(CR, ppsg_read(CR) | PPSG_CR_CNT_ADJ);
return 0;
......@@ -69,32 +71,38 @@ int shw_pps_gen_adjust(int counter, int64_t how_much)
int shw_pps_gen_busy()
uint32_t cr = ppsg_read(CR);
return cr & PPSG_CR_CNT_ADJ ? 0 : 1;
return cr & PPSG_CR_CNT_ADJ ? 0 : 1;
/* Enables/disables PPS output */
int shw_pps_gen_enable_output(int enable)
uint32_t escr = ppsg_read(ESCR);
ppsg_write(ESCR, escr | PPSG_ESCR_PPS_VALID)
ppsg_write(ESCR, escr & ~PPSG_ESCR_PPS_VALID);
uint32_t escr = ppsg_read(ESCR);
if (enable)
ppsg_write(ESCR, escr | PPSG_ESCR_PPS_VALID)
ppsg_write(ESCR, escr & ~PPSG_ESCR_PPS_VALID);
return 0;
return 0;
void shw_pps_gen_read_time(uint64_t *seconds, uint32_t *nanoseconds)
void shw_pps_gen_read_time(uint64_t * seconds, uint32_t * nanoseconds)
uint32_t ns_cnt;
uint64_t sec1, sec2;
do {
sec1 = (uint64_t)ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCLO) | (uint64_t)ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCHI) << 32;
sec1 =
(uint64_t) ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCLO) | (uint64_t)
ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCHI) << 32;
ns_cnt = ppsg_read(CNTR_NSEC);
sec2 = (uint64_t)ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCLO) | (uint64_t)ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCHI) << 32;
} while(sec2 != sec1);
if(seconds) *seconds = sec2;
if(nanoseconds) *nanoseconds = ns_cnt;
sec2 =
(uint64_t) ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCLO) | (uint64_t)
ppsg_read(CNTR_UTCHI) << 32;
} while (sec2 != sec1);
if (seconds)
*seconds = sec2;
if (nanoseconds)
*nanoseconds = ns_cnt;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -42,52 +42,56 @@
all_shw_io[_name].name=#_name; \
all_shw_io[_name].ptr=(void*)PIN_##_name; }
// definitions of commonly IO pins used with through all the versions (static memory)
// reset signal for main FPGA
//const pio_pin_t PIN_main_fpga_nrst[] = {{ PIOA, 5, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT }, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_reset_n[] = {{PIOE, 1, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT_1}, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_box_fan_en[] = {{PIOB, 20, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT_0}, {0}}; //<3.3 (then used for i2c io)
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_box_fan_tacho[] = {{PIOE, 7, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_IN}, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_fpga_fan_en[] = {{PIOB, 24, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT}, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_led_cpu1[] = {{PIOA, 0, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT}, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_led_cpu2[] = {{PIOA, 1, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT}, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_arm_boot_sel[] = {{PIOC, 7, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_IN}, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_arm_gen_but[] = {{PIOE, 9, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_IN}, {0}};
const shw_chip_t I2C_pca9554_ver = {(void*)&i2c_io_bus, 0x20, 0x0F, I2C_CHIP_PCA9554};
const shw_io_bus_t I2C_shw_io_led_state_g[] = { {&I2C_pca9554_ver, (1<<4),4}, {0}};
const shw_io_bus_t I2C_shw_io_led_state_o[] = { {&I2C_pca9554_ver, (1<<5),5}, {0}};
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_reset_n[] =
{ {PIOE, 1, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT_1}, {0} };
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_box_fan_en[] = { {PIOB, 20, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT_0}, {0} }; //<3.3 (then used for i2c io)
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_box_fan_tacho[] =
{ {PIOE, 7, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_IN}, {0} };
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_fpga_fan_en[] =
{ {PIOB, 24, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT}, {0} };
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_led_cpu1[] =
{ {PIOA, 0, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT}, {0} };
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_led_cpu2[] =
{ {PIOA, 1, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_OUT}, {0} };
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_arm_boot_sel[] =
{ {PIOC, 7, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_IN}, {0} };
const pio_pin_t PIN_shw_io_arm_gen_but[] =
{ {PIOE, 9, PIO_MODE_GPIO, PIO_IN}, {0} };
const shw_chip_t I2C_pca9554_ver =
{ (void *)&i2c_io_bus, 0x20, 0x0F, I2C_CHIP_PCA9554 };
const shw_io_bus_t I2C_shw_io_led_state_g[] =
{ {&I2C_pca9554_ver, (1 << 4), 4}, {0} };
const shw_io_bus_t I2C_shw_io_led_state_o[] =
{ {&I2C_pca9554_ver, (1 << 5), 5}, {0} };
//Declaration of the array
const shw_io_t _all_shw_io[NUM_SHW_IO_ID];
int shw_io_init()
int ver;
//Remove const for writing
shw_io_t* all_shw_io=(shw_io_t*)_all_shw_io;
shw_io_t *all_shw_io = (shw_io_t *) _all_shw_io;
//Map CPU's pin into memory space
//then init the i2c (if it was not done)
if (i2c_io_bus.err == I2C_NULL_PARAM)
//then obtain the serial number
ver = shw_get_hw_ver();
//Finally assigned the input/ouput according to version number.
if (ver < 330) {
......@@ -96,19 +100,19 @@ int shw_io_init()
} else {
IOARR_SET_IO(shw_io_led_state_g, SHW_I2C,
IOARR_SET_IO(shw_io_led_state_o, SHW_I2C,
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "version=%d (CPUPWN=%d)",ver, ver<330);
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "version=%d (CPUPWN=%d)", ver, ver < 330);
return 0;
......@@ -116,76 +120,84 @@ int shw_io_configure_all()
int i;
const shw_io_bus_t *iobus;
const shw_io_t* all_io=(shw_io_t*)_all_shw_io;
const shw_io_t* io=(const shw_io_t*)&_all_shw_io[i];
case SHW_I2C:
iobus = (const shw_io_bus_t *)io->ptr;
if(iobus->chip && iobus->chip->type==I2C_CHIP_PCA9554)
//Do nothing for undefined type
TRACE(TRACE_INFO,"Config not implemented for type %d for io #%d",io->type,i); break;
const shw_io_t *all_io = (shw_io_t *) _all_shw_io;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_SHW_IO_ID; i++) {
const shw_io_t *io = (const shw_io_t *)&_all_shw_io[i];
switch (io->type) {
case SHW_I2C:
iobus = (const shw_io_bus_t *)io->ptr;
if (iobus->chip
&& iobus->chip->type == I2C_CHIP_PCA9554)
//Do nothing for undefined type
"Config not implemented for type %d for io #%d",
io->type, i);
return 0;
const pio_pin_t* get_pio_pin(shw_io_id_t id)
const pio_pin_t *get_pio_pin(shw_io_id_t id)
const shw_io_t *wrpin=get_shw_io(id);
if(wrpin && wrpin->type==SHW_CPU_PIO)
return (wrpin)?(const pio_pin_t*)wrpin->ptr:0;
const shw_io_t *wrpin = get_shw_io(id);
if (wrpin && wrpin->type == SHW_CPU_PIO)
return (wrpin) ? (const pio_pin_t *)wrpin->ptr : 0;
return NULL;
const shw_io_t* get_shw_io(shw_io_id_t id)
const shw_io_t *get_shw_io(shw_io_id_t id)
if(0< id && id < NUM_SHW_IO_ID)
if(_all_shw_io[id].ID==id) return &(_all_shw_io[id]);
else TRACE(TRACE_ERROR,"IO %d does not correspond to its ID %s",id,_all_shw_io[id].name);
else TRACE(TRACE_ERROR,"IO %d does not exist",id);
if (0 < id && id < NUM_SHW_IO_ID) {
if (_all_shw_io[id].ID == id)
return &(_all_shw_io[id]);
"IO %d does not correspond to its ID %s", id,
} else
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "IO %d does not exist", id);
return NULL;
uint32_t shw_io_read(shw_io_id_t id)
int32_t i32data;
const shw_io_t* io=&_all_shw_io[id];
const shw_io_t *io = &_all_shw_io[id];
const shw_io_bus_t *iobus;
if(0< id && id < NUM_SHW_IO_ID && io->ID==id && io->ptr)
if (0 < id && id < NUM_SHW_IO_ID && io->ID == id && io->ptr) {
switch (io->type) {
return shw_pio_get((const pio_pin_t*)io->ptr);
return shw_pio_get((const pio_pin_t *)io->ptr);
case SHW_I2C:
iobus = (const shw_io_bus_t *)io->ptr;
if(iobus->chip && iobus->chip->type==I2C_CHIP_PCA9554)
i32data = wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(iobus->chip->bus,iobus->chip->addr);
return ((i32data & iobus->mask) >> iobus->shift);
if (iobus->chip
&& iobus->chip->type == I2C_CHIP_PCA9554) {
i32data =
return ((i32data & iobus->mask) >> iobus->
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR,"IO #%d is undef",id); break;
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "IO #%d is undef", id);
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR,"Unknow type %d for io #%d",io->type,id); break;
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "Unknow type %d for io #%d",
io->type, id);
return 0;
......@@ -194,52 +206,56 @@ uint32_t shw_io_read(shw_io_id_t id)
int shw_io_write(shw_io_id_t id, uint32_t value)
int32_t i32data;
const shw_io_t* io=&_all_shw_io[id];
const shw_io_t *io = &_all_shw_io[id];
const shw_io_bus_t *iobus;
if(0< id && id < NUM_SHW_IO_ID && io->ID==id && io->ptr)
if (0 < id && id < NUM_SHW_IO_ID && io->ID == id && io->ptr) {
switch (io->type) {
shw_pio_set((const pio_pin_t*)io->ptr,value);
shw_pio_set((const pio_pin_t *)io->ptr, value);
return 0;
case SHW_I2C:
iobus = (const shw_io_bus_t *)io->ptr;
if(iobus->chip && iobus->chip->type==I2C_CHIP_PCA9554)
i32data = wrswhw_pca9554_get_input(iobus->chip->bus,iobus->chip->addr);
if (iobus->chip
&& iobus->chip->type == I2C_CHIP_PCA9554) {
i32data =
i32data &= ~iobus->mask;
value <<= iobus->shift;
value &= iobus->mask;
return wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(iobus->chip->bus,iobus->chip->addr,value | i32data);
value &= iobus->mask;
return wrswhw_pca9554_set_output_reg(iobus->
value |
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR,"Pin #%d is undef",id); break;
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "Pin #%d is undef", id);
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR,"Unknow type %d for io #%d",io->type,id); break;
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "Unknow type %d for io #%d",
io->type, id);
return -1;
const char *get_shw_info(const char cmd)
static char str_hwver[10];
int tmp;
switch (cmd) {
case 'p':
tmp = shw_get_hw_ver();
snprintf(str_hwver, 10, "%d.%d", tmp / 100, tmp % 100);
return str_hwver;
case 'f':
return (shw_get_fpga_type()==SHW_FPGA_LX240T)?"LX240T":"LX130T";
return (shw_get_fpga_type() ==
SHW_FPGA_LX240T) ? "LX240T" : "LX130T";
return "";
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#define WBGEN2_SIGN_EXTEND(value, bits) (((value) & (1<<bits) ? ~((1<<(bits))-1): 0 ) | (value))
/* definitions for register: Control Register */
/* definitions for field: Prescaler Ratio in reg: Control Register */
......@@ -70,26 +69,26 @@
/* definitions for register: Channel 7 Drive Register */
/* [0x0]: REG Control Register */
uint32_t CR;
/* [0x4]: REG Status Register */
uint32_t SR;
/* [0x8]: REG Channel 0 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR0;
/* [0xc]: REG Channel 1 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR1;
/* [0x10]: REG Channel 2 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR2;
/* [0x14]: REG Channel 3 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR3;
/* [0x18]: REG Channel 4 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR4;
/* [0x1c]: REG Channel 5 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR5;
/* [0x20]: REG Channel 6 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR6;
/* [0x24]: REG Channel 7 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR7;
/* [0x0]: REG Control Register */
uint32_t CR;
/* [0x4]: REG Status Register */
uint32_t SR;
/* [0x8]: REG Channel 0 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR0;
/* [0xc]: REG Channel 1 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR1;
/* [0x10]: REG Channel 2 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR2;
/* [0x14]: REG Channel 3 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR3;
/* [0x18]: REG Channel 4 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR4;
/* [0x1c]: REG Channel 5 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR5;
/* [0x20]: REG Channel 6 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR6;
/* [0x24]: REG Channel 7 Drive Register */
uint32_t DR7;
......@@ -10,46 +10,52 @@ static int trace_to_stderr = 0;
void trace_log_stderr()
trace_to_stderr = 1;
trace_to_stderr = 1;
void trace_log_file(const char *filename)
trace_file = fopen(filename, "wb");
trace_file = fopen(filename, "wb");
void trace_printf(const char *fname, int lineno, int level, const char *fmt, ...)
void trace_printf(const char *fname, int lineno, int level, const char *fmt,
char linestr[40];
char typestr[10];
va_list vargs;
switch (level)
case TRACE_INFO: strcpy(typestr, "(I)"); break;
case TRACE_ERROR: strcpy(typestr, "(E)"); break;
case TRACE_FATAL: strcpy(typestr, "(!)"); break;
default: strcpy(typestr, "(?)"); break;
snprintf(linestr, 40, "%s [%s:%d]", typestr, fname, lineno);
va_start(vargs, fmt);
fprintf(trace_file, "%-24s ", linestr);
vfprintf(trace_file, fmt, vargs);
char linestr[40];
char typestr[10];
va_list vargs;
switch (level) {
strcpy(typestr, "(I)");
strcpy(typestr, "(E)");
strcpy(typestr, "(!)");
strcpy(typestr, "(?)");
fprintf(stderr, "%-24s ", linestr);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, vargs);
snprintf(linestr, 40, "%s [%s:%d]", typestr, fname, lineno);
va_start(vargs, fmt);
if (trace_file) {
fprintf(trace_file, "%-24s ", linestr);
vfprintf(trace_file, fmt, vargs);
fprintf(trace_file, "\n");
if (trace_to_stderr) {
fprintf(stderr, "%-24s ", linestr);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, vargs);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
......@@ -7,62 +7,58 @@
void shw_udelay(uint32_t microseconds)
uint64_t t_start, t_cur;
struct timeval tv;
uint64_t t_start, t_cur;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
t_start = (uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + (uint64_t)tv.tv_usec;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
t_start = (uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + (uint64_t) tv.tv_usec;
do {
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
t_cur = (uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + (uint64_t)tv.tv_usec;
do {
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
t_cur =
(uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + (uint64_t) tv.tv_usec;
} while(t_cur <= t_start + (uint64_t) microseconds);
} while (t_cur <= t_start + (uint64_t) microseconds);
void *shw_malloc(size_t nbytes)
void *p = malloc(nbytes);
void *p = malloc(nbytes);
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "malloc(%d) failed!", nbytes);
return p;
if (!p) {
TRACE(TRACE_FATAL, "malloc(%d) failed!", nbytes);
return p;
void shw_free(void *ptr)
uint64_t shw_get_tics()
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz={0,0};
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
return (uint64_t)tv.tv_usec + (uint64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000000ULL;
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz = { 0, 0 };
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
return (uint64_t) tv.tv_usec + (uint64_t) tv.tv_sec * 1000000ULL;
* \brief Helper function to quickly display byte into binary code.
* WARNING: this returns static storage
const char *shw_2binary(uint8_t x)
static char b[9];
int z;
char *p=b;
static char b[9];
int z;
char *p = b;
for (z=0x80; z > 0; z >>= 1)
*p++=(((x & z) == z) ? '1' : '0');
for (z = 0x80; z > 0; z >>= 1) {
*p++ = (((x & z) == z) ? '1' : '0');
*p = '\0';
return b;
return b;
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